The Settings page in Conversation Assist contains settings that are shared by all recommendation sources, or by all recommendation sources of a given type (bots or knowledge bases).

After changing settings, clear the recommendations cache. Additionally, your agents might need to refresh the browser or log in again.

Suspend/Resume recommendations

This setting applies to all recommendation sources.

Suspend setting

When this setting is on (blinking green), Conversation Assist recommends answers and bots inline in conversations. Click the toggle to suspend or resume recommendations globally.

Max # of recommendations

Set the maximum number of recommendations (answers plus bots) that Conversation Assist offers at one time. The default value is 3.

Max number of recommendations setting

Learn how recommendations are made.

On-Demand Recommendations widget

Your agents can use this widget to look up bots, knowledge answers, and predefined content (replies to greetings, closings, etc.) on demand in the Agent Workspace. The widget respects the knowledge base-level configuration rules and bot-level configuration rules that you’ve set up.

On-Demand Recommendation on and off setting

Configure the widget's visibility

  • To show the widget in the Agent Workspace, select “On.” To hide it, select “Off.”

If you turn on the widget:

  • It’s likely you will want to hide the Predefined Content widget, so it doesn’t appear in the Agent Workspace. This is because the Predefined Content widget also makes available predefined content, so it’s redundant. Consider the On-Demand Recommendations widget your one-stop shop that assists agents with their conversations.
  • Have your Conversational Cloud admin reposition this widget based on the needs of your agents.

Limit visibility to specific skills

  • Configure which of your agents see the widget: To show the widget to agents assigned to all skills, leave the skill-selection field empty; it’s empty by default. To show the widget only to specific skills, select those skills.

Inline recommendations

Turn on this setting to offer recommended bots and answers "in line" in conversations with consumers. The default value is On.

On and off setting named Inline recommendations

Agent feedback

Turn on this setting to allow your agents to provide "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" feedback on recommendations.

On and off setting named Agent Feedback

Answer recommendations

Rich content

Consider turning on the Rich content setting if you’re using knowledge bases as recommendation sources.

Rich content on and off setting

When this setting is Off, the agent can send a plain text answer that includes just the article’s summary.

When this setting is On, the agent can choose the type of answer to send: plain or rich. A rich answer includes the article’s image, summary, content link, video link, and audio link, as available in the article.

Currently, rich answer recommendations are supported only on the Web and Mobile SDK channels.

Rich answers being offered to the agent along with plain answers, inline in a conversation

Rich answers being offered to the agent along with plain answers, via the On-Demand Recommendations widget

Important info about rich answer recommendations
  • Considering supporting rich answers. Their multimedia nature makes them much more engaging than plain answers, leading to a best-in-class experience for the consumer.
  • The above said, if you’re using answer recommendations that are enriched via Generative AI, be aware that answers that are both rich (have multimedia) and enriched (generated via Generative AI) are supported but not recommended. This is because the generated answer might not align well substantively with the rich content associated with the highest scoring article, which is what is used.
  • Currently, rich answer recommendations are supported only on the Web and Mobile SDK channels.
  • The decision to turn on support is made at the account level, not at the recommendation source level. In other words, you can’t turn on support for knowledge base A but not for knowledge base B.
  • Before you turn on support, whitelist the domains in all URLs for the images, videos, and audio files in the articles that might be served as answers. Contact LivePerson Support to assist with this.
  • After you turn on support, answer recommendations are shown in both plain and rich format. (There are some limitations if the answers are enriched via Generative AI.) The agent can view both formats and make a proper choice about which to send.
  • All plain answers can be edited before sending them. The text in rich answers offered via the On-Demand Recommendations widget can also be edited. The text in rich answers offered inline in conversations isn't editable.
  • In a rich answer:
    • The link text isn’t editable, nor is the order of the links.
    • The language of the link text depends on the language being used by the agent. It’s the language that is set in their Conversational Cloud profile.

Bot recommendations

Bot messages

Customize the bot messages if you’re using bots as recommendation sources. The messages are sent to the consumer when the bot is added to and removed from a conversation. They help consumers to understand when a bot is involved in a conversation.

The settings for customizing the two messages that are sent when a bot is added to and removed from a conversation

There is no option to disable these automatic messages.

Sound notifications for private messages only

In automated conversations, you only want your agents to hear the sound notifications that matter. Turn this on to reduce the noise and surface important ones.

The on off setting named Sound notifications for private messages only

If On, sound notifications are sent only for private messages to agents. If Off, they're sent for all messages sent by the bot and the consumer.