
Conversation Assist automatically generates a series of reports on the performance of your solution.

List of reports

The reports cover:

  • Agent metrics: Data about agent engagement, such as the percentage of bots and answers used by each agent
  • Bot recommendation metrics: Event data about the bot recommendations that were used: skill ID, bot name, conversation ID, conversation start date-time, etc.
  • Summary metrics for bots: Overall data about each bot: number of conversations where the bot was offered as a recommendation, number of conversations where the bot was used by an agent, the use rate of agents (a percentage), etc.
  • Answer recommendation metrics: Event data about the article recommendations that were used: skill ID, article title, conversation ID, conversation start date-time, etc.
  • Summary metrics for answers: Overall data about each article: number of conversations where the article was offered as a recommendation, number of conversations where the article was used by an agent, the use rate of agents (a percentage), etc.
  • Agent feedback metrics: Data about the bot and answer recommendations for which your agents clicked thumbs up or thumbs down in the Agent Workspace: agent name, conversation ID, whether the recommendation was used, whether and how the answer recommendation was edited before it was sent to the consumer, etc.

While the Home dashboard is great for getting a high-level view of performance, the reports are designed to let you dive deep into the data. Use them to learn more about agent usage and asset effectiveness.

For example, assume you see from the dashboard that your agents aren’t using recommendations that much. If so, the agent report in particular is of use to you: Use it to see which agents are using recommendations and how frequently.

Overall, if you manage agent operations or you manage the recommendations from your bots and knowledge bases, you’ll find the reports of interest. Daily, weekly, and monthly reports are available. The weekly reports likely mirror your brand’s weekly operational metrics, so they might be most helpful. The daily reports give you the chance to dig deeper into a specific point in time.

Report retention

  • Daily reports are stored for 14 days.
  • Weekly reports are stored for 12 weeks.
  • Monthly reports are stored for 13 months.

Access and download reports

Only users with the Admin role can download reports.

  1. Access Conversation Assist, and click Reports from the menu at the top.
  2. Use the filters on the left to display the reports you want.

    Filter options

  3. Do either of the following:
    • To download a single report, click its Download link.
    • To download multiple reports, select them and click the Download all link at the top of the table.

Use agent feedback reports to tune answers and bots

Feedback from your agents is vital to help you optimize your Conversation Assist solution. You need it to help you to tune your underlying recommendation sources (knowledge bases and bots) as needed.

The "agent feedback" reports capture the thumbs up and thumbs down feedback of your agents on recommended answers and bots. When your agents do this:

A snapshot of an example KB Usage report with a callout to the three mentioned columns

You’ll see this feedback in the agent feedback reports, along with other useful data. Use the info to help you tune your supporting knowledge base articles and bots.

Here’s an example of an agent feedback report on recommended answers:

A snapshot of an example KB Usage report with a callout to the three mentioned columns

And here’s an example of an agent feedback report on recommended bots:

A snapshot of an example KB Usage report with a callout to the three mentioned columns

Learn how to turn on the agent feeback feature.