Messaging Platform SDK Examples
The following examples showcase how the Messaging Platform SDK can be used to establish a connection and conversations with the Conversational Cloud. The examples are divided in Brand and Consumer. Brand connections allow you to create authenticated connections with your account as an agent. These connections can be used to automate agent actions like transferring a conversation or accepting a ring.
On the other hand, consumer connections allow unauthenticated connections for consumer actions. For example, creating a conversation for a skill and sending messages. They are specific for one consumer and one conversation. Both connection types require configuration, which you need to provide. Please have a look at the corresponding sections. The example code is also available on npm and will be pulled when you install the package.
Table of Contents
- Running
Brand Examples
- Accept any waiting ring
- Close all open conversations
- Upload file
- Get last consumer message
- OAuth1, OAuth 2 and OAuth2 over OAuth1
- Share authentication between instances
- React on different messages
- Replay all messages
- Transfer to agent
- Transfer to skill
- Respond to all messages if there is a downtime or restart/reconnect
- Third party bot
- Third party bot with callback configured
- Consumer Examples
Once you copied your example to a file and set up the configuration like explained in the corresponding sections, run
the code by calling node <filename.js>
where <filename.js>
refers to the file of your example. For example, you
copied the basic example to basic.js
, then your directory should look similar to this:
├── basic.js
└── config.json
Run basic.js
by calling node basic.js
. Note that, for some brand examples, a consumer example should also be run,
in order to see conversational events.
Brand Examples
The following examples establish an authenticated brand connection. Before running, make sure that you have set up your
. For all brand examples, we assume that there is only one agent/bot online. Otherwise, your bot user might
not receive rings. To run a brand example, copy the example to a separate file and add the config.json
in the
same directory. The format looks as follows:
"accountId": "",
"authData": {
"username": "",
"appKey": "",
"secret": "",
"accessToken": "",
"accessTokenSecret": ""
"appId": ""
The parameters are the configurations for your bot user, your account id and the app id. The app id must contain at
least one alphanumeric character, a -
, .
or _
. For example, example-test_123
is a valid id while
example test 123
is not. For the skill transfer and agent transfer examples, you need an additional file
called specific-skill-config.json
. It has the same format and contains information about the target agent. If you run
any of those tests, make sure to create a second bot user on your account.
Accept any waiting ring
* This example uses the SDK to create a brand connection, register the agent as online and accept any ring in waiting state.
* Then it publishes a welcome message.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData
// Define ring callback *before* opening the connection, to ensure no lost events
connection.on('ring', async ring => {
if (ring.ringState !== lpm.RingState.WAITING) {
console.log(`Ring is already in state ${ring.ringState}, ignoring`);
await ring.accept();
console.log('Ring accepted!');
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
console.log('conversation received');
// Emit message only when an assigned agent is added, which in our basic example emulates the bot itself
conversation.on('participant-added', async participant => {
if (participant.participant.role === lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT) {
await conversation.sendMessage('I accepted the ring, how may I help you?');
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
// Register to be able to accept rings
await connection.createRoutingTaskSubscription();
await connection.setAgentState({ agentState: lpm.AgentState.ONLINE });
Make sure to run a consumer example which creates a conversation. In this way, you will be able to see the message
I accepted the ring, how may I help you?
from the bot user.
Close all open conversations
* This example uses the SDK to create a brand connection,
* join all open conversations and close them.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Could not join conversation ${conversation.conversationId} due to error - ${error.message}. Will still try to close in case it's already joined.`);
try {
await conversation.close();
console.log(`Closed conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Could not close conversation ${conversation.conversationId} due to error - ${error.message}`);
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
Upload file
* This example uses the SDK to create a brand connection,
* join all open conversations and send a file upon receiving a specific message.
