This method retrieves a list of conversations with all their metadata and related messages based on a predefined search criteria. Search criteria includes filtering by time range, agent, skill, etc.
Method | URL |
POST | https://{domain}/messaging_history/api/account/{accountID}/conversations/search?offset=0&limit=50 |
URL parameters
Name | Description | Type/Value | Required | Notes |
offset | The offset specifies from which record to retrieve the chat | numeric | Optional | Default is 0. Example: Of 100 records, the first 20 have already been retrieved. Thus, in the next request will be specified with offset 21. |
limit | Max amount of conversations to be received in the response | numeric | Optional | Default is 50. Max value is 100. The remaining conversations can be obtained using pagination (using offset, in a subsequent request). |
sort | Sort the results in a predefined order | string | Optional | Example: start:desc will order conversations by descending value of the start time. Valid values include: start, end. Order:[asc/desc] |
v | version of the API (1 or 2) | string | Optional | The default value is 1. Only in v=2 will unauthenticated engagement attributes (SDEs) be returned. When using v=2, both unauthenticated and authenticated SDEs will have a type as defined in the engagement attribute in question and not String. |
source | Used to describe the originator of the call. The source name should be unique for every project or process within the organization | String | Required | The source name should not exceed 20 characters. Please follow the format of ProjectName+AppName+UseCase. Example: LP_AgentUI_History |
rollover | when its true, return conversations from the rollover account | boolean | Optional | Default is false. Example: For agent manager profile, the response will contain conversations from the rollover account. |
BODY/POST parameters
Note: New capability — partial retrieval of data
The API now allows you to retrieve some of the content, per your need, instead of every possible key. This is done by calling the API with the contentToRetrieve
parameter and specifying the types of content you would like to get i
Because this API retrieves some of the SDEs that are supported in Conversational Cloud by design, it is not suitable for brands looking for all of their data. The data retrieved by this API will be partial, usually limited to the last update Conversational Cloud performed to the SDEs. If you’re looking into retrieving all of your data instead, the Data Access API is better suited to your needs. You can also refer to the Get Conversation by ID method of this API if you’re looking for all SDEs for one specific conversation.
When calling the API without sending a contentToRetrieve parameter at all, the following default types will be returned:
Default types
campaign, messageRecords, agentParticipants, agentParticipantsLeave,
agentParticipantsActive, consumerParticipants, transfers, interactions,
messageScores, messageStatuses, conversationSurveys, coBrowseSessions, summary, SDEs.
Every content type must be passed in contentToRetrieve parameter in order to be retrieved, including the default types. List of contentToRetrieve valid data types are found under contentToRetrieve in the following filters part.
Filter is sent in the POST data (body) with the following JSON structure.
Name | Description | Type/Value | Required | Notes |
start {from, to} | Conversation’s start time range | long — epoch time in milliseconds | Required | Including bounds. From/to value is rounded to the last/next 10 minutes, respectively. The maximum time interval is three months. Larger intervals will be rejected. |
end {from, to} | Conversation’s end time range | long — epoch time in milliseconds | Optional | Including bounds. From/to value is rounded to the last/next 10 minutes, respectively. The maximum time interval is three months. Larger intervals will be rejected. |
fullDialogEndTime {from,to} | The end time of the conversation including survey closure | long — epoch time in milliseconds | Optional | Including bounds. From/to value is rounded to the last/next 10 minutes, respectively. The maximum time interval is three months. Larger intervals will be rejected. |
status | Latest status of the conversation. | Array <status>
Optional | Valid values: "OPEN", "CLOSE", "OVERDUE" |
skillIds | An array of skill IDs, represented as numbers. | Array <skillID>
Optional | Any skill, through the entire flow of the conversation. |
latestSkillIds | An array of latest skill IDs, represented as numbers. The latest skill ID is the latest skill which the conversation was assigned under | Array <skillID>
Optional | Filters only conversations whose latest skill appears in the array. |
agentIds | An array of agent IDs, represented as numbers | Array <agentID>
Optional | Filters only when the provided agent Ids are the Assigned Agent of the conversation. To filter conversations when the provided agent Ids are not the Assigned Agent use userPermissions |
userPermissions | An array of roles that were part of the conversation | Array <String>
Optional | Commonly used with agentIds. Possible values: ASSIGNED_AGENT, AGENT, AGENT_MANAGER, READER. |
latestAgentIds | An array of latest agent IDs, represented as numbers | Array <agentID>
Optional | Filters only conversations whose latest agent appears in the array. |
agentGroupIds | An array of agent group IDs, represented as numbers. | Array <agentGroupID>
Optional | |
keyword | Specific word or phrase found in the messages of the conversation | alphanumeric | Optional | |
summary | Specific word or phrase found in the summary of the conversation | alphanumeric | Optional | |
duration {from, to} | Range of conversation length (in seconds) | numeric, numeric | Optional | If one parameter is filled out, the other parameter must be as well. Either "from" or "to" fields are mandatory. In case one of the fields is missing, its value will be set to 0 or the retention time of conversations (13 months), respectively. |
mcs {from,to} | Range of Meaningful Conversation Score in a particular conversation (including the boundaries) | numeric, numeric | Optional | Either "from" or "to" fields are mandatory. In case one of the fields is missing, its value will be set to the minimal or maximal possible values of MCS, respectively. |
alertedMcsValues | Alerted MCS of the conversation up until the most recent message | Array <alertedMCS>
Optional | Valid values: "-1", "0", "1" |
csat {from,to} | Range of CSAT assigned to the conversation. | numeric, numeric | Optional | Either "from" or "to" fields are mandatory. In case one of the fields is missing, its value will be set to the minimal or maximal possible value of CSAT (1 or 5 respectively). For accounts that are using both the old CSAT method and the new PCS based CSAT, this field will return unified results. |
source | Source origin (Facebook, App etc.) from which the conversation was initially opened | Array <String>
Optional | Possible values: APP, SHARK (WEB), AGENT, SMS, FACEBOOK, Apple Messages for Business, WhatsApp Business |
device | Type of device from which the conversation was initially opened. | Array <String>
Optional | Possible values: DESKTOP, TABLET, MOBILE, NA |
messageContentTypes | The type of the message | Array <String>
latestConversationQueueState | The queue state of the conversation | String | Optional | Valid values: IN_QUEUE, ACTIVE |
sdeSearch {list of SDEs types} | Search for values passed via engagement attributes (SDEs) | alphanumeric | Optional | Valid values: all parameters are optional, with a logical OR operator between them. The different SDE types are: personalInfo, customerInfo(includes customer ID data), userUpdate (relates to the userProfile content), marketingCampaignInfo, lead, purchase, viewedProduct, cartStatus, serviceActivity, visitorError, searchContent. See example below for how to execute a request with this parameter. |
responseTime | Agent’s response time range | epoch time in milliseconds | Optional | Either the "from" or "to" field is mandatory |
