Customize your POC: This guide walks through building a working example of the Conversation Assist capabilities within 30 minutes. The provided examples and starter resources are intentionally simple to move through the process quickly. Keep an eye out for "Customize your POC" sections like this one for indications as to where you can further develop and customize your implementation of a Conversation Assist proof-of-concept to fit your specific needs.
Before you begin
Before you get started with this tutorial, download this ZIP file, which contains a few, necessary resources.
Step 1: Activate Generative AI features
You need administrator access on the account to activate our Generative AI features. Contact your admin if you need assistance.
- Log into Conversational Cloud.
Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Manage > Management Console.
In the Management Console, search for “Generative AI” to display the Generative AI Enablement page.
Click Sign to activate.
- In the pop-up window, specify the following:
- Brand name: Acme Airline
- Industry: Transportation
During queries to the Large Language Model (LLM) service, your brand name and industry are included in the prompt that gets sent to the service. It helps the responses to stay in bounds, i.e., specific to your brand, with fewer hallucinations.
Review the terms and conditions, and check the box to indicate that you’ve done so. Click Agree.
- Review the info in the confirmation window: You’ll need to log out and back in. And it might take 15 minutes or so before the features are active. Click Ok, got it.
- Wait 15 minutes or so before proceeding to the next step.
- Log out of Conversational Cloud and then log back in.
Step 2: Create the Airline NLU domain
LivePerson offers a variety of domain-specific starter packs (prebuilt domains) to help you get up and running with Intent Manager quickly. In this step, you build out the NLU domain that will be used in the Conversation Assist solution.
Customize your POC: For demonstration purposes, this guide assumes a build-out suited for an Airline client. Add in a vertical-specific, pre-built domain to customize for your use case, or optionally add additional domains to supplement the primary one you are using. Conversation Assist can pull from multiple domain intents to offer recommendations to agents.
Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Automate > Intent Manager.
- On the Dashboard page, click Add a domain in the upper-right corner of the Domain list.
- In the window that's displayed, select Prebuilt domains along the top.
Move your mouse over the Airlines domain, and click Add.
Once completed, the LP_Airlines domain is created, fully trained and containing intents for use with any airline.
Step 3: Create the Airline FAQ knowledge base
With the NLU domain created, the next step is to create a knowledge base with articles to be tied to domain intents. For the purpose of this demonstration, a CSV file has been provided to simplify the process. You downloaded this file earlier.
Customize your POC: This example uses a single knowledge base in order to quickly showcase the capabilities of recommending articles using Conversation Assist. Adding additional knowledge bases to showcase that Conversation Assist can pull from multiple data sources can help to create a more substantial and impressive demonstration with your proof-of-concept. Each additional knowledge base can pull from any domain you previously created to showcase their functionality.
Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Automate > KnowledgeAI to open KnowledgeAI.
Click Add knowledge base in the upper-right corner.
Don't see the Add knowledge base button? If you're working with a brand new account, you might need to click Let's go on the landing page instead. Then proceed to the next step.
On the AI Enabled tab of the window that appears, specify the following:
- Knowledge Base Name: Airline FAQ
- Domain: LP_Airlines
- Language: English
Content source: CSV
- Use the CSV file that is in the ZIP file that you downloaded earlier.
Click Save to upload your knowledge base articles, with intents from the LP_Airlines domain automatically associated with each article.
Click Articles in the menu bar, and scroll down to review the articles.
Note: The intents will be automatically associated as long as you created the NLU model as per the previous section. If you didn't do this, you can make your intent associations afterward by aligning the intents with the correct article:
Article Title Intent Seating assignment ask about seat assignment Refund policy request refund or credit Claim reward miles claim reward miles Baggage policies ask about baggage Upgrade my seat upgrade seat Cancel flight cancel flight Change flight change flight Reschedule disrupted flight reschedule disrupted flight Book a flight book flight Tying the articles to the intents is an optional step. We illustrate it, so you understand how. But you can skip it if desired. Instead, you can rely on KnowledgeAI's AI Search to find and retrieve articles that match the consumer's query. AI Search is very effective, and it works out of the box. No intent model is required.