* NOTE: the account needs `messaging.file.sharing.enabled` site setting enabled in order to share files.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
conversation.on('message', async (message) => {
if (message.body === 'upload') {
const file = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'logo.jpg'));
await conversation.sendMessage("sending file");
await conversation.uploadFile(file.buffer, "upload")
await conversation.sendMessage("done sending file");
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Could not join conversation ${conversation.conversationId} due to error - ${error.message}.`);
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
Get last consumer message
* This example creates a connection, accepts a ring, awaits that the conversation to be loaded
* and gets the last consumer message if any.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData
// process the rings as they arrive
connection.on('ring', async ring => {
// ignore old rings
if (ring.ringState !== lpm.RingState.WAITING) return;
// accept the ring
await ring.accept();
// Awaiting the conversation would pause any subsequent code. Instead, utilize then if there is code which should
// be run without a conversation.
console.log('Ring received');
function logLastConsumerMessage(conversation) {
if (conversation) {
const latestConsumerMessage = conversation.getLatestConsumerMessage();
if (latestConsumerMessage && latestConsumerMessage.body) {
console.log(`Last consumer message is: "${latestConsumerMessage.body}"`);
// If consumer messages has not yet arrived when the ring is accepted, subscribe to all subsequent messages
// for the conversation and log it whenever it arrives
conversation.on('message', (message) => {
const latestConsumerMessage = message.conversation.getLatestConsumerMessage();
if (!latestConsumerMessage || !latestConsumerMessage.body) {
console.log(`Message that we have received is not a consumer message for this conversation with id: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
} else {
console.log(`This is the latestConsumerMessage: ${latestConsumerMessage.body} for conversation: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
(async () => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
// Register to be able to accept rings
await connection.createRoutingTaskSubscription();
await connection.setAgentState({agentState: lpm.AgentState.ONLINE});
OAuth1, OAuth 2 and OAuth2 over OAuth1
This example uses the SDK to create a brand connection with different oAuth credentials. Depending on the authentication
you are using, you have to provide different credentials. For oAuth1, use the following format in your ./config.json
"accountId": "testAccount",
"authData": {
"username": "username",
"appKey": "287512345",
"secret": "753612345",
"accessToken": "8984112345",
"accessTokenSecret": "13d612345"
"appId": "test-app"
If you already have oAuth2 credentials, but you are using a version of the MPSDK which does not yet support a dedicated oAuth2 login, you can use the oAuth1 flow with oAuth2 credentials:
"accountId": "testAccount",
"authData": {
"username": "username",
"appKey": "6YxG183r123456",
"secret": "zQ1wIzypH123456",
"accessToken": "hint",
"accessTokenSecret": "hint"
"appId": "test-app"
The credentials themselves are provided to the authData
property in the connection the same way as oAuth1 credentials.
The difference being that the values for accessToken
and accessTokenSecret
MUST be "hint"
since they don't exist
for oAuth2. If you use a version of the MPSDK which supports oAuth2, use the following format:
"accountId": "testAccount",
"authData": {
"oauth2": {
"username": "username",
"client_id": "6YxG183r123456",
"client_secret": "zQ1wIzypH123456"
"appId": "test-app"
You can try the different flows using the following example. The bot joins new conversations and responds to messages as long as they aren't sent by the bot itself.
const config = require('./config.json');
(async () => {
// Get the credentials from the config
const {appId, accountId, authData} = config;
const brandConnection = lpm.createConnection({
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
brandConnection.on("error", (err) => {
console.log("error: ", err);
await brandConnection.setAgentState({ agentState: lpm.AgentState.ONLINE });
brandConnection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
// join the conversation as "AGENT" role
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.AGENT);
console.log("joined conversation");
conversation.on('message', async (message) => {
if (message.sentByCurrentUser()) return;
await conversation.sendMessage('hello');
// listen for the close event
conversation.on('close', () => {
console.log('conversation closed');
Share authentication between instances
* This example showcases how credentials can be shared between multiple connections.
