Localized keys with the English localization string:
Attribute name | String localization |
accessibilityAgentDefaultAvatar | "Agent" |
accessibilityAgentIsTyping | "%@ is typing" |
accessibilityAgentWithoutNameIsTyping | "Agent is typing" |
accessibilityCameraButton | "Open camera" |
accessibilityCloseCameraButton | "Close camera" |
accessibilityCloseScreenButton | "Close" |
accessibilityFileDownloadAnnouncement | "Downloading file" |
accessibilityFileDownloadedErrorState | "Failed to download" |
accessibilityFileDownloadingState | "Downloading" |
accessibilityFileMessageFromAgentWithName | "Agent %@: file" |
accessibilityFileMessageFromAgentWithoutName | "Agent: file" |
accessibilityFileNoFileState | "Double tap to download" |
accessibilityFileNotAvailableState | "Not available" |
accessibilityFileSyncedState | "Double tap to open" |
accessibilityFileUploadAnnouncement | "Uploading photo" |
accessibilityFileUploadingState | "Uploading" |
accessibilityHintScrollToBottomButton | "Scroll to Most Recent Message" |
accessibilityLinkText | "Link" |
accessibilityMessageError | "Error" |
accessibilityMessageErrorHint | "Tap to resend message" |
accessibilityMessageFromAgentWithName | "Agent %@: %@" |
accessibilityMessageFromAgentWithoutName | "Agent: %@" |
accessibilityMessageFromUser | "You: %@" |
accessibilityNavigationMenuButton | "Menu" |
accessibilityPhoto | "Photo" |
accessibilityPhotoMessageFromAgentWithName | "Agent %@: photo" |
accessibilityPhotoMessageFromAgentWithoutName | "Agent: photo" |
accessibilityPhotoMessageFromUser | "You: photo" |
accessibilityRealTimeLinkPreviewCloseButtonHint | "Press to close link preview" |
accessibilityRealTimeLinkPreviewClosePreviewButton | "Close link preview" |
accessibilityRealTimeLinkPreviewDescription | "Link preview description" |
accessibilityRealTimeLinkPreviewImage | "Link preview image" |
accessibilityRealTimeLinkPreviewTitle | "Link preview title" |
accessibilityRealTimeLinkPreviewView | "Link" |
accessibilityScrollToBottomButton | "Go to Recent Message" |
accessibilityVoiceRecognitionButton | "Dictate" |
accessibilityVoiceRecognitionButtonActivationHint | "Double tap to start dictation, double tap again when finished" |
accessibilityVoiceRecognitionButtonDeactivationHint | "" |
accessibilityVoiceRecognitionButtonErrorHint | "Error occurred, unable to start" |
accessibilityVoiceRecognitionInsertedText | "inserted %@" |
accessibilityCarouselNavPreviousButton | "Previous" |
accessibilityCarouselNavNextButton | "Next" |
accessibilityCarouselCardOrderAnnouncement | "Card %d of %d, %@" |
accessibilityPreviousWeek | "Previous Week" |
accessibilityNextWeek | "Next Week" |
accessibilityFromDate | "From Date" |
accessibilityToDate | "To Date" |
accessibilityMonthYearPicker | "Month year Picker" |
accessibilityCalendarSelection | "Calendar Selection" |
accessibilityConfirmation | "Confirmation" |
anAgentWillRespondShortly | "An agent will respond shortly" |
and | "and" |
button | "button" |
callTo | "Call %@" |
camera | "Camera" |
cancel | "Cancel" |
cantSendMail | "Can't send email" |
clearHistoryConfirmButton | "Clear" |
clearHistoryConfirmation | "All of your existing conversation history will be lost. Are you sure?" |
clearHistoryFailureMessage | "Please resolve the conversation first." |
clearHistoryMenuTitle | "Clear history" |
collaborationCallAccepted | "Call accepted." |
collaborationCallCancelledInvitation | "Call canceled." |
collaborationCallConsumerLeft | "You left the call." |
collaborationCallDeclined | "Call rejected." |
collaborationCallEnded | "Call ended." |
collaborationCallEndedByAgent | "Call was ended by %@." |
collaborationCallEndedByConsumer | "You ended the call." |
collaborationCallInvited | "%@ is calling you." |
collaborationCallJoined | "Call has started." |
collaborationCallNotJoined | "Call could not be connected." |
collaborationCallTimeout | "You missed a call from %@." |
confirm | "Confirm" |
connectionStatusBarConnecting | "Connecting…" |
connectionStatusBarFailedToConnect | "Failed to connect to the server." |
connectionStatusBarStillConnecting | "Still connecting…" |
