
Connect To Messaging (C2M) is a product offering from LivePerson allowing brands to offer consumers an option to deflect to messaging when they call into their IVR. C2M API serves as an intermediary between the brand’s IVR System and LivePerson Conversational Cloud, ensuring that the consumer is invited to join a conversation with an agent via eligible messaging channels. Once a consumer responds to a message from that channel, C2M makes sure that the conversation is routed to an agent of the appropriate skill specified by the brands.

Getting Started

  1. Onboarding to C2M is a mandatory process before running APIs.
  2. The brand’s system should integrate with two C2M API endpoints, which are Eligibility and Invite.
    • Eligibility: Brands call this endpoint to check whether a consumer is reachable via a messaging channel.
    • Invite: If Eligibility endpoint returns "eligible": true in the response, then Brands can call this endpoint to send a messaging invitation to transfer the customer from IVR to one of their supported channels.

One exception to Eligibility API is that it will not check eligibility for the WhatsApp channel. This is as per Meta’s privacy policy. Instead, when this API is invoked for the WhatsApp channel, we will always return true irrespective of the real eligibility state. It will be the brand’s responsibility to ensure that the customer is indeed WhatsApp enabled before calling the Invite API, otherwise, brands may see higher Invite failures.

API Specifications

C2M Domain

C2M is deployed in three regions. North America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa), APAC (Asia Pacific). Use the Domain API to identify the zone of C2M API for an account with connectToMessagingDomain as Service Name.

Eligibility API

Click Eligibility to go through API spec to get started.

Method URI
POST https://{domain}/api/account/{accountId}/eligibility?v={version}

Path/query parameters

Name Description Value/Example
domain C2M Domain
accountId Site ID 12345678
version API Version 2.0

Request headers

Header Description Value/Example
Content-Type Used to indicate the media type of the resource application/json
Authorization API key or AppJWT (details) API key or Bearer “APP_JWT”

Request body parameters

Name Datatype Required Definition
skill string yes Engagement skill
consumerPhoneNumber string yes Consumer’s phone number (E.164 format with leading "+")
handoffId string yes C2M handoff Id for the chosen outbound campaign. This is accessible from C2M UI via Agent Console.
sdes array no Array of customer info and/or personal info SDEs. This parameter is only applicable for SMS and WA.
templateVariables object no Key-value pairs of variables for the body template and only applicable for SMS and WhatsApp channels.
headerVariables object no Key-value pairs of variables for the header template and only applicable for WhatsApp channels. This object is nested inside templateVariables
buttonVariables object no Key-value pairs of variables for the Call-To-Action button template and only applicable for WhatsApp channels. This object is nested inside templateVariables
ivrNumber string no The ivrNumber that brands want to use. Some brands have more than 1 ivrNumber and this field clears the ambiguity.
consumerId string no The consumerId which is used in the app as a user name field. This parameter is mandatory for only InApp channel.

Request body example — JSON payload

SMS, WhatsApp, Google RCS:

  "consumerPhoneNumber": "+12061234567",
  "handoffId": "H123456789",
  "templateVariables": {
    "1": "John Doe",
    "2": "New York"
  "skill": "support",
  "ivrNumber": "180000",
  "sdes": [{
    "type": "personal",
    "info": {
      "firstname": "Smith",
      "lastname": "John",
      "age": {
        "age": 31,
        "year": 1990,
        "month": 1,
        "day": 11
      "contacts": [{
        "email": "",
        "phone": "+18004444444",
        "address": {
          "country": "United States",
          "region": "NA"
      "gender": "MALE",
      "language": "en-US",
      "company": "LP"
    "type": "ctmrinfo",
    "info": {
      "cstatus": "VIP",
      "ctype": "Gold",
      "customerId": "138766AC",
      "balance": -200.99,
      "currency": "EUR",
      "socialId": "11256324780",
      "imei": "3543546543545688",
      "userName": "user000",
      "companySize": 500,
      "companyBranch": "East Village",
      "accountName": "Bank corp",
      "role": "Marketing manager",
      "lastPaymentDate": {
        "day": 15,
        "month": 10,
        "year": 2016
      "registrationDate": {
        "day": 23,
        "month": 5,
        "year": 2015
      "loginStatus": 1

WhatsApp Rich Template:

  "consumerPhoneNumber": "+12061234567",
  "handoffId": "H123456789",
  "templateVariables": {
    "1": "John Doe",
    "2": "New York",
    "headerVariables": {"1": ""},
    "buttonVariables": {"1": "Paynow"}
  "skill": "support"

Google RCS Rich Card:

  "consumerPhoneNumber": "+12061234567",
  "handoffId": "H123456789",
  "templateVariables": {
    "1": "John Doe",
    "2": "New York",
    "3": ""
  "skill": "support"


