This is a tutorial series that's cumulative in nature. To start from the beginning, start here.

In this final Getting Started tutorial, you add an Agent Escalation dialog to connect the user with a human agent.

Step 15: Create a Human skill

  1. Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Manage > Users & Skills to return to the User Management area in Conversational Cloud.
  2. Select the Skills tab at the top of the page, and click + Add skill in the lower-left corner.
  3. Complete the Add skill form with the following:

    • Name: Human
    • Description: Transfer to a human agent

    Leave the remaining fields as default, and click Save.

  4. Select the skill that you just created, as you need to reference the Skill ID.
  5. From the URL, take note of the Skill ID. This is the number at the end of the URL. Click Cancel to return to the Skills page.

    An example of the skill ID that can be found in the skill's URL

  6. Click the Users tab, and select your profile that you use to log in to Conversational Cloud.
  7. Navigate to the Assignment section at the bottom of the Edit user form. Ensure that you have an Agent profile assigned to you, and select your newly created Human skill in the Skills field.

    The Assignment settings where you assign profiles and skills

  8. Click Save.
  9. Lastly, ensure that you are showing as available: Click your profile icon in the upper-right corner of the screen, and update your status to Online.

    The online indicator for your user profile

Step 16: Create the Escalation dialog

  1. Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Automate > Conversation Builder to return to Conversation Builder.
  2. Open the Getting Started Bot.
  3. Click Add Dialog in the lower-left corner, and create a new regular dialog (dialog type = Dialog) with the name "Escalation."
  4. In the dialog starter, set this dialog to be triggered using patterns. Select + Pattern and enter the following pattern values:

    • agent
    • human
    • representative

    The dialog starter for the Escalation dialog, with some patterns for agent, human, and representative

    Alternatively, use the pattern library that you've used before to add the "Help" set of patterns. Then click Save.

  5. On triggering this dialog, we want to transfer the user to a human agent. For this, you use the Agent Transfer integration interaction. Select this from the Integrations section of the Interactions menu. Notice that you immediately receive an error message stating ‘Agent skill id is not set.’.

    The Agent Transfer Interaction in its default state after being added to the dialog

  6. Modify the transfer message by clicking into the interaction and typing. Modify this message to say, "Transferring to a human agent…"
  7. Click the Settings icon (gear icon) in the upper-right corner of the interaction to open the Interaction Settings. Click the Advanced tab, and paste in or enter the skill ID for our Human skill that you took note of earlier.

    The Advanced tab in the interaction's settings

  8. Click Save.

    Let's test the deployed bot to ensure that human escalation is happening as expected.

Step 17: Test the escalation

  1. Open a new browser tab, and navigate to the Messaging demo page. Enter your account number and username, and click Update.
  2. Click into the Messaging call to action, and wake your bot with a "hi" or "hello."
  3. From here, type in one of the patterns you used when creating the Escalation dialog.
  4. If successful, you now see the updated transfer message from the Agent Escalation interaction. You also hear a phone ring from your Conversational Cloud browser tab.

    Testing the bot using the Messaging test page

    If you encounter the fallback message instead and things aren't working as expected, try ending the current conversation.

    The End Conversation option in the Messaging window

    Then start anew in the Messaging window by clicking the Messaging call to action.

  5. Once the transfer begins successfully and you hear the ring, navigate back to the Conversation Cloud browser tab.
  6. Note the orange notification badge that appears to alert you to the incoming conversation in the Agent Workspace.

    The End Conversation option in the Messaging window

  7. On the left menu bar, click Agent Workspace. Then click Accept in the lower-left corner to accept the incoming conversation.

    The Accept button in the Conversational Cloud for accepting the conversation

  8. You can now communicate with the demo browser tab using the messaging interface in Conversational Cloud. Try sending a few messages back and forth to see the conversation in action.

    The My Conversations tab in the Agent Workspace

    The consumer's side of the conversation on the Messaging test page

What's next?

Congratulations on completing this tutorial series! To learn more, check out the Bot Groups & Other Techniques tutorial series.