Creating a desktop content campaign to advertise the SMS channel
Below are the steps required to create a content campaign on desktop and tablet that advertises your brand’s SMS channel to consumers. Consumers will be exposed to this campaign on their desktop. While these campaigns are not clickable, they do direct the consumer to begin an SMS conversation with the number advertised in the campaign. See the example campaign below.
In Conversational Cloud navigate to the Campaign Builder. Then choose "Add Campaign" on the bottom left side of the screen
Name your campaign and create a Campaign Goal (choose "Interact With Visitors" if you are unsure)
Create a Target Audience specifically targeting Desktop and Mobile Tablet Platforms.
Choose "Add Engagement" then choose “Content” from the Channels dropdown. Feel free to choose your desired Format, start with one of the pre-made options or create your own from scratch.
Create your Content engagement in the Engagement Studio, and set the desired Visitor location and behavior.
Publish your campaign, and the campaign is ready to go.