Please note that this API relates to LivePersons legacy chat product which receives limited support and will be deprecated in the future.

It is recommended to build future integrations on top of LivePersons Messaging Platform SDK instead.

This method retrieves information regarding the authenticated visitor within the chat. The information section includes the authentication state and the authenticated consumer SDEs.


Method URL
GET https://{domain}/api/account/{accountId}/agentSession/{agentSessionId}/participantExtendedInfo/{participantId}?v=1&NC=true

Request Headers

Header Description
Authorization Bearer {bearer-from-login}
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json


The body media type must have one of the following formats:

  • XML
  • JSON


Elements in the response

      "accountName":"bank corp",
Name Description Type Notes
authenticatedParticipantInfo The authenticated information sent by the visitor. Object  
authenticatedPersonalInfo Additional authenticated information sent by the visitor. Object Optional

Response Codes

Code Response
200 OK