conversationAlreadyEnded | "This conversation has already been resolved." |
conversationEmptyState | "There are currently no conversations at this time" |
conversationEndedByAgent | "Conversation resolved by %@ \n %@" |
conversationEndedByAgentWithoutName | "Conversation resolved by Agent \n %@" |
conversationEndedByYou | "Conversation resolved by You \n %@" |
copyNumber | "Copy number" |
csatResolutionFeedbackText | "Your feedback helps us serve you better.\nIt will not be shared with any customer service representatives." |
csatResolutionQuestionText | "Did we solve your issue today?" |
customButtonAccessibilityDescription | "call" |
day | "1 day" |
dismiss | "Dismiss" |
dismissUrgent | "Dismiss urgency" |
dismissUrgentConfirmation | "Are you sure you want to mark this conversation as not urgent?" |
dissatisfied | "Dissatisfied" |
endTheConversation | "Resolve the conversation" |
errorSendingTheAudio | "Error sending the audio" |
errorSendingTheFile | "Error sending the file" |
errorSendingThePhoto | "Error sending the photo" |
facetimeAudio | "FaceTime Audio" |
feedbackNoButtonTitle | "No" |
feedbackYesButtonTitle | "Yes" |
fileExtensionMissing | "Something has gone wrong." |
fileSharingAttachmentMenu | "Attachment menu" |
fileSharingCloseAttachmentMenu | "Close attachment menu" |
fileSharingDocument | "Document" |
fileSharingFileSizeLimitation | "File size exceeds the %d MB limitation" |
fileSharingSendFile | "Send File" |
fileSharingSendPhoto | "Send Photo" |
fileSharingUnsupportedFileSize | "Unsupported file size" |
hiMessage | "How can I help you today?" |
invalidHyperLinkError | "Link is not valid" |
isTyping | "typing…" |
loadingHistoryMessages | "Loading…" |
markAsEndedConfirmation | "Are you sure this topic is resolved?" |
markAsUrgent | "Mark as urgent" |
markAsUrgentConfirmation | "Are you sure you want to mark this conversation as urgent?" |
maskedMessageResendError | "Message failed to send. Please re-enter message and send again." |
microphone | "Microphone" |
minutesAgo | "%d min ago" |
neither | "Neither" |
newRemoteMessage | "New Message" |
noEmailOnDeviceError | "No email is defined on this device" |
noInternetConnection | "No Internet Connection" |
noSocketConnectivity | "No connectivity to server\nPlease try again" |
notNow | "Not now" |
nowTimestamp | "Now" |
numberOfDays | "%d days" |
numberOfHours | "%d hours" |
numberOfMinutes | "%d minutes" |
offlineNotification | "Offline. Check your internet connection." |
ok | "OK" |
olderMessages | "Older messages" |
oneHour | "1 hour" |
oneMinute | "1 minute" |
oneUnreadMessage | "1 unread message" |
outOf | "out of" |
permissionPopUpDeniedCameraDescription | "We use the camera to take picture and share them with your agent.\nGo to settings to enable %@ access." |
permissionPopUpDeniedMicrophoneDescription | "We use the microphone to record and share audio messages with your agent.\nGo to settings to enable %@ access." |
permissionPopUpDeniedOptionGoToSettings | "Go to Settings" |
permissionPopUpDeniedOptionNotNow | "Not now" |
permissionPopUpDeniedPhotoLibraryDescription | "We use the photo library to select images from your device and share them with your agent.\nGo to settings to enable %@ access." |
permissionPopUpDeniedTitle | "Enable %@ Access" |
permissionPopUpRestrictedDescription | "The admin of this device has restricted access to the %@.\nPlease contact admin to enable access." |
permissionPopUpRestrictedTitle | "%@ Access Restricted" |
photoLibrary | "Photo Library" |
quickReplyButton | "Quick reply button" |
quickReplyContentMessage | "This message has options to select from." |
rateConnectionWithAgent | "How would you rate your\nconnection with our agent?" |
rateConnectionWithName | "How would you rate your\nconnection with %@?" |
readReceiptTextDistributed | "Distributed" |
readReceiptTextRead | "Read" |
readReceiptTextSending | "Sending" |
readReceiptTextSent | "Sent" |
resolve | "Resolve" |
retry | "Retry" |
richContentMessageNotification | "Rich Content Message" |
satisfied | "Satisfied" |
secureFormConsumerSubmissionMessage | "I have submitted the '%@' form" |
