There are two ways to manage properties in the Conversation Context Service (CCS):

  • REST APIs can directly access the CCS outside of Conversational Cloud. Use the REST APIs when you want to retrieve information from external data sources.
  • A Javascript function wraps the REST API for easy use within Conversational Cloud. If you want to save and delete properties in LivePerson Conversation Builder, use the Javascript wrapper functions.

Upgrade to v2 APIs

LivePerson is gradually upgrading all accounts from v1 to v2, as the v1 APIs will be deprecated in the future. (Stay tuned for the date!) If you haven't been contacted yet, but you want to be upgraded to v2 as soon as possible, please contact your LivePerson representative.

JavaScript wrapper

See the discussion on scripting functions for managing the Conversation Context Service in the Conversation Builder documentation.

REST APIs overview

If the Conversation Context Service(CCS) is summarized in one sentence, it is a service that manages properties in a key-value relationship. So, most APIs are for storing, reading, and deleting properties, and there are some additional APIs.

Every API call to the CCS requires the following auth headers to be accepted:

  • content-Type : application/json
  • maven-api-key : {YOUR API KEY}

Base URL per environment:

  • EMEA:
  • APAC:

The accountId and API key in these examples are fake; please replace them with your accountID and the developer key that you generated.

REST Namespace API

Create a custom namespace

This API creates a new namespace in the Conversation Context Service.

Saving properties to a namespace that has not been previously created using this method will create the new namespace automatically

Method Path
POST /v1​/account​/{accountId}​

Request payload example:
{ "name”: “myNamespace”}


curl -X POST "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw==" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\":\"myNamespace\"}"

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Get a list of namespaces created

This API provides the name and creation date of all namespaces that exist for your account in the Conversation Context Service.

Method Path
GET ​/v1​/account​/{accountId}​

Request payload example:

curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:


Delete a custom namespace

This API completely removes a namespace and all of its underlying properties from the Conversation Context Service.

Method Path
DELETE /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}

Request payload example:

curl -X DELETE "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

REST Property API

Save properties

Save namespace properties

This is an API for saving one or several namespace properties. This API overwrites existing properties and inserts non-existing properties.

Method Path
PATCH /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/properties

Request payload example:
{ "myProperty1": "myValue1", "myProperty2": 2, "myProperty3": { "name": "myValue3" } }


curl -X PATCH "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/properties" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw==" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"myProperty1\":\"myValue1\",\"myProperty2\":2,\"myProperty3\":{\"name\":\"myValue3\"}}"

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Save a namespace property

This is an API for saving one namespace property. This API overwrites an existing property and inserts a non-existing property.

Method Path
PUT /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/properties​/{property}

Request payload example:


curl -X PUT "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/properties/myProperty4" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw==" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "\"value4\""

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Save session properties

This is an API for saving one or several session properties. This API overwrites existing properties and inserts non-existing properties.

Method Path
PATCH ​/v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/{sessionId}​/properties

Request payload example:
{ "myProperty1": ["value1", "value2", "value3"] }


curl -X PATCH "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/mySessionId/properties" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw==" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"myProperty1\":[\"value1\",\"value2\",\"value3\"]}"

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Save a session property

This is an API for saving one session property. This API overwrites an existing property and inserts a non-existing property.

Method Path
PUT /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/{sessionId}​/properties​/{property}

Request payload example:
{ "name": "value2", "items": ["A", "B", "C"] }


curl -X PUT "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/mySessionId/properties/myProperty2" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw==" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"name\":\"value2\",\"items\":[\"A\",\"B\",\"C\"]}"

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Read properties

Read namespace properties

This API takes a namespace as a parameter and returns all properties belonging to the namespace.

Method Path
GET /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/properties

Request payload example:


curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/properties" -H "accept: application/json" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:

  "myProperty1": "myValue1",
  "myProperty2": 2,
  "myProperty3": {
    "name": "myValue3"

Read a namespace property

This API takes a namespace and a property as a parameter and returns the value of the namespace property.

Method Path
GET /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/properties​/{property}

Request payload example:


curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/properties/myProperty1" -H "accept: application/json" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:

Read session properties

This API takes a namespace and a session as a parameter and returns all session properties belonging to the namespace and session.

Method Path
GET /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/{sessionId}​/properties

Request payload example:


curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/mySessionId/properties" -H "accept: application/json" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:

  "myProperty1": [

Read a session property

This API takes a namespace, a session and a property as a parameter and returns the value of the session property.

Method Path
GET /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/{sessionId}​/properties​/{property}

Request payload example:


curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/mySessionId/properties/myProperty1" -H "accept: application/json" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:


Delete properties

There are three ways to delete properties. First, it is automatically deleted by setting the TTL. Second, all properties belonging to the Namespace or Session are deleted at once by specifying the Namespace and Session. Third, explicitly designate and delete specific properties.

