This is a tutorial series that's cumulative in nature. To start from the beginning, start here.

In this tutorial, you walk through how to link your bot to Conversational Cloud.

Watch the video

Before completing the tutorial, watch the video below to get a high-level understanding of the process involved:

Step 11: Create a bot user

In this step, you create a new user agent and skill for the bot, create a new engagement for web messaging, and connect the bot agent to the engagement.

  1. Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Manage > Users & Skills.

    The Manage menu with the Users & Skills menu option highlighted

  2. On the Users tab, click + Add user in the lower-left corner.
  3. Fill out the Add user form with the following user details:

    • User type: Bot
    • Login name: Getting Started Bot
    • Email: Your email address
    • Nickname: Getting Started Bot

    The nickname is displayed to the consumer in the engagement window.

    • Name: Getting Started Bot

    The name is displayed elsewhere in Conversational Cloud, for example, in the Agent Workspace.

    • Choose login method: API key
    • Api key: Generate API key
    • Assignment → Assign Profile: Agent
    • Skills: Bot

    Typically, a skill's name is something like "Sales" or "Support." But for the purpose of this tutorial that involves a generic Getting Started bot, we'll give it a basic name of "Bot."

    By typing in the skill name Bot, you can create a new skill named Bot on the fly.

    The Skill setting, showing the dynamic link for creating a skill on the fly

  4. Click Save.

Step 12: Create an engagement

  1. Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Engage > Campaign Builder.

    The Manage menu with the Users & Skills menu option highlighted

  2. Click + Add Campaign in the lower-left corner.
  3. On the page that appears, specify the following:

    • Campaign name: Enter "Getting Started."
    • Campaign goal: Click + Add goal. Select "Interact with consumers." And click Done.
    • Engagement: Click + Add engagement. For the engagement source, select "Web." In the gallery that appears next, select a messaging template, and click Next. In the resulting Engagement Settings, select "Messaging" for the Conversation type. For Routing, select "Specific skill," and then select the "Bot" skill.

    Engagement settings, including the Routing to specific skill setting

  4. Click Next.
  5. In the Engagement Studio, click Next.
  6. In the Engagement Window Library, click Done.
  7. Click Publish in the upper-right corner. Then click Publish again to confirm the action.

    The finished, published campaign

Step 13: Add the agent connector

  1. Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Automate > Conversation Builder to navigate back to Conversation Builder.
  2. Open the Getting Started Bot.
  3. Click Agent Connectors in the menu bar in the upper-left corner.
  4. Click Add Agent Connector in the upper-right corner.
  5. In the Add Agent Connector dialog box, specify the following based on the bot user you created.

    • Agent User ID: Getting Started Bot
    • Role: Agent
    • Conversation Type: Messaging
    • Deploy to: Demo

    The Add Agent Connector window

  6. Click Save.
  7. As a result, you will see a row on the Agent Connectors page listing your new bot agent. Select the Start button on that row to start the agent connector. This fully deploys the bot.

    The Start button to start the agent connector

    It might take a few minutes for the connection to be established.

    To view more details about the connector, move your mouse over the "i" icon beside Details.

    LivePerson recommends that, when you connect your bot to Conversational Cloud in a production environment, you deploy a minimum of two Conversational Cloud agent connectors for a single bot. This is so the second can serve to support failover if the first goes down.

    Additionally, you might need more based on traffic. Due to an enforced limit, a single bot agent connector can handle a maximum of 999 concurrent conversations. If this is exceeded, the conversations in the overflow aren't assigned to the bot agent because it's at capacity. Given these constraints, if the bot is handling, for example, 2,000 concurrent conversations, you’ll need 3 agent connectors.

Step 14: Test the deployment

  1. In a browser, navigate to the Messaging test page.

    The Messaging test page

  2. Enter your account number, and click Show Window.
  3. After a moment, you will see a Messaging "call to action," which corresponds to what you selected in the Campaign Builder. Click the Messaging call to action.

    Is the Messaging call to action not showing up? Try using an incognito window in the browser.

  4. Start the bot by entering ‘hi’ or ‘hello.’
  5. Test the bot's functionality as you would in Conversation Builder's Preview.

    Testing the bot on the Messaging test page

    Congratulations! You’ve successfully deployed your automation to a demo environment.

    Learn more about deployment.

What's next?

Continue on to the next tutorial in the series.