contentToRetrieve | List of content types that should be retrieved | string | Optional | Valid values: campaign, messageRecords, agentParticipants, agentParticipantsLeave, agentParticipantsActive, consumerParticipants, transfers, interactions, messageScores, messageStatuses, conversationSurveys, coBrowseSessions, summary, sdes, unAuthSdes, monitoring, dialogs, responseTime, skillChanges, intents, uniqueIntents, latestAgentSurvey, previouslySubmittedAgentSurveys |
latestUpdateTime | The earliest time the conversation was updated (e.g, all conversations which were updated between the current time and 19:00 yesterday and no earlier) | long — epoch time in milliseconds | Optional | Get only conversations that were updated since the specified time. Including bounds. The value is rounded to the last 10 minutes (e.g, a value of 19:10 will be rounded to 19:00) |
nps {from,to} | Range of NPS assigned to the conversation | numeric, numeric | Optional | Either "from" or "to" fields are mandatory. In case one of the fields is missing, its value will be set to the minimal or maximal possible value of NPS (0 or 10 respectively) |
questionBrick | Match a specific word within a PCS question name or brick ID | alphanumeric | Optional | |
invalidFreeTextAnswer | Search only for conversations that contain invalid free text answer | String | Optional | Valid values: INVALID_FREE_TEXT_ANSWER |
surveyBotConversations | Search only for conversations with PCS | String | Optional | Valid values: SURVEY_BOT |
surveyIds | An array of PCS IDs, represented as numbers | Array <surveyID>
Optional | |
fcr | Values of FCR (First Call Resolution) assigned to the conversation. | Array <String>
Optional | Possible values: 1, 0 |
questionTypeAndFormatToRetrieve {type,format} | Type and format of questions to retrieve | String, String | Optional | Possible values: Type: custom, csat, nps, fcr. Format: single, open |
answerText | Specific words or phrases from PCS free text answers | Array <String>
Optional | |
selectedIntentOnly | When TRUE — only the selectedClassification section will appear and not the allClassifications | boolean | Optional | Get only the selectedClassification section in each conversation. When using this parameter with “intentName” and/or “intentConfidenceScore” filter, the relevant information refers only to the intent that is found in the selectedClassification section |
conversationsWithStepUpOnly | Search only for conversations where a step up took place during the conversation | boolean | Optional | Get only conversations that had a step up |
agentSurveySearch {list of agent survey search criterias} | Search conversations according to their agent surveys. | alphanumeric | Optional | Valid values: all parameters are optional, with a logical AND operator between them. The different search criterias are: pendingAgentSurvey Array<Boolean> , questionId Array<String> , questionName Array<String> , questionKeywords Array<String> , answerKeywords Array<String> , surveyId Array<numeric> . |
annotationStates | Search for conversations that have an annotation with the specified state. | Array <String>
Optional | Valid values: OPEN, SUBMITTED, VETTED |
Name | Description |
start | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000}} |
end | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"end":{"from":1470908735000,"to":1472543048000}} |
status | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"status":["CLOSE","OPEN"]} |
skillIds | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"skillIds":["-1","2"]} |
latestSkillIds | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"latestSkillIds":["-1","2"]} |
agentIds | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"agentIds":["11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555","2"]} |
latestAgentIds | {"start":{"from":1470148243000,"to":1472543048000},"latestAgentIds":[3678429210,3673269110]} |
agentGroupIds | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"agentGroupIds":["0","2"]} |
keyword | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"keyword":"bonus"} |
summary | {"start":{"from":1481694532185,"to":1482324227482},"summary":"purchase"} |
duration | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000}, "duration":{"from":0,"to":1000}} |
mcs | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000}, "mcs":{"from":0,"to":100}} |
alertedMcsValues | {"start": {"from": "1485330205108", "to": "1485942798000"}, "alertedMcsValues": ["-1","1"]} |
csat | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000}, "csat":{"from":4,"to":5}} |
source | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000}, "source":["APP"]} |
device | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"device":["DESKTOP"]} |
messageContentTypes | {"start": {"from": "1484830093231", "to": "1485447764498"}, "messageContentTypes": ["TEXT_PLAIN"]} |
latestConversationQueueState | {"start": {"from": "1484830093231", "to": "1485447764498"}, "latestConversationQueueState": "IN_QUEUE"} |
sdeSearch | {"start":{"from":"1484830093231","to":"1485447764498"},"sdeSearch":{"personalInfo":"George","customerInfo":"LivePerson","userUpdate":"","marketingCampaignInfo":"campainTest","lead":"test1","purchase":"product1","viewedProduct":"product2","cartStatus":"test","serviceActivity":"test2","visitorError":"error1","searchContent":"LivePerson"}} |
responseTime | {"start":{"from":1529566882153,"to":1530171697782},"status":["OPEN"],"responseTime":{"from":1530013618000,to":1530153993000},"contentToRetrieve":["responseTime"]} |
contentToRetrieve | {"start":{"from":1518411320000,"to":-1},"contentToRetrieve":["campaign","messageRecords", "agentParticipants", "agentParticipantsLeave", "agentParticipantsActive","consumerParticipants", "transfers", "interactions", "messageScores","messageStatuses", "conversationSurveys", "coBrowseSessions", "summary", "sdes", "unAuthSdes", "monitoring", "responseTime", "intents", "latestAgentSurvey", "previouslySubmittedAgentSurveys"]} |
latestUpdateTime | {"start":{"from":1541578792011,"to":1541578895020},"status":["OPEN","CLOSE"],"latestUpdateTime":{"from":1541578792011}} |
nps | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000}, "nps":{"from":0,"to":7}} |
questionBrick | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"questionBrick":"Improvement suggestion"} |
invalidFreeTextAnswer | {"start": {"from": "1484830093231", "to": "1485447764498"}, "invalidFreeTextAnswer": "INVALID_FREE_TEXT_ANSWER"} |
surveyBotConversations | {"start": {"from": "1484830093231", "to": "1485447764498"}, "surveyBotConversations": "SURVEY_BOT"} |
surveyIds | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"surveyIds":["545511613","489785213","481777913"]} |
fcr | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"fcr":["yes","no"]} |
questionTypeAndFormatToRetrieve | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000}, "questionTypeAndFormatToRetrieve":{"type":"custom","format":"open}} |
answerText | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"answerText":["good","bad","ugly"]} |
conversationsWithStepUpOnly | {"start":{"from":1541578792011,"to":1541578895020},"contentToRetrieve":["messageRecords"],"conversationsWithStepUpOnly":true} |
agentSurveySearch | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"agentSurveySearch":{"pendingAgentSurvey":[true], "questionId":["id1","id2"], "questionName":["id1","id2"], "questionKeywords":["keyword1","keyword2"],"answerKeywords":["keyword1","keyword2"],"surveyId":[3592872510]}} |
annotationStates | {"start":{"from":1470037448000,"to":1472543048000},"annotationStates":["OPEN","SUBMITTED","VETTED"]} |
In order to search for a specific phrase within the messages, summary or engagement attributes of the conversation, you will need to wrap the phrase in quotation marks. This makes sure that the search will run according to all specified characaters in the phrase and in the same position relative to each other. (For example: searching for "", will search for the characters “tester” and “” in that order.)