const lpm = require("../../index");
const config = require('./config.json');
async function createBrandConnection(connectionName, appId, accountId, tokenMaintainer) {
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
query: {
waitForReady: true,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
// Try to join the conversation
conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.AGENT).then(() => {
// Close conversation
console.log(`${connectionName} Connection: closing conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
return conversation.close();
}).catch(e => {
// console.warn(e);
await connection.setAgentState({agentState: lpm.AgentState.ONLINE});
console.log(`${connectionName} Connection running`);
return connection;
(async () => {
const {appId, accountId, authData} = config;
// Create tokenMaintainer with credentials from the config
const tokenMaintainer = new lpm.TokenMaintainer({ accountId, authData });
// Share the tokenMaintainer between two brand connections
// Each connection will try to close the received conversation
await createBrandConnection("First", appId, accountId, tokenMaintainer);
await createBrandConnection("Second", appId, accountId, tokenMaintainer);
// Create a new consumer connection to create new conversations
const consumerConnection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId,
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.CONSUMER
// Create a new conversation every two seconds
setInterval(async () => {
await consumerConnection.createConversation();
}, 2000)
React on different messages
* This example uses the SDK to create a brand connection,
* join all open conversations and react to each message, based on its content
* - if it's #time, respond with current time
* - if it's #close, close the conversation
* - if it's something else, repeat what the consumer said
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
conversation.on('message', async (message) => {
if (message.participant.role !== lpm.ParticipantRole.CONSUMER) {
console.log(`Skipping non-consumer (${message.participant.role}) message!`);
if (message.body === '#time') {
await conversation.sendMessage(`Time now is: ${new Date().toISOString()}`);
} else if (message.body === '#close') {
await conversation.close();
} else {
await conversation.sendMessage(`You said: "${message.body}"`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Could not join conversation ${conversation.conversationId} due to error - ${error.message}.`);
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
Replay all messages
* This example uses the SDK to create a brand connection,
* join a conversation and if message contains #replay, lists all messages, based on the exact string:
* - #replay-all - replays all messages in the order they arrived
* - #replay-reverse - replays all messages in reverse order
* - #replay-system - replays only the messages sent by controller or brand-bot, in the order they arrived
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
conversation.on('message', async (message) => {
if (message.body.includes('#replay-')) {
const messagesInDescendingOrder = await conversation.queryMessages();
switch (message.body) {
case '#replay-reverse': {
const messageBodies = => msg.body);
await conversation.sendMessage(`Here are all messages in reverse order:\n-${messageBodies.join('\n-')}`);
case '#replay-all': {
const messagesInAscendingOrder = => msg.body).reverse();
await conversation.sendMessage(`Here are all messages in normal order:\n-${messagesInAscendingOrder.join('\n-')}`);
case '#replay-system': {
const systemMessages = messagesInDescendingOrder
.filter((msg) => [lpm.ParticipantRole.CONTROLLER, lpm.ParticipantRole.BRAND_BOT].includes(msg.participant.role))
.map((msg) => msg.body)
await conversation.sendMessage(`Here are the system messages only:\n-${systemMessages.join('\n-')}`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Could not join conversation ${conversation.conversationId} due to error - ${error.message}.`);
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
Transfer to agent
* This example joins a conversation and, upon a certain message, transfers to specific agent.
* NOTE: You'll need the `Messaging.Transfer_To_Agent` AC Feature enabled to be enabled to be able to transfer to specific agent.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const originalBrandConnectionConfig = require('./config.json');
const regularBrandConnection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: originalBrandConnectionConfig.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: originalBrandConnectionConfig.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: originalBrandConnectionConfig.authData
//NOTE: make sure this is the same agent id as the one, described in specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig
const desiredAgentId = '4615909832';
const specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig = require('./specific-skill-config.json');
const specificSkillBrandConnection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig.authData
regularBrandConnection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Regular bot joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
conversation.on('message', async message => {
if (message.body === '#transfer') {
// NOTE: when transferring to a specific agent, specify the whole agent id, i.e. `accountId.agentId`,
// instead of just `agentId`.