Next, you test out the matching of articles to consumer queries using the Answer Tester.
In the Answer Tester, enter a few consumer queries, click Get answers, and evaluate the results. Enter queries such as:
- I'm going on my honeymoon. How do I book a flight?
- I just got a bonus at work, so I want to upgrade my seat.
You can ignore the warning in the UI about the default value for the Enrichment prompt. For the purpose of this tutorial, the default prompt will work just fine. In a real world scenario, you should select and use one of your own prompts as soon as possible. (You can copy one of LivePerson's if you choose.)
The Enrichment prompt is the prompt to send to the LLM service when the consumer’s query is matched to articles in the knowledge base. It instructs the LLM service on how to use the matched articles to generate an enriched answer.
Step 4: Create the users and skills
Every bot and human agent requires a user profile to be deployed and accessible from within the Conversational Cloud. This section provides the details needed to update the logged-in human agent with an associated skill, as well as the details needed to create bot agents for the two bots that will be uploaded.
Customize your POC: This guide provides two bots that Conversation Assist can source recommendations from. These demonstration bots do not provide much functionality out of the box, so bring in your own domain-specific bots to fit the needs of your POC. Keep in mind that any additional bots created will need their own corresponding bot user agents.
- Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Manage > Users & Skills to open the User Management section of the Conversational Cloud.
In the list of users, select your logged-in human user. In the Edit user form, scroll to the bottom. In the Skills field, enter “Agent,” and click the Create skill link that appears. Then click Save.
Back on the Users tab, click + Add user in the lower-left corner. Fill out the Add user form with the following user details:
- User type: Bot
- Login name: Booking Bot
- Email: Your email address
- Nickname: Booking Bot
- Name: Booking Bot
- Choose login method: API key
- API key: Generate API key
- Assignment → Assign Profile: Agent
Click Save.
Repeat the same process to create a second bot user with the following details:
- User type: Bot
- Login name: Seating Bot
- Email: Your email address
- Nickname: Seating Bot
- Name: Seating Bot
- Choose login method: API key
- API key: Generate API key
- Assignment → Assign Profile: Agent
Step 5: Import the Conversation Builder bots
In this step, you create two, new bots in Conversation Builder using the JSON files that are in the ZIP file that you downloaded earlier:
- Booking Bot
- Seating Bot
These bots have been created with dialog starters ("bot flow" starters) that match several of the LP_Airlines intents. Because of this, the bots can be recommended in response to related consumer queries.
Open the menu on the left side of the page, and select Automate > Conversation Builder to open Conversation Builder.
Click Import Bot in the upper-right corner, and select the "Booking Bot" JSON file that you downloaded. Click Open.
Note: If you have completed the previous step of creating the LivePerson domain, the intents will be automatically associated with the correct dialogs in the bots. However, if you have not yet done so, you will need to connect them manually to the appropriate dialog starters using Conversation Builder's Assist tool.
Within the Booking Bot (now opened), click Agent Connectors on the menu bar at the top.
If you don't see this menu option, it's in menu to the right of the options that you do see. Just click the three-dot menu icon.
Click Add Agent Connector, and in the resulting form, select your "Booking Bot" user agent from the Agent User ID dropdown. Ensure that the Conversation Type is set to "Messaging," and click Save.
Click Start to start the agent connector.
Starting the agent connector can take a few minutes.
Click Back to return to the bot listing page.
Follow the same process to upload the "Seating Bot" that you downloaded, to connect the Seating Bot user agent via an agent connector, and to start the agent connector.
Once finished, you will have two bots up and running with agent connectors.
These bots are for demonstration purposes, so they don't do much beyond serving a dialog (a bot flow) to a user based on the intent. No actual booking or seating functionality is built in. As such, they can be modified to meet your use case.
What's next?
Continue on to the next step in the tutorial.