Response codes
Code | Internal Code | Description |
200 | – | OK; Operation performed successfully |
204 | – | No Content; Operation performed successfully |
400 | – | Bad Request; Problem with body or query parameters |
401 | – | Unauthorized (no permissions) |
403 | – | Forbidden |
429 | – | Too many requests |
500 | – | Internal Server Error |
500 | 0007 | Elastic search exception |
500 | 0008 | Runtime exception |
503 | – | Service unavailable |
General characterizations
Field Types — Max number of digits possible
Field Type | Size | Max number of digits:— | :— | :— |
Long | 64 bit | 19 digits | ||
Double | 64 bit | 16 digits | ||
Integer | 32 bit | 10 digits_Decimal fractions_ |
The max length for double fields is 16 digits. For Decimal fractions, the max possible length to the right of the decimal is 11 digits, whereas the max length to the left of the decimal is 16 digits.
Elements in the response
Metadata info
Name | Description | Type/Value |
metadata | All response-related Metadata. | container |
rel | Name of a link to be used in the next request | alphanumeric (256) |
href | A specific link to be used in the next request | alphanumeric (256) |
count | Number of sessions using the current query/filter | numeric |
info | Information about a specific conversation. | container |
Conversation record
Name | Description | Type/Value |
info | Contains information on the conversation | container |
campaign | Campaign data of the messaging interaction. | container |
messagesRecords | Contains information about a specific message. | container |
messageStatuses | Contains information about message acceptance status (i.e. read/accept) | container |
agentParticipants | Contains information about the agent(s) participating in the conversation | container |
consumerParticipants | Contains information about the consumer(s) participating in the conversation | container |
transfers | Contains information about transfers in the conversation | container |
interactions | Contains information about the interactions in the conversation. | container |
messageScores | Contains information about the message’s score, including raw and MCS. | container |
skillChanges | Contains information about the skill changes on the conversation (i.e. default skill/fallback skil). | container |
conversationSurveys | Contains information about the different surveys for the current conversation | container |
coBrowseSessions | Contains information about CoBrowse sessions for the current conversation | container |
summary | Contains information about the conversation’s summary | container |
sdes | List of engagement attributes | container |
responseTime | Agent’s response time | container |
dialogs | Contains information about the different dialogs for the current conversation | container |
intents | Contains information about the intents that relate to the current conversation | container |
uniqueIntents | Contains basic information about the unique intents that relate to the current conversation | container |
Conversation info
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
conversationId | ID of conversation | string | |
brandId | ID of brand. | string | |
status | Latest status of the conversation | string | |
startTime | Start-time of the conversation | long | |
endTime | End time of the conversation | long | The end time is set to the end of the conversation and updated upon survey submission/timeout. |
conversationEndTime | The end time of the conversation regardless of the survey’s status. Human-readable timestamp | long | |
conversationEndTimeL | Same as above in epoch time | long | |
fullDialogEndTime | The close time of the conversation including survey submission | long | Survey can be submitted or timed-out |
fullDialogEndTimeL | Same as above in epoch time | long | |
duration | Time from when the consumer started the conversation until it ended | long | For open conversations, the duration returned is the time until the time the data was retrieved (in milliseconds). |
closeReason | Reason for closing the conversation — by agent / consumer | string | |
closeReasonDescription | Additional information regarding the conversation close reason | string | |
firstConversation | Whether it is the consumer’s first conversation. | Boolean | |
csat | CSAT score of the conversation (as given in the answer) | int | Range: 1 to 5. |
mcs | Meaningful Conversation Score of the conversation. | int | Range: 0-100. If it is for an open conversation, the score is take from the conversation up until the most recent interaction. |
alertedMCS | Divides the MCS score into 3 groups: Positive, Neutral, Negative | int | Values: -1, 0, 1 |
source | Source origin (Facebook, app, etc) | string | |
device | Device origin (desktop, smartphone, etc.). | string | |
deviceModel | The model of the mobile device that opened the connection | string | For example: "Iphone9,4" |
latestSkillId | Most recent skill id of the conversation, will be updated after the conversation is started, assigned to an agent or transferred to a skill | long | Default value is "-1" |
latestSkillName | Most recent skill name that the conversation was assigned to | string | |
latestAgentId | Most recent agent ID the conversation was assigned to. | long | |
latestAgentLoginName | The agent’s login name | string | |
latestAgentNickname | The agent’s nickname. | string | |
latestAgentFullName | The agent’s full name | string | |
agentDeleted | Indicates whether agent was deleted | Boolean | |
latestAgentGroupId | Group ID of the agent most recently assigned to the conversation | long | |
latestAgentGroupName | Group name of the agent most recently assigned to the conversation | string | |
browser | The browser or hosted application of the engagement | string | |
browserVersion | Detailed version info of the user agent (browser or host-application) | string | |
operatingSystem | Operating system of the device | string | Possible values:WINDOWS, MAC_OSX, LINUX, IOS, ANDROID. |
operatingSystemVersion | The operating system version, and distribution type (if relevant) | string | Examples: Ubuntu 15.00 |
latestQueueState | Indicates if the conversation is assigned to an agent or waiting in queue | string | Valid values: "IN_QUEUE", "ACTIVE" |
isPartial | Indicates whether the conversation’s data is partial | Boolean | In order to retrieve its full data, use single conversation method (by conversation ID). |