conversation.transfer({agentId: `${originalBrandConnectionConfig.accountId}.${desiredAgentId}`});
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Could not join conversation ${conversation.conversationId} due to error - ${error.message}.`);
specificSkillBrandConnection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
conversation.on('transfer-agent', async participant => {
// Listen to events that transfer to specific agent and check only if all three criterias are fulfulled:
// - id is the id of the agent
// - role is assigned_agent
// - state of the participant is still SUGGESTED (not ACTIVE, which would mean that the agent already has joined)
if (participant.agentId === `${specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig.accountId}.${desiredAgentId}`
&& participant.role === lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT
&& participant.state === lpm.ParticipantState.SUGGESTED) {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Specific agent bot joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
await conversation.sendMessage('Hi, I heard you are looking for me?');
} else {
console.log(`ID: ${participant.agentId}; role: ${participant.role}; state: ${participant.state}`);
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bots...');
// Open the connections
console.log('Regular brand bot connected!');
console.log('Specific agent brand bot connected!');
Transfer to skill
* This example joins a conversation and, upon a certain message, transfers to specific skill.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const originalBrandConnectionConfig = require('./config.json');
const regularBrandConnection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: originalBrandConnectionConfig.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: originalBrandConnectionConfig.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: originalBrandConnectionConfig.authData
//NOTE: make sure this skill id is assigned to the brand, using the specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig
const desiredSkillId = '4615909532';
const specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig = require('./specific-skill-config.json');
const specificSkillBrandConnection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: specificSkillBrandConnectionConfig.authData
regularBrandConnection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Regular bot joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
conversation.on('message', async message => {
if (message.body === '#transfer') {
conversation.transfer({skillId: desiredSkillId});
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Could not join conversation ${conversation.conversationId} due to error - ${error.message}.`);
specificSkillBrandConnection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
// Listen to events that transfer to skill and join if it's changing to the desired skill id
conversation.on('transfer-skill', async (ev) => {
if (ev.skillId === desiredSkillId) {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Specific skill bot joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
await conversation.sendMessage('I am your new assistant!');
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bots...');
// Open the connections
console.log('Regular brand bot connected!');
console.log('Specific skill brand bot connected!');
Respond to all messages on restart or disconnect with a downtime
* This example creates a connection after a potential downtime caused by restart/disconnect or else. The bot tries to join all new conversation and respond with an message of the last existing consumer message.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData,
// This flag fix an issues with conversations being lost or stuck after reconnection if set to false.
// For more information look at this link: messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#connection-maintenance
unsubscribeFromOutdatedConversationsOnReconnect: false,
// This way you will fetch all the conversation per brand but be aware that a lot of conversations with a lot of message could cause a problem.
// For more information look at this link: messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#loading-all-previous-messages
getAllMessages: true,
// This will cause open to only resolve once all conversations have been retrieved.
waitForReady: true,
// By default this will fetch all the conversation from UMS even if there are more than 1001, default value is true. If you don't want to take all of them you can switch the value to false.
// By doing this you will have just the last 1001 conversation not more than that, but bear in mind that you can loose conversations that are open.
limitBreakEnabled: true,
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
console.log(`Joined conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Could not join conversation ${conversation.conversationId} due to error - ${error.message}.`);
const message = conversation.getLatestConsumerMessage();
await conversation.sendMessage(`I will reply to this message: ${message.body} for conversation with id: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
Third party bot
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
* This example uses the SDK to create a third party bot.
* On reconnect/disconnect or manual start/stop of the bot the SDK will create the event listeners out of the box for
* the brand. This can take a bit of time depending on the traffic of the brand and online agents.
* A few questions and answers for the routing tasks aka. rings:
* 1. When a ring is accepted, could it be accepted by another bot/agent?
* - Another agent/bot could join the conversation, but it could only be accepted by (thus, assigned to) a single
* agent/bot.
* 2. Do we have rings with the same ids if the conversation has been transferred in between bots/agents?
* - The ringId always changes on new rings. When the conversation is transferred to another agent, send back to the
* queue or the ring expires or is rejected, a new ring with a new id will be created.
* 3. If a ring is rejected by one bot/agent, can the same bot/agent receive the ring again?