  "consumerPhoneNumber": "+12061234567",
  "handoffId": "H123456789",
  "skill": "support",
  "ivrNumber": "180000",
  "consumerId": "james"

Response body parameters: Success / HTTP Status Code 200

Name Datatype Required Definition
availableChannels array true List of channels that business can send messages from; can be empty
recommendedChannelName string true Recommended channel for sending a message based on channel priorities; can be empty
eligible boolean true true if consumer is eligible for messaging, otherwise false
callId string«uuid v4» true The uuid associated with this call
recommendedChannelName string true Recommended channel for sending a message based on channel priorities; can be empty

Response body parameters: Failure / HTTP Status Code 4xx/5xx

Name Datatype Required Definition
errorCode number false C2M API specific error code, not same as the HTTP Status Code
errorMessage string false Error message description

Response example

  "availableChannels": [
  "recommendedChannelName": "sms",
  "eligible": true, //Note: Eligibility check will return true for the WhatsApp channel irrespective of the real WhatsApp eligibility status.
  "callId": "b52403dc-b140-45cc-a9ca-d749a39b1b56"

Invite API

Click Invite to go through API spec and use example here to get started.

This API should only be called if the Eligibility API returns "eligible": true in the response.

Method URI
POST https://{domain}/api/account/{accountId}/invite?v={version}

Path/query parameters

Name Description Value/Example
domain C2M Domain
accountId Site ID 12345678
version API Version 2.0

Request headers

Header Description Value/Example
Content-Type Used to indicate the media type of the resource application/json
Authorization API key or AppJWT. Details can be found here. API key or Bearer “APP_JWT”

Request body parameters

Name Datatype Required Definition
callId string«uuid v4» yes Correlates to eligibility response.
overrideChannel string no Override Channel to send the message through. “sms” and “twilio” are interpreted as the same thing.
overrideMessage string no Override the message sent through SMS only. The maximum length is set to 1600 as it is the maximum limit set by Twilio.
overrideSkill string no Overrides the current skill which will be used in routing the messages. If the new skill is not present in handoff, an error will be sent.

Request body example — JSON payload

  "callId": "ec88bd52-3d1e-40a7-a2fc-95565a528258"

Response body parameters: Success / HTTP Status Code 200

Name Datatype Required Definition
callId string«uuid v4> true the uuid associated with this call

Response body parameters: Failure / HTTP Status Code 4xx/5xx

Name Datatype Required Definition
errorCode number false C2M API specific error code, not same as the HTTP Status Code
errorMessage string false Error message description

Response example

  "callId": "ec88bd52-3d1e-40a7-a2fc-95565a528258"

Common error responses

  "errorMessage": "Not Found",
  "errorCode": 1004
HTTP Status Error code Error message
400 1000 Invalid request
400 1001 Invalid customerPhoneNumber
400 1002 Invalid version
400 1200 No internal user is available
400 1201 No internal app is available
400 1300 No engagement found for skill «skill»
400 1400 Open conversation exists between customer and brand
400 1500 No handoff is available
400 1501 No handoff channel is available
400 1600 No setting is available
400 1900 Overridden channel is not available
400 1901 No engagement provided for the overridden skill
400 1903 Consumer ineligible to recieve message on WhatsApp channel
401 1100 Invalid bearer token
403 1101 Not enough privilege to perform this operation
404 1004 Not Found
405 1005 Method Not Allowed
415 1015 Unsupported Media Type
429 1029 Too Many Requests (rate limit hit)
500 5000 – 7000 Internal Server Error

** Refer to the Error Dictionary to get more details about error codes.

Details on authorization

How to generate an Authorization header for the API key

  1. Retrieve appKey, secret, accessToken and accessTokenSecret from the API key.
  2. Retrieve a domain from Domain API and API endpoint path.
  3. Use the following code snippet (Node.js, Java) to generate OAuth string programmatically.
  4. Insert generated OAuth string into the Authorization header.
const OAuth = require('oauth-1.0a');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const siteObject = {
  appKey: 'your appkey',
  secret: 'your secret',
  accessToken: 'your accessToken',
  accessTokenSecret: 'your accessTokenSecret',
// the domain retrieved from domain API
const domain = 'your domain';
// insert whole path such as: '/api/account/:accountId/eligibility?v=2.0'
const path = 'your path';
const method = 'POST';

function getOauthToHeaders(siteObject, url, method) {
  const key = siteObject.appKey;
  const secret = siteObject.secret;
  const oauth = OAuth({
    consumer: {key, secret},
    signature_method: 'HMAC-SHA1',
    hash_function(base_string, currentKey) {
      return crypto
        .createHmac('sha1', currentKey)
  const token = {
    key: siteObject.accessToken,
    secret: siteObject.accessTokenSecret,
  const requestData = {url, method};
  return oauth.toHeader(oauth.authorize(requestData, token));