sessionId | Session ID in LivePerson system | string | |
interactionContextId | Session ID in LivePerson system | string | |
timeZone | Visitor’s time zone | string | |
features | The features that the connection is using | list of strings | For example: PHOTOSHARING, QUICKREPLIES, COAPP, AUTOMESSAGES, RICHCONTENT, SECUREFORMS. |
language | Language of the conversation’s context | string | |
integration | The integration type: mobile-sdk, web-sdk, brand-sdk | string | |
integrationVersion | The version of the integration | string | |
appId | The name of the application | string | We have a few internal application names: ConsumerApp, WebAgent, BrandAgent |
appVersion | The hosted application version | string | |
ipAddress | Current connection user IP | string | |
isPartial | The response is truncated. This can happen when you attempt to retrieve large amounts of data for a consumer or a conversation too many times, in order to protect server stability | Boolean | |
wasStepUp | Indicates if the conversation had a step up | Boolean | |
pendingAgentSurvey | Indicate if the conversation has a pending agent survey | Boolean | |
firstIntentName | The id of the intent that was created based on the first intent-able message in the conversation | string | |
firstIntentLabel | The label of the intent that was created based on first intent-able message in the conversation | string | |
truncated | Indicates whether consumerId/conversationId is in black list and the response is truncated | Boolean |
Campaign info
Name | Description | Type/ Value | Notes |
campaignEngagementId | ID of the campaign’s engagement. | numeric | |
campaignEngagementName | Name of the campaign’s engagement | alphanumeric (50) | |
campaignId | ID of the campaign | numeric | |
campaignName | Name of the campaign. | alphanumeric (50) | |
goalId | ID of the campaign’s goal | numeric | |
goalName | Name of the campaign’s goal | alphanumeric (50) | |
engagementAgentNote | Note to the Agent defined for the campaign’s engagement | alphanumeric | |
engagementSource | The source of the campaign’s engagement e.g. WEB_SITE, SOCIAL_MEDIA, etc | alphanumeric | |
visitorBehaviorId | ID of the behavioral targeting rule defined for the campaign’s engagement (in case engagement id is available). | numeric | |
visitorBehaviorName | Name of the behavioral targeting rule defined for the campaign’s engagement (in case engagememt id is available) | alphanumeric (50) | |
engagementApplicationId | Engagement’s application ID | alphanumeric — UUID | The engagement which triggered the conversation |
engagementApplicationName | Engagement’s application name. | alphanumeric | The engagement which triggered the conversation |
engagementApplicationTypeId | Engagement’s application type id | alphanumeric | The engagement which triggered the conversation |
engagementApplicationTypeName | Engagement’s application type name | alphanumeric | The engagement which triggered the conversation |
visitorProfileId | ID of the visitor profile defined for the campaign. | numeric | |
visitorProfileName | Name of the visitor profile defined for the campaign | alphanumeric | (50) |
lobId | ID of the line of business of the campaign | numeric(long) | |
lobName | Name of the line of business of the campaign. | alphanumeric | |
LocationId | ID of the location of the engagement on the screen. | numeric | |
LocationName | describes the engagement display location. | alphanumeric | The default location is the entire website. |
behaviorSystemDefault | Indicates whether behavioral targeting rule is the default one. | Boolean | |
profileSystemDefault | Indicates whether behavioral targeting rule is the default one. | Boolean |
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
country | Name of country | alphanumeric | |
countryCode | Country’s code | alphanumeric | |
state | Name of state | alphanumeric | |
city | Name of the city | alphanumeric | |
isp | Internet service provider’s name | alphanumeric | |
org | Name of organization | alphanumeric | |
device | Type of device | alphanumeric | Valid values: "DESKTOP", "TABLET", "MOBILE", "NA" |
ipAddress | IP address of the consumer’s device | alphanumeric | |
browser | Browser of the consumer who engaged in the conversation | alphanumeric | |
operatingSystem | Operating System of the consumer who engageed in the conversation | alphanumeric | |
conversationStartPage | The page’s URL from which the conversation started | alphanumeric | |
conversationStartPageTitle | The page’s title from which the conversation started | alphanumeric |
Message info
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
time | Time the message was sent. | string | |
timeL | Time the message was sent in a long format | long | |
type | Type of data | string | Valid values: "text", "file", |
messageData | Content of the message. | container | |
messageId | ID of message. | string | |
seq | Message’s sequence in the conversation | string | Does not have to be continuous, i.e. 0, 2, 5, etc. |
dialogId | Dialog ID. A conversation may contain multiple dialogs (main dialog, survey dialog, etc.), each dialog identified by its unique ID | long | The main dialog id is the conversation id |
participantId | ID of participant | string | |
source | Message’s origin. | string | deprecated (not supported) |
device | Device the message was sent from | string | deprecated (not supported) |
sentBy | Who sent the message | string | Valid values: "agent", "consumer" |
integrationSource | Conversation message’s origin. | string | Valid values: "SHARK", "SMS", "APP", "WhatsApp Business" |
audience | Who can receive the message (eg private message) | string | Valid values: "ALL", "AGENTS_AND_MANAGERS" |
predefinedContentLanguage | The language of the message | string | |
predefinedContentCategoryId | The category id of the predefined content | string | |
predefinedContentId | The id of the predefined content | string | |
predefinedContent | Is the message generated by predefined content | boolean | Valid values: true, false |
predefinedContentEdited | Is the text of message edited after choosing a predefined content | boolean | Valid values: true, false |
contextData | Contains context information about the consumer’s message, including raw and structured metadata. | container |
Context data
