Please note that this SDK relates to LivePersons legacy chat product which receives limited support and will be deprecated in the future.

It is recommended to build future integrations on top of the corresponding messaging SDK instead.


Conversational Cloud offers a chat window for desktop and mobile web out of the box, and brands can customize the window behavior and look and feel.

For complete control over the chat window look, behavior and implementation source, utilize the Javascript Chat Window SDK to create your window from scratch.

The JavaScript Chat SDK is a wrapper for the Server Chat API. For this reason, before starting to work with the JavaScript Chat SDK, we recommend you refer to the Server Chat API documentation and follow the guidelines.

The JavaScript Chat SDK supports chat from a browser on the Conversational Cloud platform. The SDK is designed to help simplify chat on the browser with modern UI behavior. In addition to chat, this SDK also supports Conversational Cloud Pre-chat, Exit and Offline surveys.

Getting Started

A few things you'll need to get started with this API:

  1. Retrieve the SDK. The SDK path is located here.

  2. Retrieve your domain. Use the LivePerson Domain API to retrieve this information by providing the following service name:

    • conversationVep
  3. This SDK implements and uses LivePerson's Global key:

    • appKey=721c180b09eb463d9f3191c41762bb68
  4. Note the API terms of use.

  5. When using this API, it is recommended that you implement our Retry Policy and KeepAlive best practices.

Use Cases

  • Create a chat window experience that is completely different than the out of the box window Conversational Cloud offers — for example, a window that takes up the entire screen.

  • Utilize a different platform to manage the user view of the chat and integrate Conversational Cloud window logic

  • Control and manage the window resources on your systems

Example of an implementation of an embedded customized chat window using this API:



The JavaScript Chat SDK is a wrapper for the Server Chat API. For this reason, before starting to work with the JavaScript Chat SDK, we recommend you refer to the Server Chat API documentation and follow the guidelines.

The JavaScript Chat SDK supports chat from a browser on the Conversational Cloud platform. The SDK is designed to help simplify chat on the browser with modern UI behavior. In addition to chat, this SDK also supports Conversational Cloud Pre-chat, Exit and Offline surveys.