API Endpoints Test Change

The API consists of two types of calls:

  • CONVERSATION - Batch Payload. This API call creates/opens a new conversation and set the consumer profile.
  • SEND - One Payload. This API call can be used to send a message and close a conversation or set the consumer profile.

Connector API Connection

Authentication and Authorization

Refer to the Authorizaztion and Authentication section to see how you can authorize your connector (AppJWT) application and identify the consumer (ConsumerJWS) before you can use the API.

Authorization Tokens Expiration Times

  • The AppJWT token expires after 60 minutes.

  • The ConsumerJWS never expires.

Authorization and Authentication Error Handling

  • 401 Unauthorized - Expired/Missing/Invalid AppJWT Token or Missing/Invalid ConsumerJWS. A fresh AppJWT token is required from the client/connector. This code states that the request does not contain the required authorization token, or contains an expired token. This response asks the client to supply a new token from the client/connector. In case the AppJWT Token is valid and not expired, one can get the same status code if the ConsumerJWS is missing or invalid (e.g, consumer A is trying to access a conversation ID of consumer B).

Message Format

Every message sent by the client or by the server should be translated into JSON format.

Requests, Responses and Notifications

Each API message can be one of the following kinds:

  • Request - A message sent from the client/connector. The server will reply with a response message.

  • Response - A message sent by the server in response to a client/connector request message.

  • Notification - A message sent from the server to the client/connector. A registration of an application to receive Webhooks notifications is achieved by enabling the “webhooks” capability of that application. Please refer to the webhooks overview for more information.

The kind of message is denoted by the kind property in the top level of the JSON object, and can be any of the following: req, resp, notification. Below is an example of a request message:

	"kind": "req",
	"id": "1",
	"type": "ms.PublishEvent",
	"body": {
		"dialogId": "{conversationId}",
		"event": {
			"type": "ContentEvent",
			"contentType": "text/plain",
			"message": "Text message from messaging connector"

Message Types

Every message has a type. The structure of the body of the message can be changed for different types. The type of message is denoted by the type property in the top level of the JSON object. Below is an example of a message with the type of cm.UpdateConversationField:

	"kind": "req",
	"id": 5,
  "type": "cm.UpdateConversationField",
	"body": {
		"conversationId": "{conversationId}",
		"conversationField": {
			"field": "CSATRate",
			"csatRate": 5,
			"csatResolutionConfirmation": true,
			"status": "FILLED"


Responses should be sent with some kind of correlation to the request that they are answering. For this purpose, every request message must state the id string for the request. The server will reply with the same id in the response message as the value of the reqId field in the top level JSON object of the response message. The sequence field is an optional counter i.e. tracking the times that the same request has been sent to Conversational Cloud and doubles its value, starting with zero value for the first request, two for the second request, four for the third request, etc. Below is an example of a response message to the request from the above section:

    "code": "OK",
    "body": {
        "sequence": 0
    "reqId": "1"

The response message will also contain a code field. This field will be populated with the status code of the request. The values of this field will be taken from the HTTP Semantics.