* - Let's say you have 3 agents/bots with skillA. Agent1 rejects the ring, agent2 is ringed. If agent2 rejects the
* new ring, then agent3 is ringed. If agent3 rejects the new ring, then agent1 is ringed again. This means, that
* rings will be created until a conversation is accepted.
* By default, the system waits 30 seconds until the ring is automatically rejected. Use option`messaging.ACD.response.time`
* to change this.
* Important, if the example bot is stopped and a new consumer conversation has been created in the meantime, then the
* agent will not accept the conversation. It will expire after the configured amount of time (30 seconds; see above).
* Then, if possible, another online agent will be ringed. When the example bot is restarted, it will wait for a ring
* which will happen only after rings for other agents are expired. Depending on the eligible agents this can take a
* while.
* Important, for this example you need to adapt your config file and add an agentId entry:
* {
* "accountId": "testAccount",
* "agentId": "accountId.agentId",
* "authData": {
* // ...
* },
* "appId": "test-app"
* }
* The agentId is the userId of the bot user. It is concatenation of the accountId and agentId. If you are not sure what
* your agentId is, you can also use connection.agentId once the connection has been opened.
const processedConversations = new Map();
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData,
// If set to false, this flag fixes an issue with conversations being lost or stuck after reconnection
// For more information look at this link: messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#connection-maintenance
unsubscribeFromOutdatedConversationsOnReconnect: false,
// If set to true, this will fetch all the conversation per brand but be aware that a lot of conversations with a lot of message could lead to performance issues on startup.
// For more information look at this link: messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#loading-all-previous-messages
getAllMessages: true,
// If set to true, this will cause `` to resolve only once all conversations have been retrieved.
// This operation is time-consuming, so it can also lead to performance issues on startup.
waitForReady: true,
// This can be used to configure the timeout, used when fetching the conversation, assigned to the ring:
// messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#accepting-conversation-on-the-ring
ringConversationTimeout: 2000,
// Depending on the connection type (Brand or Consumer), the SDK will create a subscription for conversations by
// default. For brand connections the SDK subscribes to all open conversations of the brand. However,
// third party bots are acting as an agent, and, thus, are only interested in conversations which they joined. This
// is why this option is set to false. Later in the example, there is a corresponding subscription. For more
// information visit: messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#the-default-subscription
createDefaultSubscription: false
// Define the callbacks *before* opening the connection, to ensure no lost events
connection.on('ring', async ring => {
if (ring.ringState !== lpm.RingState.WAITING) {
console.log(`Ring is already in state ${ring.ringState}, ignoring for conversation: ${ring.conversationId}`);
await ring.accept();
console.log('Ring accepted!');
try {
console.log('Trying to fetch conversation from the ring');
const conversation = await ring.conversation();
await processNewConversation(conversation);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error when trying to respond to the last consumer message', error);
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
await processNewConversation(conversation);
console.log(`I joined a conversation with id: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Already joined ${conversation.conversationId}`);
* Processes new conversations.
* Use this an example of what could be implemented.
* @param conversation which should be processed
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function processNewConversation(conversation) {
const latestConsumerMessage = conversation.getLatestConsumerMessage();
if (latestConsumerMessage && latestConsumerMessage.body && !processedConversations.has(conversation.conversationId)) {
console.log(`Last consumer message is: "${latestConsumerMessage.body} and i will respond for conversation with id: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
await conversation.sendMessage(`Message received for you conversation for this conversationId: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
processedConversations.set(conversation.conversationId, conversation);
// If consumer messages have not yet arrived when the ring is accepted, subscribe to all subsequent messages
// for the conversation and log whenever it arrives
conversation.on('message', async (message) => {
const latestConsumerMessage = message.conversation.getLatestConsumerMessage();
if (!latestConsumerMessage || !latestConsumerMessage.body && !processedConversations.has(conversation.conversationId)) {
console.log(`Message that we have received is not a consumer message for this conversation with id: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
} else {
await conversation.sendMessage(`Message received for you conversation for this conversationId: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
processedConversations.set(conversation.conversationId, conversation);
function deleteProcessedConversation(conversationId) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 60000); // You can increase according to the use case
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
connection.on('error', (err) => console.log(err));
connection.on('disconnect', () => console.log(`sdk disconnect event hit for account id: ${config.accountId}`));
connection.on('reconnect', () => console.log(`sdk reconnect event hit for account id: ${config.accountId}`));
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
console.log('Subscribing to routing task subscriptions (rings)');
// With this subscription, the bot will be ringed when there is a new conversation and the bot is eligible to join it.