secureFormErrorMessage | "There was a problem opening this form. Please ask the agent to resend the form." |
secureFormExpiredMessage | "Secure form has expired. Please ask the agent to resend the form." |
secureFormFillFormButtonTitle | "Fill in form" |
secureFormSubmittedMessage | "This form has been submitted and cannot be reopened for security reasons." |
secureFormToFillInMessage | "This is a secure form. Information entered here is protected and cannot be accessed once submitted." |
secureFormViewedMessage | "This form has already been viewed. Please ask the agent to resend the form." |
send | "Send" |
sendEmailMessage | "Would you like to send an email to %@?" |
sendEmailTitle | "Send Email" |
sendMessage | "Send Message" |
sentMailErrorMessage | "Email could not be sent. Please try again later." |
sentMailErrorTitle | "Mail not sent" |
sentMessageErrorTitle | "Message was not sent" |
sharePhotoFromCamera | "Take Photo" |
sharePhotoFromPhotoLibrary | "Photo Library" |
sorryWeveEncounteredAnErrorWhileSending | "File extension may be missing. Please check the file sent." |
sorryWeveEncounteredAnErrorWhileSendingTheAudio | "Sorry, we've encountered an error while sending the audio. Please try again." |
sorryWeveEncounteredAnErrorWhileSendingTheFile | "Sorry, we've encountered an error while sending the file. Please try again." |
sorryWeveEncounteredAnErrorWhileSendingThePhoto | "Sorry, we've encountered an error while sending the photo. Please try again." |
structuredContentAccessibilityMap | "Map" |
structuredContentCellWithItemsMessage | "This message has extra content and group contains %d items" |
structuredContentCellWithNoItemsMessage | "This message has extra content" |
structuredContentItemError | "Content failed to display" |
submit | "Submit" |
surveySubmittedSuccessfullyThankYou | "Survey submitted successfully.\nThank you!" |
systemMessageClientOnlyMasked | "Your personal data has been masked to protect your security. Only the agent can read it." |
systemMessageRealTimeMasked | "Your personal data has been masked to protect your security and cannot be read by the agent." |
tapToAddACaption | "Tap to add a caption" |
today | "Today" |
toolTipDeleteVoiceClip | "Delete voice clip" |
toolTipDeletedRecordingHint | "Recording deleted" |
toolTipLongTapToRecord | "Long tap to record" |
toolTipRecordLimitReached | "Recording limit has been reached, click to send" |
toolTipRecordVoiceClip | "Record voice clip" |
toolTipRecordingHint | "Record Voice button. Double-tap and hold to record." |
toolTipRecordingInProgress | "Recording in progress" |
toolTipReleaseButtonForRecording | "Release for recording" |
toolTipReplayVoice | "Replay voice" |
toolTipReplyHint | "Double-Tap to replay." |
toolTipStartRecording | "Start recording" |
toolTipStartedRecordingHint | "Recording started with time limit %d minutes %d seconds. Double-tap to stop recording." |
toolTipStartedReplyHint | "Replay started. Double-tap to stop." |
toolTipStopRecording | "Stop recording" |
toolTipStopReplaying | "Stop replaying." |
toolTipStoppedRecordingHint | "Recording stopped at %d minutes %d seconds." |
toolTipStoppedReplyHint | "Playback stopped." |
ttrOffHoursResponseMessageDate | "Thanks for your message. We will be back online %@" |
ttrOffHoursResponseMessageToday | "Thanks for your message. We will be back online Today at %@" |
ttrOffHoursResponseMessageTomorrow | "Thanks for your message. We will be back online Tomorrow at %@" |
ttrResponseMessage | "An agent will respond within the next %@" |
unauthenticatedUserExpiredMessage | "Hi there! As we haven't seen you for a while, we're opening a new conversation for you" |
unauthenticatedUserExpiredTitle | "New Conversation" |
unreadMessages | "%@ UNREAD MESSAGES" |
urgent | "Urgent" |
veryDissatisfied | "Very Dissatisfied" |
verySatisfied | "Very Satisfied" |
videoActiveCall | "You are in a video call" |
videoCallInvitationHeading | "Video Call" |
voiceActiveCall | "You are in a voice call" |
voiceCallInvitationHeading | "Voice Call" |
voiceRecognitionPlaceHolder | "Listening…" |
writeMessage | "Write a message" |
yes | "Yes" |