function run() {
  try {
    const headers = getOauthToHeaders(siteObject, `https://${domain}${path}`, method);
  } catch (error) {
    console.log('error', error);
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.util.*;

public class OAuthAuthenticator {
  private String domain;
  private String path;
  private String appKey;
  private String secret;
  private String accessToken;
  private String accessTokenSecret;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String domain = "your domain";
    // Insert the path without the query string: "/api/account/:accountId/eligibility"
    String path = "your path";
    String appKey = "your appkey";
    String secret = "your secret";
    String accessToken = "your accessToken";
    String accessTokenSecret = "your accessTokenSecret";
    // Insert query string as an array
    String[] parameterList = {"v=2.0"};
    OAuthAuthenticator generator = new OAuthAuthenticator(domain, path, appKey, secret, accessToken, accessTokenSecret);
    String result = generator.generateOauthHeader("POST", parameterList);

  public OAuthAuthenticator(String domain,
                String path,
                String appKey,
                String secret,
                String accessToken,
                String accessTokenSecret) {
    this.domain = domain;
    this.path = path;
    this.appKey = appKey;
    this.secret = secret;
    this.accessToken = accessToken;
    this.accessTokenSecret = accessTokenSecret;

  public String generateOauthHeader(String method,
                    String[] additionalParameters) {
    long timestamp = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
    String nonce = getNonce();

    ArrayList<String> parameters = new ArrayList<String>();
    parameters.add("oauth_consumer_key=" + appKey);
    parameters.add("oauth_nonce=" + nonce);
    parameters.add("oauth_timestamp=" + timestamp);
    if (accessToken != null) {
      parameters.add("oauth_token=" + accessToken);
    if (additionalParameters != null) {
      for (String additionalParameter : additionalParameters) {
    StringBuffer parametersList = new StringBuffer();
    for (int i = 0; i < parameters.size(); i++) {
      parametersList.append(((i > 0) ? "&" : "") + parameters.get(i));
    String signatureString =
        method + "&" +
            URLEncoder.encode("https://" + domain + path) + "&" +
    String signature = null;
    try {
      SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec((secret + "&"
          + (accessTokenSecret == null ? "" : accessTokenSecret)
      ).getBytes(), "HmacSHA1");
      Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
      byte[] rawHMAC = mac.doFinal(signatureString.getBytes());
      signature = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(rawHMAC);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("Unable to append signature");
    String authorizationLine =
        "OAuth " +
            "oauth_consumer_key=\"" + appKey + "\", " +
            "oauth_nonce=\"" + nonce + "\", " +
            "oauth_timestamp=\"" + timestamp + "\", " +
            "oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\", " +
            "oauth_signature=\"" + URLEncoder.encode(signature) + "\", " +
    if (accessToken != null) {
      authorizationLine += ", oauth_token=\"" + accessToken + "\"";
    return authorizationLine;

  public String getNonce() {
    int leftLimit = 48;
    int rightLimit = 122;
    int targetStringLength = 10;
    Random random = new Random();
    String generatedString = random.ints(leftLimit, rightLimit + 1)
        .filter(i -> (i <= 57 || i >= 65) && (i <= 90 || i >= 97))
        .collect(StringBuilder::new, StringBuilder::appendCodePoint, StringBuilder::append)

    return generatedString;

How to generate an Authorization header for AppJWT

  1. Retrieve the APP_JWT from AppJWT.
  2. Insert into the Authorization header as bearer “APP_JWT”.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the rate limit for the API?

Eligibility/Invite endpoints: 30 requests per second per API.

We recommend a request to be retried (3 attempts with exponential retry with delay of 5 sec) when witnessing a 429 status code.

3. Which channels are supported as of now?

C2M supports SMS/Twilio, WhatsApp, Apple Messages for Business, Google RCS, and InApp channels.

4. Is there a throughput limitation for the data that gets passed from Twilio to LP?

C2M does not have any limitations on the message size while sending messages to twilio or other channels.

5. Does C2M 2.0 API provide a report?

Yes — see the Outbound Reporting API.

6. What’s the lookback period?

The lookback period is how long will LP services maintain context (like campaign info, skill etc) for a reply of a message that is sent to the recipient/consumer.

The lookback period can be pre-configured up to 30 days. Current maximum lookback period is 30 days from when messages are sent using C2M API. Example: When a message is sent to consumer using C2M API and if consumer replies within 30 days from when message was sent, the response will be redirected to LE agent according to specified skill. A response after 30 days will not be treated as a conversation. Please note, if a consumer has an existing active conversation with a brand in any channel, the outbound message won’t be delivered.

7. How do we know which field is optional or required?

Refer to each API’s Request Body Parameters or Swagger.

8. What’s the restriction on request body parameters?

Field Name Limitation
consumerPhoneNumber 15 char max length
skill 255 char max length
overrideMessage 1600 char max length
handoffId 16 char max length