await connection.createRoutingTaskSubscription({ query: { agentId: `${config.accountId}.${config.agentId}`, accountId: config.accountId } });
console.log('Subscribed to routing task subscriptions (rings)');
console.log('Subscribing to conversations of this agent');
// With this manual subscription, we ensure that we only subscribe to conversations which the agent joined.
const query = {stage:["OPEN"], agentId: `${config.accountId}.${config.agentId}`};
// waitForReady means that the application should block until all conversations are received before continuing.
// In this case we set it to false. Corresponding conversations will be received but the bot will not block here.
const waitForReady = false;
await connection.createConversationSubscription({query, waitForReady});
console.log('Subscribed to conversations of this agent');
console.log('Setting Agent to online');
await connection.setAgentState({ agentState: lpm.AgentState.ONLINE });
console.log('Agent is online');
Third party bot with callback configured
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
* This example uses the SDK to create a third party bot.
* On reconnect/disconnect or manual start/stop of the bot the SDK will create the event listeners out of the box for
* the brand. This can take a bit of time depending on the traffic of the brand and online agents.
* A few questions and answers for the routing tasks aka. rings:
* 1. When a ring is accepted, could it be accepted by another bot/agent?
* - Another agent/bot could join the conversation, but it could only be accepted by (thus, assigned to) a single
* agent/bot.
* 2. Do we have rings with the same ids if the conversation has been transferred in between bots/agents?
* - The ringId always changes on new rings. When the conversation is transferred to another agent, send back to the
* queue or the ring expires or is rejected, a new ring with a new id will be created.
* 3. If a ring is rejected by one bot/agent, can the same bot/agent receive the ring again?
* - Let's say you have 3 agents/bots with skillA. Agent1 rejects the ring, agent2 is ringed. If agent2 rejects the
* new ring, then agent3 is ringed. If agent3 rejects the new ring, then agent1 is ringed again. This means, that
* rings will be created until a conversation is accepted.
* By default, the system waits 30 seconds until the ring is automatically rejected. Use option`messaging.ACD.response.time`
* to change this.
* Important, if the example bot is stopped and a new consumer conversation has been created in the meantime, then the
* agent will not accept the conversation. It will expire after the configured amount of time (30 seconds; see above).
* Then, if possible, another online agent will be ringed. When the example bot is restarted, it will wait for a ring
* which will happen only after rings for other agents are expired. Depending on the eligible agents this can take a
* while.
* Important, for this example you need to adapt your config file and add an agentId entry:
* {
* "accountId": "testAccount",
* "agentId": "accountId.agentId",
* "authData": {
* // ...
* },
* "appId": "test-app"
* }
* The agentId is the userId of the bot user. It is concatenation of the accountId and agentId. If you are not sure what
* your agentId is, you can also use connection.agentId once the connection has been opened.
* Combined conversation handling can be used to process new conversations in one place. For example, if a ring is
* accepted or when the conversation is received.
