Step 9: Test Conversation Assist

With the engagement up and running, you can now test out the functionality of Conversation Assist in a live conversation.

  1. In a separate browser window, navigate to

  2. Enter your Conversational Cloud account number, and click Show Window.

    If the Conversation Assist Testing engagement has been set up correctly, there will be a Messaging call to action button along the side of the page.

    The Messaging test page

    Is the Messaging call to action not showing up? Try using an incognito window in the browser.

  3. Click the Messaging call to action button to start a conversation with the human agent on the account, which should be yourself.

  4. Enter any message (e.g., "Hi") and send it to see a notification come through on the Conversational Cloud, along with an opportunity to accept the incoming conversation. Click Agent Workspace on the menu bar. Then click Accept in the lower-left corner.

    The notification badge on the left-hand menu in Conversational Cloud to accept an incoming conversation with a consumer

    The Accept button in Conversational Cloud to accept an incoming conversation with a consumer

  5. Once connected, you can now test out Conversation Assist by conversing with yourself as both the consumer and the agent. To start, respond back as the agent with something like, "Hi there. How can I help you today?" Then, return to the web engagement window, and test the phrase, “I'm going on my honeymoon. How do I book a flight?” from your consumer. You will see both the Booking Bot and the Knowledge Base article on booking a flight recommended to your agent to help out your consumer.

    The consumer side of the conversational experience, which is tested using the Messaging test page

    The agent side of the conversational experience, which is tested via the Agent Workspace

    Don't see any recommendations being offered? Check our troubleshooting techniques to assist.

  6. Select Delegate to bring the Booking Bot into the conversation and immediately start the consumer with the correct, associated dialog.

    The conversation as it appears after the Booking Bot has been joined to it

  7. Remove the bot from the conversation by clicking Remove bot at the top of the messaging window.

  8. Each time the consumer sends a message, Conversation Assist will check to see if the utterance triggers an appropriate response from the connected bots or knowledge bases. Try again by asking, “I just got a bonus at work. Are you able to help me upgrade my seat?”

    The conversation as it appears after asking about seat upgrade, which triggers two inline recommendations, a bot and an answer

  9. This time, select Use answer to bring the seating assignment article into the messaging prompt for the agent. This allows the agent to personalize and update the article text to fit the consumer's specific needs.

    Using an answer; this copies the answer into the messaging prompt where the agent can customize it if desired

Congratulations on completing this tutorial!