Name | Description | Type/Value |
rawMetadata | Raw meta data of context information about a consumer message in a JSON format. | string |
structuredMetadata | An array of structured metadata including both context data about a consumer message and an action reason in case of escalation | Array <StructuredMetadata>
Structured metadata
Name | Description | Type/Value |
botResponse | Container of structured context data about a consumer message | container |
actionReason | Contains information about the action’s reason | container |
Name | Description | Type/Value |
externalConversationId | External platform conversation identifier. | string |
businessCases | The topic or business case of the conversation. In WVA this data is stored in capability field. | Array <String>
intents | List of intents identified for a consumer message | Array <Intent>
Name | Description | Type/Value |
id | Intent id. | string |
name | Intent name. | string |
confidence | Normalized intent confidence level (low, medium, high). | string |
confidenceScore | Intent confidence level value as calculated by the integrated platform. | double |
domainId | DomainId from Conversation Builder NLU. | string |
Action reason
Name | Description | Type/Value |
reason | The reason behind an action that was taken by a bot or an agent, currently the action refers to escalation or transfer | string |
Message text
Name | Description | Type/Value |
text | The text content of the message | string |
Message file
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
relativePath | Relative path of the file. | string | |
fileType | Type of the file. | string | Valid values: "JPG", "PNG", "GIF", "TXT", "PDF" |
caption | The caption (heading) of the file | string | |
preview | Preview of the sent image (thumbnail). | string | Encoded in base64 format. Available only for specific conversation method (by conversation ID). |
Message link
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
externalFileLink | Link to external file | string | |
fileType | Type of the file. | string | Valid values: "JPG", "PNG", "GIF", "TXT", "PDF" |
caption | Description of the file | string |
Message secure form
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
formId | The ID of the form. | string | Returns in case agent sends form invitation. |
formName | The name of the form | string | Returns in case agent sends form invitation. |
submissionId | The ID of the submission. | string | Returns in case agent sends form invitation. |
invitationId | The ID of the invitation. | string |
Message rich content
Name | Description | Type/Value |
content | The JSON of rich content. | string |
Message quick replies
Name | Description | Type/Value |
content | The JSON of the quick replies | string |
Message status info
Name | Description | Type/Value |
messageId | ID of message | string |
time | Time the change in message status occurred | string |
timeL | Time the change in message status occurred, in long format | long |
messageDeliveryStatus | The message’s delivery status (i.e. sent. accept, read). | string |
dialogId | The ID of the message dialog | string |
participantId | The ID of the participant sending the message | string |
participantType | The type of participant | string |
Message score info
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
messageId | ID of message | string | |
time | Time the MCS was calculated. | string | |
timeL | Time the MCS was calculated, in long format | long | |
mcs | Meaningful Conversation Score of the conversation up to this message | int | Range: 0 – 100. |
messageRawScore | Score of message | int |
Conversation CoBrowse sessions DTO
Name | Description | Type / Value | Notes |
coBrowseSessionsList | Co browse sessions list | Array <ConversationCoBrowseSessionDTO>
Conversation CoBrowse session DTO
Name | Description | Type / Value | Notes |
sessionId | Session id | alphanumeric | |
startTime | Start time | alphanumeric | |
startTimeL | Start time | long — epoch time in milliseconds | |
endTime | End time | alphanumeric | |
endTimeL | End time | long — epoch time in milliseconds | |
interactiveTime | The time the session became interactive | alphanumeric | |
interactiveTimeL | The time the session became interactive | long — epoch time in milliseconds | |
isInteractive | Is the session interactive | boolean | |
endReason | CoBrowse end reason | alphanumeric | |
duration | Duration of the CoBrowse session | numeric | |
type | Type | alphanumeric | Valid values: "inApp", "web" |
capabilities | Capabilities | Array <alphanumeric>
agentId | Agent id | alphanumeric |
Participating agent info
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
agentId | ID of agent | string | |
agentLoginName | Login name of the agent assigned to the conversation | string | |
agentNickname | Nickname of the agent assigned to the conversation | string | |
agentFullName | Full name of the agent assigned to the conversation. | string | |
agentDeleted | Indicates whether agent was deleted | Boolean | |
time | The time the agent was added to the conversation. | string | |
timeL | The time the agent was added to the conversation (in long format) | long | |
role | The agent’s role in the conversation — assigned agent, manager etc | string | |
userType | The id of the user type, can be one of the following:0, 1, 2 | String | |
userTypeName | The name of the user type can be one of the following: System, Human or Bot | String | |
agentGroupId | Agent’s group ID | long | |
agentGroupName | The agent’s group name | string | |
permission | Agent’s permission in the conversation (READER, ASSIGNED, SUGGESTED_ASSIGNED_AGENT). | string | Valid values: "reader", "assigned" |
contextData | Contains context information about the transfer, including raw and structured metadata. | container | |
dialogId | The ID of the dialog the agent is participating in | string |
Consumer participant info
Name | Description | Type/Value |
participantId | ID of consumer (in the LivePerson database) | string |
time | Time in which the data was last updated | string |
timeL | Time in which the data was last updated (in long format) | long |
joinTime | Time the consumer joined the conversation | string |
joinTimeL | Time the consumer joined the conversation (in long format). | long |
firstName | Consumer’s first name (provided by consumer in their profile). | string |