Delete all namespace properties belonging to the namespace with TTL setting

This API takes a namespace as a parameter and deletes all namespace properties belonging to the namespace. It also removes the TTL applied to the namespace.

Method Path
DELETE /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}

Request payload example:


curl -X DELETE "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Delete all properties belonging to Namespace without TTL setting

Currently, this feature is not supported.

Delete all properties belonging to Session with TTL setting

Currently, this feature is not supported.

Delete all properties belonging to Session without TTL setting

This API takes a namespace and a session as a parameter and deletes all session properties belonging to the namespace and session. However, it does not remove the TTL applied to the session.

Method Path
DELETE /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/{sessionId}​/properties

Request payload example:


curl -X DELETE "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/mySessionId/properties" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Delete a namespace property

This API takes a namespace and a property name as a parameter and deletes the namespace property.

Method Path
DELETE /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/properties​/{property}

Request payload example:


curl -X DELETE "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/properties/myProperty1" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Delete a session property

This API takes a namespace, a session and a property name as a parameter and deletes the session property.

Method Path
DELETE /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/{sessionId}​/properties​/{property}

Request payload example:


curl -X DELETE "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/myNamespace/mySessionId/properties/myProperty1" -H "accept: */*" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Get all variables

The APIs described here are to show a list of sessionIds that have any properties. There are two APIs: The first is to return the SessionIds, and the second is to return the properties with SessionIds.

Because the number of sessions can be quite large, the API supports pagination. There are two optional parameters for this:


  • This sets the index of the page to be returned. Index starts at 0.
  • Type: int
  • Default value: 0
  • Range: A number greater than or equal to zero.


  • This sets the number of rows returned per page
  • Type: int
  • Default value : 100
  • Range: A number between 1 and 1000

Get all sessionIds

Method Path
GET /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/session-ids

Request payload example:


curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/ns1/session-ids?page=0&perPage=100" -H "accept: application/json" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:


Get all properties within a session

Method Path
GET /v1​/account​/{accountId}​/{customNamespace}​/session-properties

Request payload example:


curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/ns1/session-properties?page=0&perPage=100" -H "accept: application/json" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:

    "sessionId": "ss1",
    "property": {
      "key1": "val1",
      "key2": "val2",


Set TTL on Namespace

This API takes a namespace and ttlSeconds as parameters, and then sets the TTL of the namespace to ttlSeconds. The TTL of all namespace properties created or updated afterwards has the value of ttlSeconds automatically. One thing to note is that the TTL of an existing namespace property does not change until it is updated.

Method Path
POST /v1/account/{accountId}?ttlSecond={ttlSecond}

Request payload example:
{ "name": "someCustomNamespace" }


curl --request POST \
--url https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}?ttlSecond=100 \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw==' \
--data '{
  "name": "myNamespace"

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Set TTL on Session

This API takes a namespace, session and ttlSeconds as parameters, and then sets the TTL of the session to ttlSeconds. The TTL of all session properties created or updated afterwards has the value of ttlSeconds automatically. One thing to note is that the TTL of an existing session property does not change until it is updated.

Method Path
POST /v1/account/{accountId}/namespace/{customNamespace}/session?ttlSecond={ttlSecond}

Request payload example:
{ "sessionId": "someSessionId" }


curl -X POST 'https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/namespace/myNamespace/session?ttlSecond=100' -H "accept: */*" -H 'maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw==' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"sessionId":"mySessionId"}'

Response payload example:
Empty body; status code = 204

Get TTL list on Namespaces

You can use this API to retrieve the list of TTLs applied to a namespace. Please note that this API is not intended to look up all namespaces in use. Even if you are actively using namespaces, they will be excluded from the list unless you have set the TTL.

Method Path
GET ​/v1​/account​/{accountId}

Request payload example:


curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}" -H "accept: application/json" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:

    "name": "myNamespace",
    "createdAt": "2021-02-26T02:46:38.220Z",
    "ttlSecond": 100

Get TTL list on Sessions

You can use this API to retrieve the list of TTLs applied to the session. Please note that this API is not intended to look up all sessions in use. Even if you are actively using sessions, they will be excluded from the list unless you have set the TTL.

Method Path
GET ​/v1​/account​/{accountId}​/namespace​/{customNamespace}​/session

Request payload example:


curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/namespace/myNamespace/session" -H "accept: application/json" -H "maven-api-key: ABCD12BigSbWF2ZW4tcm91dGluZw=="

Response payload example:

    "sessionId": "mySessionId",
    "createdAt": "2021-02-26T07:42:13.868Z",
    "ttlSecond": 100