Returns a summary on the current state of the contact center. This includes number of agents in the different logged in statuses, weighted average of the agents’ load etc.


Method URL
POST https://<domain>/manager_workspace/api/account/{accountID}/agent_view/summary

URL Parameters

Name Description Type/Value Required Notes
offset The offset specifies from which agent to retrieve the agent list. numeric Optional Default is 0. Example: Of 100 agents, the first 20 have already been retrieved. Thus, in the next request will be specified with offset 21.
limit Max amount of agents to be received in the response. numeric Optional Default is 50. Max value is 1000. The remaining agents can be obtained using pagination (using offset, in a subsequent request).
sort Sort the results in a predefined order. string Optional Example: start:desc will order agents by descending value of the start time. Valid values include: start, end. Order:[asc/desc]

BODY / POST Parameters


Note: You must send a valid JSON object as your request body. If you are using none of the below filters send {}.

Name Description Type/Value
status List of Agent's statuses to be filtered Array<String>
agentIds List of agent ids — when provided, data will be returned for the specified agents who are in logged in state. If not provided, data on all logged in agents will be returned Array<String>
skillIds List of skill ids — when provided, data will be returned for the agents with the specified skills who are in logged in state. Array<String>
agentGroupIds List of agent group ids — when provided, data will be returned for the agents that are member of the specified agent groups who are in logged in state. Array<String>


JSON Example:

	"accountID": "36703082",
	"summaryResults": {
		"openAssignedConversations": 0,
		"weightedAvgLoad": 2.1,
		"minLoad": 0.20,
		"maxLoad": 0.40,
		"minConfiguredMaxSlots": 2,
		"maxConfiguredMaxSlots": 3,
		"numAwayAgents": 0,
		"numBackSoonAgents": 0,
		"numOnlineAgents": 0

Elements in the Response

Name Description Type/Value
openAssignedConversations Total number of open assigned conversations of logged in agents alphanumeric
weightedAvgLoad Weighted average load of logged in agents, this is represented in percentage value alphanumeric
minLoad Agent’s minimum load alphanumeric
maxLoad Agent’s maximum load alphanumeric
minConfiguredMaxSlots The minimum number of configured maximum slots among agents alphanumeric
maxConfiguredMaxSlots The maximum number of configured maximum slots among agents alphanumeric
numAwayAgents Number of agents in AWAY status alphanumeric
numBackSoonAgents Number of agents in BACK SOON status alphanumeric
numOnlineAgents Number of agents in ONLINE status alphanumeric