
Note: If you want to use the Monitoring API, you must initialize the SDK with MonitoringParams. Once initialization is completed (onInitSucceed), you can call LivePerson methods.


Use to get an engagement for a consumer in an appInstallationId context. When calculating eligibility, the decision is based on the SDEs and other parameters based on the messaging campaign concept.

As an optional parameter, you can pass SDE Data which includes Entry Points and Engagement Attributes for routing the conversation.

public static void getEngagement(Context context, @Nullable List<LPMonitoringIdentity> identities, MonitoringParams monitoringParams, EngagementCallback callback)
Parameter Description Required
context A context from the host app Yes
identities A list of LPMonitoringIdentity objects with the consumer identities No
monitoringParams An optional object with optional pageId, Entry Points array and Engagement Attributes No
callback A callback of type EngagementCallback. This response include SessionId, VisitorId and a list of EngagementDetails objects Yes

Please refer to the Interface and Class Definitions section for parameter classes.

When trying to fetch an Authenticated Engagement, the LPMonitoringIdentity parameter containing the ConsumerId is required.


Use to report on engagement attributes (SDEs) for a consumer in an appInstallationId context including show and accept impressions.

public static void sendSde(Context context, @NonNull List<LPMonitoringIdentity> identities, @NonNull MonitoringParams monitoringParams, SdeCallback callback)
Parameter Description Required
context A context from the host app Yes
identities A list of LPMonitoringIdentity objects with the consumer identities Yes
monitoringParams An mandatory MonitoringParams with mandatory Engagement Attributes and optional PageId and entry points array Yes
callback A callback of type SdeCallback. This response includes SessionId, VisitorId and PageId for future use Yes


public interface EngagementCallback {
  void onSuccess(LPEngagementResponse engagementResponse);
  void onError(MonitoringErrorType errorType, Exception e);


public final class EngagementDetails {
  private  String campaignId;
  private  String engagementId;
  private  String engagementRevision;
  private  String contextId;
  private String conversationId;
  private String status;


public final class LPEngagementResponse {
  private String pageId;
  private String sessionId;
  private String visitorId;
  private List<EngagementDetails> engagementDetailsList;

LPMonitoringIdentity (Kotlin syntax)

A class that contains data on the consumer identity.

consumerId: unique and non-guessable identifier of the consumer (email and phone number are not good candidates since they can be guessed by an attacker, and might be recycled and move between consumers).

issuer: Issuer, who identified the consumer — usually the brand.

class LPMonitoringIdentity(val consumerId: String? = "", val issuer: String? = ""){


public class LPSdeResponse {
  private String pageId;
  private final String sessionId;
  private final String visitorId;


enum class MonitoringErrorType {


public class MonitoringInitParams {
  private String mAppInstallId;


public class MonitoringParams {
  private String pageId;
  private JSONArray entryPoints;
  private JSONArray engagementAttributes;


public interface SdeCallback {
  void onSuccess(LPSdeResponse sdeResponse);
  void onError(MonitoringErrorType errorType, Exception e);