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // Please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.BRAND,
authData: config.authData,
// If set to false, this flag fixes an issue with conversations being lost or stuck after reconnection
// For more information look at this link: messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#connection-maintenance
unsubscribeFromOutdatedConversationsOnReconnect: false,
// Depending on the connection type (Brand or Consumer), the SDK will create a subscription for conversations by
// default. For brand connections the SDK subscribes to all open conversations of the brand. However,
// third party bots are acting as an agent, and, thus, are only interested in conversations which they joined. This
// is why this option is set to false. Later in the example, there is a corresponding subscription. For more
// information visit: messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#the-default-subscription
createDefaultSubscription: false,
// The SDK will trigger the callback once either the ring was accepted or when the conversation is received
// messaging-platform-sdk-overview.html#conversation-callback-configuration
combinedConversationHandling: {
callback: processNewConversation,
combinedConversationHandlingOptions: {
max: 10000, // caches 10K
ttl: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, // conversations over 1 day
// Define the callbacks *before* opening the connection, to ensure no lost events
connection.on('ring', async ring => {
if (ring.ringState !== lpm.RingState.WAITING) {
console.log(`Ring is already in state ${ring.ringState}, ignoring for conversation: ${ring.conversationId}`);
await ring.accept();
console.log(`Ring accepted for ${ring.conversationId}.`);
connection.on('conversation', async conversation => {
try {
await conversation.join(lpm.ParticipantRole.ASSIGNED_AGENT);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Already joined ${conversation.conversationId}`);
* @param {*} conversation
* The function is free brand implementation that covers specific use cases. Use this an example of what could be implemented.
* @returns void
async function processNewConversation(conversation) {
console.log(`Process conversation ${conversation.conversationId}`)
const latestConsumerMessage = conversation.getLatestConsumerMessage();
if (latestConsumerMessage && latestConsumerMessage.body) {
console.log(`Last consumer message is: "${latestConsumerMessage.body} and i will respond for conversation with id: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
await conversation.sendMessage(`Send message back about a conversation with conversationId: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
// If consumer messages have not yet arrived when the ring is accepted, subscribe to all subsequent messages
await conversation.openDialog.queryMessages();
return conversation.sendMessage(`Send message back after fetching all messages for conversation with conversationId: ${conversation.conversationId}`);
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting brand bot...');
connection.on('error', (err) => console.log(err));
connection.on('disconnect', () => console.log(`sdk disconnect event hit for account id: ${config.accountId}`));
connection.on('reconnect', () => console.log(`sdk reconnect event hit for account id: ${config.accountId}`));
// Open the connection
console.log('Brand bot connected!');
console.log('Performing createRoutingTaskSubscription');
// Register to be able to accept rings
await connection.createRoutingTaskSubscription({ query: { agentId: `${config.accountId}.${config.agentId}`, accountId: config.accountId } });
console.log('Subscribed for createRoutingTaskSubscription');
console.log('Performing createConversationSubscription');
const query = {stage:["OPEN"], agentId: `${config.accountId}.${config.agentId}`};
const waitForReady = false;
await connection.createConversationSubscription({query, waitForReady});
console.log('Subscribed for createConversationSubscription');
console.log('Performing setAgentState');
await connection.setAgentState({ agentState: lpm.AgentState.ONLINE });
console.log('Agent state is online');
Consumer Examples
The configuration for consumer examples do not contain authentication data. Additionally, they contain client
properties and a skill. To run a consumer example, copy the example to a separate file and add the config.json
in the
same directory. The format looks as follows:
"accountId": "",
"clientProperties": {
"deviceFamily": "",
"deviceManufacturer": "",
"deviceModel": "",
"osName": "",
"osVersion": "",
"ipAddress": "",
"browser": "",
"browserVersion": "",
"timeZone": "",
"appId": "",
"skillId": "4725444232"
The app id must contain at least one alphanumeric character, a -
, .
or _
. For example, example-test_123
is a
valid id while example test 123
is not. Client properties contain free-form values for customer details. You can enter
anything that you want. Note that, PHOTO_SHARING
features are required for the examples to work,
so they are already filled.