lastName | Consumer’s last name (provided by consumer in their profile) | string |
phone | Consumer’s phone number (provided by consumer in their profile) | string |
Consumer’s email (provided by consumer in their profile) | string | |
token | Private identifier of the user | string |
dialogId | The ID of the dialog the agent is participating in | string |
Transfer info
Name | Description | Type/Value | |
transfer | Information about the transfer operation in the conversation | container | |
time | Time of transfer | string | |
timeL | Time of transfer (in long format) | long | |
assignedAgentId | Target agent ID (to transfer to) | string | |
assignedAgentLoginName | The agent’s login name. | string | |
assignedAgentNickname | The agent’s nickname | string | |
assignedAgentFullName | The agent’s full name | string | |
targetSkillId | Target skill ID (to transfer to) | long | |
targetSkillName | Target skill name | string | |
sourceSkillId | The source skill ID. | long | |
sourceSkillName | The source skill name | string | |
sourceAgentId | The source agent ID. | string | |
sourceAgentLoginName | The source agent name | string | |
sourceAgentNickname | The source agent nickname. | string | |
sourceAgentFullName | The source agent full name | string | |
reason | Reason for transfer (back2Q, Agent, SuggestedAgentTimeout, Skill, TakeOver) | string Note: The reason property gives you insight into why the conversation was transferred: back2Q — the agent transferred the conversation back to the queue; Agent — the conversation was transferred to a specific agent; SuggestedAgentTimeout — the conversation was transferred to a specific agent but they did not accept it in time and it was transferred back to the queue; Skill — the conversation was transferred to a skill; TakeOver — a manager has taken over the conversation. |
contextData | Contains context information about the transfer, including raw and structured metadata. | container | |
dialogId | The ID of the dialog being transferred. | String |
Interaction info
Name | Description | Type/Value |
assignedAgentId | ID of the agent participating in the current interaction | string |
agentLoginName | The agent’s login name | string |
agentNickname | The agent’s nickname | string |
agentFullName | The agent’s full name. | string |
interactionTime | Interaction start time | string |
interactionTimeL | Interaction start time (in long format). | long |
interactiveSequence | Interaction’s sequence within the conversation | int |
dialogId | The ID of the dialog having the interaction | string |
Survey info
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
surveyType | Type of the survey | string | CSAT or PostSurvey |
surveyStatus | Status of the submission of the survey. | string | |
dialogId | The ID of the dialog of the survey | string | |
surveyId | The ID of the survey. | string | |
surveyData | List of the question and answers in the survey | container |
SurveyData info
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
questionName | Survey question name defined in Provider Survey | string | |
question | Survey question text | string | |
answer | Survey answer text. | string | |
questionId | Survey question ID | string | |
answerId | Survey answer ID, | string | The answer ID from the survey definition, or “InvalidAnswer”, if the answer was invalid |
questionType | Survey question type | string | |
questionFormat | Survey question format | string | |
answerSeq | Survey answer sequence | string | |
isValidAnswer | If the answer is valid or not | boolean |
Summary info
Name | Description | Type/Value |
text | Conversation’s summary text, written by the Agent | string |
lastUpdatedTime | Time the conversation’s summary was last updated | long |
SDEs info
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
events | The SDEs that were received from the brand | Container (see Appendix) | |
originalTimeStamp | Event creation timestamp | long — epoch time in milliseconds | |
serverTimeStamp | Event processing timestamp | long — epoch time in milliseconds | Default value — event creation time. If processing occurred, the value is updated to the processing time. |
sdeType | Type of SDE | enum |
Here you can find detailed information on the different attributes that are exposed for the engagement attributes via the API.
Response time info
Name | Description | Type/Value |
latestEffectiveResponseDueTime | Latest effective response due time for agent to respond (by when should an agent respond to a message before it is considered overdue). -1 indicates waiting for consumer, -2 indicates response time is irrelevant. | long — epoch time in milliseconds |
configuredResponseTime | Conversation’s configured agent response time | long — epoch time in milliseconds |
Dialog info
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
dialogId | The ID of the dialog. | string | |
status | Status of the dialog. | string | |
dialogType | The dialog type. | string | Valid values: "POST_SURVEY", "MAIN". |
dialogChannelType | The dialog channel type. | string | |
startTime | The dialog start time, readable format. | string | |
startTimeL | The dialog start time, epoch time in milliseconds. | long — epoch time in milliseconds | |
endTime | The dialog end time, readable format | string | |
endTimeL | The dialog end time, epoch time in milliseconds. | long — epoch time in milliseconds | |
closeReason | The dialog close reason. | string | |
closeReasonDescription | The dialog close reason description. | string | |
skillId | The skill ID associated with the dialog | string | Default value is "-1" |
skillName | The name of the skill associated with the dialog. | string |
Intents info
Name | Description | Type/Value |
selectedClassification | The selected intent classification for a specific message | IntentAnalyzerClassification |
allClassifications | All intent classification results for the same message | Array <IntentAnalyzerClassification>
messageId | The id of the message that triggered this intent | string |
IntentAnalyzerClassification DTO
Name | Description | Type/Value |
intentName | The id of the intent | string |
intentLabel | A Friendly label of the intent | string |
confidenceScore | Intent confidence score | double — up to 3 decimal digits |
versions | Model versions used to generate this intent | Array <IntentAnalyzerVersionDTO>
