Once you’ve set up the Dynamic Routing interaction and created some policies, you can begin testing on our web emulator. To quickly set up your test environment, complete the following steps:
- Add an agent connector to your routing bot.
- Configure a Dynamic Routing engagement.
- Use our web messaging test site to test your bot.
Add an agent connector
To deploy a bot with an agent connector, follow this documentation.
Configure the engagement
If you already have at least one web messaging engagement deployed for your account, you might want to create a separate engagement for this test.
Create your engagement: To create an engagement, follow this documentation.
Configure the engagement and link your skill: Choose “Interact with customers” as the goal, and choose the skill mapped to your dynamic routing bot as the skill.
Stop to configure the entry point: Continue configuring the rest of the engagement as you normally would. Stop at Entry points. While configuring entry points for the engagement, click + Add new.
Give your new entry point a name, for example, "Dynamic Routing.”
In your entry point definition, leave the dropdown as Contains and add "dynamic-routing". You can choose any name.
The skill name will be referenced as part of the URL of our testing page. Ensure to not have any spaces.
Continue and publish the engagement: Save the entry point, and continue following the provided documentation to publish your engagement.
Test the setup
Once you’re fully deployed, navigate to our web messaging test site to start a conversation with your bot.
Authenticate: Enter your account number into the provided field, and click Show Window.
Modify the URL: Add a new query parameter to the URL to show your engagement. After the account number, add “&identifier=” and your skill name. For example:
Press Enter to reload the page with the referenced skill name.
Once you’ve added the skill to the URL, don't click Show Window, as that will refresh the page without the added skill.
Start testing: Once the page has reloaded, select the engagement, and start a conversation with your dynamic routing bot.