This API lists all the requests that have been made to prepare ZIP archive containing all the files associated with a conversation id.


Method URL
GET https://{domain}/v1/account/{accountId}/bulk-download-requests

Request Headers

Header Description
Authorization Contains token string to allow request authentication and authorization: "Bearer {token}".
Content-Type application/json

Path Parameters

Parameter Description Type / Value
accountId LP site ID String

Query Parameters

Parameter Description Type / Value
page The page number. Default value is 0. int
pageSize Number of items per page. Default value is 100. int


Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
429 Too Many Requests
500 Internal Server Error

Response Body

Entity Structure

Attribute Description Type / Value
requestId ID of the bulk file download request String
accountId Account id of the client String
status Status of the zip archieve request. Can be one of NEW, IN_PROGRESS, IN_PROGRESS_RETRY, READY or FAILED String
filter Filter provided in the request body JSON
downloadUrls An array of links to the zipped archive. Currently capped at 500 MB per archive or 50 files. It is sorted in the descending order of the creation timestamp. String
createdAt timestamp of when the zipped archive was created String
pagination A standard pagination block containing the total files matched by the conversation id, total pages, current page, next page and the previous page String

Entity Example

 "items": [
   "requestId": "76414f59-1b9c-4ce8-bf8b-8e0b76c9889f",
   "accountId": "54645235"
   "status": "READY",
   "filter" : {
    "conversationId": "8f28be9b-6960-47d0-93e0-ddbc5bde1d5c"
   "downloadUrls": ["link", "link"],
   "createdAt": "2024-01-15T18:20:22.775+00:00"
 "pagination": {
  "totalRecords": 20,
  "currentPage": 1,
  "totalPages": 10,
  "nextPage": 2,
  "prevPage": null