IntentAnalyzerVersion DTO
Name | Description | Type/Value |
modelName | The name of the model | string |
modelVersion | The version of the model | stringJSON Example |
BasicUniqueIntents info
Name | Description | Type/Value |
intentName | The id of the intent | string |
intentLabel | A Friendly label of the intent | string |
Latest agent survey
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
surveyStatus | Status of the survey | string | Valid values: "OPEN", "SUBMITTED", "DISMISSED", "CLOSED". |
statusReason | Status Reason. | string | Valid values: "skillChanged", "timeout", "OPEN", "SUBMITTED", "DISMISSED". |
dialogId | The ID of the dialog. | string | |
surveyId | The runtime survey ID. | string | |
acSurveyId | The AC form ID | string | |
acSurveyName | The AC form name | string | |
acSurveyRevision | The AC form revision | string | |
surveySkillId | The skill ID of the skill associated with the survey. | long | |
surveySkillName | The skill name | string | |
assignedAgentId | The ID of the agent assigned to the survey. | string | |
assignedAgentNickName | The nick name of the agent assigned to the survey. | string | |
assignedAgentName | The name of the agent assigned to the survey. | string | |
performedByAgentId | The ID of the agent that performed the operation. | string | |
performedByAgentNickName | The nick name of the performing agent | string | |
performedByAgentName | The name of the performing agent | string | |
lastUpdateTime | The AC form revision | long — epoch time in milliseconds | |
submittedAnswers | Agent survey questions | container |
Previously submitted agent surveys
Name | Description | Type/Value | Notes |
surveyStatus | Status of the survey | string | Valid values: "OPEN", "SUBMITTED", "DISMISSED", "CLOSED". |
statusReason | Status Reason. | string | Valid values: "skillChanged", "timeout", "OPEN", "SUBMITTED", "DISMISSED". |
dialogId | The ID of the dialog. | string | |
surveyId | The runtime survey ID. | string | |
acSurveyId | The AC form ID | string | |
acSurveyName | The AC form name | string | |
acSurveyRevision | The AC form revision | string | |
surveySkillId | The skill ID of the skill associated with the survey. | long | |
surveySkillName | The skill name | string | |
assignedAgentId | The ID of the agent assigned to the survey. | string | |
assignedAgentNickName | The nick name of the agent assigned to the survey. | string | |
assignedAgentName | The name of the agent assigned to the survey. | string | |
performedByAgentId | The ID of the agent that performed the operation. | string | |
performedByAgentNickName | The nick name of the performing agent | string | |
performedByAgentName | The name of the performing agent | string | |
lastUpdateTime | The AC form revision | long — epoch time in milliseconds | |
submittedAnswers | Agent survey questions | container |
Agent survey question
Name | Description | Type/Value |
questionText | Survey question text | string |
questionId | Survey question ID | string |
questionDefinition | Survey question definition | string |
questionCategory | Survey question category | string |
answers | Agent survey answers | container |
Agent survey answer
Name | Description | Type/Value |
answer | Survey answer text | string |
answerId | Survey answer ID | string |
"_metadata": {
"count": 1,
"self": {
"rel": "self",
"href": "https://localhost:8082/messaging_history/api/account/qa51680169/conversations/search?limit=50&offset=0"
"shardsStatusResult": {
"partialResult": false
"conversationHistoryRecords": [
"info": {
"startTime": "2016-08-29 14:30:24.565+0000",
"startTimeL": 1472481024565,
"endTime": "2016-08-29 19:58:24.565+0000",
"endTimeL": 1472500733000,
"conversationEndTime": "2016-08-29 18:58:24.565+0000",
"conversationEndTimeL": 1472497133000,
"fullDialogEndTime": "2016-08-29 19:58:24.565+0000",
"fullDialogEndTimeL": 1472500733000,
"duration": 78970,
"conversationId": "e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630",
"brandId": "qa26409991",
"latestAgentId": "3677470410",
"latestAgentNickname": "",
"latestAgentFullName": "",
"latestAgentLoginName": "",
"agentDeleted": false,
"latestSkillId": -1,
"latestSkillName": "Unassigned",
"source": "APP",
"closeReason": "AGENT",
"closeReasonDescription": "MANUAL_CLOSE",
"mcs": 67,
"alertedMCS": 1,
"status": "OPEN",
"fullDialogStatus": "OPEN",
"firstConversation": false,
"csatRate": 5,
"device": "undefined",
"browser": "chrome",
"operatingSystem": "NA",
"latestAgentGroupId": -1,
"latestAgentGroupName": "Unassigned",
"latestQueueState": "ACTIVE",
"isPartial": false,
"pendingAgentSurvey": false
"campaign": {
"campaignEngagementId": "2330596212",
"campaignEngagementName": "Engagement-123",
"campaignId": "2266771712",
"campaignName": "Live_Chat_on_your_site",
"goalId": "2266719412",
"goalName": "Interact with visitors",
"engagementAgentNote": "agent-note-test-messaging",
"engagementSource": "WEB_SITE",
"visitorBehaviorId": "2379540212",
"visitorBehaviorName": "someVisitorBehavior",
"engagementApplicationId": "28879660-84fd-4cd8-a1d7-ba3247bdb252",
"engagementApplicationName": "Some Mobile App Test",
"engagementApplicationTypeId": "92274cfd-29e7-4d94-a013-0646212d8075",
"engagementApplicationTypeName": "Mobile App",
"visitorProfileId": "2286779312",
"visitorProfileName": "All visitors",
"lobId": 2389848512,
"lobName": "lob_123",
"locationId": "2266779612",
"locationName": "Entire site",
"profileSystemDefault": true,
"behaviorSystemDefault": false
"monitoring": {
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"state": "Michigan",
"city": "Michigan",
"isp": "AT&T U-verse",
"org": "AT&T U-verse",
"device": "DESKTOP",
"ipAddress": "",
"browser": "Chrome 66.0.3359.181",
"operatingSystem": "WINDOWS",
"conversationStartPage": "https://testPage",
"conversationStartPageTitle": "LivePerson Page"
"messageRecords": [
"type": "TEXT_PLAIN",
"messageData": {
"msg": {
"text": "Hi there #4"
"messageId": "ms::conv:e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630::msg:0",
"seq": 0,
"dialogId": "e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630",
"participantId": "f92c9890-2c95-428b-8a32-083528620d31",
"source": "APP",
"time": "2016-08-29 15:14:19.564+0000",
"timeL": 1472483659564,
"device": "undefined",
"audience": "ALL",
"sentBy": "Consumer"
"type": "TEXT_PLAIN",
"messageData": {
"msg": {
"text": "Hi there, dear consumer!"