Basic conversation example
* This is the most basic example of a consumer connection, using all default values,
* sends a message and closes the conversation after 5 seconds
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // TODO: please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.CONSUMER
// log any internal errors (auth errors, etc)
connection.on('error', err => {
const waitSeconds = (time) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time * 1000));
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting consumer...');
// connect & open conversation
console.log('Consumer connected!');
// create conversation
const conversation = await connection.createConversation();
console.log('Conversation created!');
// send a message
await conversation.sendMessage('Example message');
await waitSeconds(5);
// close the main dialog
await conversation.close();
// close the connection
await connection.close();
console.log('Conversation and connection closed!');
Close on Message
* This example creates a connection and a conversation and subscribes to messages.
* Upon receiving a message with exact content "42" it thanks the agent and closes the conversation.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // TODO: please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.CONSUMER
// log any internal errors (auth errors, etc)
connection.on('error', err => {
const waitSeconds = (time) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time * 1000));
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting consumer...');
// connect & open conversation
console.log('Consumer connected!');
// create conversation
const conversation = await connection.createConversation();
conversation.on('message', async message => {
if (message.body === '42') {
await conversation.sendMessage('Thank you for answering everything!');
await conversation.close();
await connection.close();
console.log('Conversation and connection closed!');
console.log('Conversation created!');
await waitSeconds(2);
// send a message
await conversation.sendMessage('Tell me everything');
Continue consumer session
* This example creates a connection, gets its token, creates a conversation and sends a message in it,
* then closes the connection, reopens a new connection with the same token and sends another message in the same conversation
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection1 = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // TODO: please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.CONSUMER
const waitSeconds = (time) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time * 1000));
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting consumer...');
// connect & open conversation
// get and store the token
const token = await connection1.getToken();
// create conversation
const conversation = await connection1.createConversation();
const conversationId = conversation.conversationId;
console.log(`Conversation #${conversationId} created!`);
// send a message
await conversation.sendMessage('Example message #1 using the first connection');
await waitSeconds(1);
// close the first connection
await connection1.close();
console.log('First connection closed!');
// open new connection with the same token
const connection2 = lpm.createConnection({
userType: lpm.UserType.CONSUMER,
appId: config.appId, // TODO: please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
waitForReady: true
console.log('Second connection created!');
// Find the conversation based on the conversation id, in case there are many conversations in the connection
const conversation2 = Array.from(connection2._conversations.values()).find((conversation) => conversation.conversationId === conversationId);
await conversation2.sendMessage('Example message #2 after reopening connection with the same token');
// close the second conversation
await conversation2.close();
// close the second connection
await connection2.close();
console.log('Second conversation and connection closed!');
Conversation for skill
* This example creates a conversation for a specific skill only, and sends a message to it.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // TODO: please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.CONSUMER
// log any internal errors (auth errors, etc)
connection.on('error', err => {
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting consumer...');
// connect & open conversation
console.log('Consumer connected!');
// create conversation
const conversation = await connection.createConversation({
skillId: config.skillId
console.log('Conversation created!');
// send a message
await conversation.sendMessage('Example message');
Conversation for language
* This example creates a connection and a conversation and subscribes to messages in a specific language.
const lpm = require('lp-messaging-sdk');
const config = require('./config.json');
// Make some Fake clientProperties
const clientProperties = lpm.createClientProperties(config.clientProperties);
const connection = lpm.createConnection({
appId: config.appId, // TODO: please change to something unique to your application
accountId: config.accountId,
userType: lpm.UserType.CONSUMER,
defaultSubscriptionQuery: {
stage: ["OPEN", "CLOSE"],
const context = {
type: lpm.ConversationContextType.SHARK,
lang: 'it-IT', //specify locale code for the language you want the conversation to be created
visitorId: ''
// log any internal errors (auth errors, etc)
connection.on('error', err => {
const waitSeconds = (time) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time * 1000));
(async() => {
console.log('Connecting consumer...');
// connect & open conversation
console.log('Consumer connected!');
// create conversation
const conversation = await connection.createConversation({
conversation.on('message', async message => {
if (message.participant.role !== lpm.ParticipantRole.CONSUMER) {
console.log(`Message received - ${message.body}`);
console.log('Conversation created!');
await waitSeconds(2);
// send a message
await conversation.sendMessage('Tell me everything');