This method can be used to download a certificate by providing certificateId.

This API will download the password-protected zip file which can be opened using the same password which was provided at the time of upload/auto generate certificate.

Note: This method downloads certificates which are created via Upload Certificate/Auto Generate Certificate methods post release of mTLS Self Service Solution.


Method URL
GET https://[{domain}]/api/account/[{accountId}]/certificate/[{certificateId}]

Request Headers

Header Description
Authorization Contains token string to allow request authentication and authorization. Supports OAuth 2 Only.

Request Body


Path Parameters

Parameter Description Type/Value
accountId LP site ID String
certificateId Certificate ID String


Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
401 Not Authenticated
403 Not Authorized
500 Internal Server Error

Response Body

Password-protected zip file will be downloaded.