"quickReplies": {
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"time": "2016-08-29 15:14:20.569+0000",
"timeL": 1472483659564,
"device": "undefined",
"audience": "ALL",
"sentBy": "Agent",
"contextData": {
"rawMetadata": "[{\"type\":\"BotResponse\",\"intents\":[{\"id\":\"some intent identifier\",\"confidence\":\"MEDIUM\",\"confidenceScore\":0.753}],\"externalConversationId\":\"conversation identifier\",\"businessCases\":[\"business case name\"]},{\"type\":\"ActionReason\",\"reason\":\"some reason\",\"reasonId\":\"some reason ID\"}]",
"structuredMetadata": [
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"businessCases": [
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"intents": [
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"confidence": "MEDIUM",
"confidenceScore": 0.753
"actionReason": {
"reason": "some reason"
"type": "TEXT_PLAIN",
"messageData": {
"msg": {
"text": "I love your service"
"messageId": "ms::conv:e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630::msg:2",
"seq": 2,
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"participantId": "f92c9890-2c95-428b-8a32-083528620d31",
"source": "APP",
"time": "2016-08-29 15:15:42.568+0000",
"timeL": 1472483742568,
"device": "undefined",
"audience": "ALL",
"sentBy": "Consumer"
"type": "RICH_CONTENT",
"messageData": {
"quickReplies": {
"content": "{\"type\":\"quickReplies\",\"itemsPerRow\":8,\"replies\":[{\"type\":\"button\",\"tooltip\":\"Yes\",\"title\":\"Yes\",\"click\":{\"actions\":[{\"type\":\"publishText\",\"text\":\"Yes\"}]}},{\"type\":\"button\",\"tooltip\":\"No\",\"title\":\"No\",\"click\":{\"actions\":[{\"type\":\"publishText\",\"text\":\"No\"}]}}]}"
"richContent": {
"content": "{\"type\":\"vertical\",\"elements\":[{\"type\":\"image\",\"url\":\"\",\"tooltip\":\"image tooltip\",\"click\":{\"metadata\":[{\"type\":\"ExternalId\",\"id\":\"123\"}],\"actions\":[{\"type\":\"navigate\",\"lo\":-73.9654,\"la\":40.7829},{\"type\":\"publishText\",\"text\":\"Manhaten\"}]}},{\"type\":\"text\",\"text\":\"Now on sale!\"},{\"type\":\"image\",\"url\":\"\",\"tooltip\":\"image tooltip\",\"click\":{\"metadata\":[{\"type\":\"ExternalId\",\"id\":\"123\"}],\"actions\":[{\"type\":\"navigate\",\"lo\":-73.9654,\"la\":40.7829},{\"type\":\"publishText\",\"text\":\"Manhaten\"}]}}]}"
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"dialogId": "e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630",
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"source": "APP",
"time": "2017-10-24 10:24:52.962+0000",
"timeL": 1508840692962,
"device": "undefined",
"audience": "ALL",
"sentBy": "Agent"
"agentParticipants": [
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"agentNickname": "",
"agentLoginName": "",
"agentId": "3677470410",
"userType": "1",
"userTypeName": "Human",
"role": "AGENT",
"agentGroupName": "Unassigned",
"agentGroupId": -1,
"time": "2016-08-29 15:14:05.005+0000",
"timeL": 1472483645005,
"permission": "ASSIGNED_AGENT",
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1",
"contextData": {
"rawMetadata": "[{\"type\":\"BotResponse\",\"intents\":[{\"id\":\"some intent identifier\",\"confidence\":\"MEDIUM\",\"confidenceScore\":0.753}],\"externalConversationId\":\"conversationidentifier\",\"businessCases\":[\"business case name\"]},{\"type\":\"ActionReason\",\"reason\":\"some reason\",\"reasonId\":\"some reason ID\"}]",
"structuredMetadata": [
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"businessCases": [
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"intents": [
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"confidence": "MEDIUM",
"confidenceScore": 0.753
"actionReason": {
"reason": "some reason"
"consumerParticipants": [
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"firstName": "Visitor",
"lastName": "Test",
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"email": "undefined",
"phone": "0",
"avatarURL": "undefined",
"time": "2016-08-29 14:30:24.573+0000",
"timeL": 1472481024573,
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"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1"
"transfers": [
"timeL": 1498127364726,
"time": "2017-06-22 10:29:24.726+0000",
"assignedAgentId": "null",
"targetSkillId": 2,
"targetSkillName": "cats",
"reason": "Skill",
"by": "196875613",
"sourceSkillId": -1,
"sourceSkillName": "Unassigned",
"sourceAgentId": "196875613",
"sourceAgentFullName": "michal1",
"sourceAgentLoginName": "michal1",
"sourceAgentNickname": "michal1",
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1"
"timeL": 1498127562332,
"time": "2017-06-22 10:32:42.332+0000",
"assignedAgentId": "null",
"targetSkillId": 3,
"targetSkillName": "lpsocial",
"reason": "Skill",
"by": "7",
"sourceSkillId": 2,
"sourceSkillName": "cats",
"sourceAgentId": "7",
"sourceAgentFullName": "michal",
"sourceAgentLoginName": "",
"sourceAgentNickname": "michal",
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1"
"interactions": [
"assignedAgentId": "3677470410",
"assignedAgentFullName": "",
"assignedAgentLoginName": "",
"assignedAgentNickname": "",
"interactionTimeL": 1472483644999,
"interactionTime": "2016-08-29 15:14:04.999+0000",
"interactiveSequence": 1,
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1"
"dialogs": [
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1",
"status": "OPEN",
"dialogType": "MAIN",
"dialogChannelType": "MESSAGING",
"startTime": "2017-09-25 07:55:58.000+0000",
"startTimeL": 1506326158000,
"endTime": "2017-09-25 07:56:53.422+0000",
"endTimeL": 1506326213422,
"closeReason": "AGENT",
"closeReasonDescription": "MANUAL_CLOSE",
"skillId": 1234,
"skillName": "skill3"
"messageScores": [
"messageId": "ms::conv:e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630::msg:0",
"messageRawScore": 0,
"mcs": 0,
"time": "2016-08-29 15:14:26.314+0000",
"timeL": 1472483666314
"messageId": "ms::conv:e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630::msg:2",
"messageRawScore": 0,
"mcs": 0,
"time": "2016-08-29 15:15:49.225+0000",
"timeL": 1472483749225
"messageStatuses": [
"messageId": "ms::conv:e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630::msg:0",
"seq": 0,
"time": "2016-08-29 15:14:19.626+0000",
"timeL": 1472483659626,
"participantId": "3677470410",
"participantType": "Agent",
"messageDeliveryStatus": "ACCEPT",
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1"
"messageId": "ms::conv:e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630::msg:2",
"seq": 2,
"time": "2016-08-29 15:15:42.609+0000",
"timeL": 1472483742609,
"participantId": "3677470410",
"participantType": "Agent",
"messageDeliveryStatus": "ACCEPT",
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1"
"messageId": "ms::conv:e5c58e49-e4a5-40a8-8a18-d6580d1d5630::msg:0",
"seq": 0,
"time": "2016-08-29 15:15:58.272+0000",
"timeL": 1472483758272,
"participantId": "3677470410",
"participantType": "Agent",
"messageDeliveryStatus": "READ",
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1"
"conversationSurveys": [
"surveyType": "Satisfaction",
"surveyStatus": "FILLED",
"dialogId": "cd5926e0-5b57-4c82-85c5-9c95f88263a1",
"surveyData": [
"question": "Confirm Resolution",
"answer": "Yes"
"coBrowseSessions": {
"coBrowseSessionsList": [
"sessionId": "22207277:37084513__1d165aa8-9d37-4e40-baf8-06f5e80f6cd2_1506325721990",
"startTime": "2017-09-25 07:48:42.000+0000",
"startTimeL": 1506325722000,
"endTime": "2017-09-25 07:50:01.789+0000",
"endTimeL": 1506325801789,
"endReason": "AGENT",
"duration": 79789,
"type": "inApp",
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"interactive": true
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