The lpTag handles the communication of many events that occur on the vistor's webpage.

These tag events provide transparency into the lifecycle flows of engagements, embeddeded chat windows, and cobrowse sessions, among others.

Below you can find a list of events published on a web page by the Web Tag, each organized under an appName and given an eventName.

See here to learn how to bind to events

Visitor Flow Events


This event is triggered when an Engagement Attribute (SDE) is reported.

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "VAR_ADDED"
appName "lp_sdes"

Event Data

Name Description Type / Value

Example (Transaction Engagement Attribute):

    "type": "cart", //MANDATORY
    "total": 11.7, //TOTAL CART VALUE
    "numItems": 6, //NUMBER OF
    "products": [{  //ARRAY OF PRODUCTS
        "product": {
        "name": "prod1", //PRODUCT NAME
        "category": "category", //PRODUCT CATEGORY NAME
        "sku": "sku", //PRODUCT SKU OR UNIQUE IDENTIFIER
        "price": 7.8 //PRODUCT PRICE
        }, "quantity": 1 //NUMBER OF PRODUCTS


This event is triggered when vistor monitoring starts and/or when its state is changed.

Event Information

Name Value
appName "lp_SMT"

Event Data

Name Description Type / Value
active The monitoring state. Boolean


    "active": "boolean"

Chat Window Events

These are chat window related events. Because the customer conversation is contained within the window, the events provided here are related to the lifecycle of a conversation.

These events will only be triggered for an embedded window, not a pop-out window.


This event triggers when the chat state is changed.

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "state"
appName "lpUnifiedWindow"

Event Data

Name Description Type Notes
state The chat state. string Available states: "resume", "initialised", "uninitialised", "preChat", "postChat", "offline", "waiting", "chatting", "interactive", "ended", "Notfound". Out of these, only "initialised", "chatting" and "ended" are relevant for Messaging.


{ "state": "chatting" } //The current chat state


This event triggers when the conversation data was changed, for example the conversation state.

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "conversationInfo"
appName "lpUnifiedWindow"

Event Data

Name Description Type Notes
agentName The agent name to which the visitor is connected. string  
agentId The agent ID to which the visitor is connected. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
conversationId The conversation ID. ALPHA_NUMERIC For messaging
state The chat state. string Available states: "resume", "initialised", "uninitialised", "waiting", "chatting", "ended", "Notfound"
monitoringSessionId Session ID. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
visitorId Visitor ID. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
skill The conversation skill. string  
engagementId The engagement ID that was clicked to open the chat. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
campaignId The engagement’s campaign ID. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
language The conversation language. string An ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 language code in lowercase and an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code in uppercase, separated by a dash. For example, en-US or fr-CA.
engagementName The engagement name as defined in Conversational Cloud UI. string  


   "agentName": "John Doe",
   "agentId": 2,
   "conversationId": 4294973105,
   "state": "chatting",
   "monitoringSessionId": "WIoWBRC_RL6pkcK5fL-3-g.5bb46ddd7ae63b731b5eeb10189b15bc97226af0",
   "visitorId": "UYxShcOtSEWq0oSsuMCrOQ",
   "skill": "MySkill",
   "engagementId": 1346152510,
   "campaignId": 1346152410,
   "language": "en-US",
   "engagementName": "Sticky chat button"


This event triggers when the state changes to "chatting" to show the engagement info.

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "engagementData"
appName "lpUnifiedWindow"

Event Data

Name Description Type  
engagementName The engagement name as defined in Conversational Cloud UI string  
state The chat state ("chatting"). string  


    "engagementName": "Sticky chat button",
    "state": "chatting"


This event triggers when the chat window is in maximized view.

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "maximized"
appName "lpUnifiedWindow"


This event triggers when the chat window is in minimized view.

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "minimized"
appName "lpUnifiedWindow"


This event triggers when the chat window is closed (disposed and removed from the DOM).

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "windowClosed"
appName "lpUnifiedWindow"

Signaled Events (Messaging only)

In order to have the ability to pass some data back and forth through an active messaging conversation, there is a new mechanism:

Data can be sent by using method with a specific name of event.

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "SIGNAL_OUT"
appName "*"

The data passed within this event should be in the format represented by the following example. The format of a payload value must always be a stringified JSON. The content of the JSON is not limited and can be any data that is important at that moment

    appName: "*",
    eventName: "SIGNAL_OUT",
    data: {
        payload: '{"user":"John Doe","pageToTrack":"Mobiles&Accessories"}'

Incoming data can be received by subscribing to the specific event

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "SIGNAL_IN"
appName "*"

The data will be passed as is to the event callback

    appName: '*',
    eventName: "SIGNAL_IN",
    func: function (data) {
        // Logic to consume received data 

Engagement Events

These are engagement-related events, including rendering, display and interactions with the engagement.


This event is triggered when the flow to display the engagement has started.

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "START"
appName "LP_OFFERS"

Event Data

Name Description Type / Value Notes
contexts The engagement and page context ID (impression ID) in the current monitored session. Array of Objects Example:
{"EngagementContext":{"id": "1"}},
campaignId The engagement’s campaign ID. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
engagementId The engagement ID. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
engagementRevision The engagement revision. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
engagementType The engagement format. Numeric Available values: 0: "Peeling corner", 1: "Overlay", 2: "Toaster", 3: "Slide-out", 5: "Embedded", 6: "Sticky"
contextId The engagement context ID (engagement impression ID) in the current monitored session. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
zoneId Internal. The engagement zone ID. ALPHA_NUMERIC  
state The agent's state Numeric Available values: 1 — online, 2 — offline, 4 — busy
confKey Internal. CampaignId + EngagementId + Revision. string  
tglName Internal. The engagement format description. string  
done If the configuration has finished loading. Boolean  
engagementName The engagement name as defined in Conversational Cloud UI. string  


    "contexts": [
        {"EngagementContext": {
                "id": "1"
        {"pageContext": {
                "id": "1738225948"
    "campaignId": 210599710,//The campaign Id
    "engagementId": 210600710,//The engagement Id
    "engagementRevision": 18,//The revision we are going to show
    "engagementType": 3,//The engagement type
    "contextId": "1",//The context (instance in memory on the backend)
    "zoneId": 471288710, //The zone this is on
    "state": 2, //The current state of the agents (online, offline, busy), to set the display state
    "confKey": "210599710_210600710_18",
    "tglName": "slider" //The taglet that needs to be downloaded
    "done": true, //If the configuration has finished loading
    "engagementName": "Slide-out chat button" //The description of the engagement


This event is triggered when the engagement has been rendered and is going to be displayed on the page.

Event Information

Name Value
appName "LP_OFFERS"

Event Data

See START event.


    "contexts": [
        {"EngagementContext": {"id": "2"}},
        {"pageContext": {"id": "1738225948"}}
    "campaignId": 248955910,//The campaign Id
    "engagementId": 248956110,//The engagement Id
    "engagementRevision": 14,//The revision we are going to show
    "engagementType": 6,//The engagement type
    "contextId": "2",//The context (instance in memory on the backend)
    "zoneId": 471288510,//The zone this is on
    "state": 2,//The current state of the agents (online, offline, busy), to set the display state
    "confKey": "248955910_248956110_14",
    "tglName": "overlay",//The taglet that was downloaded
    "done": true,//If the configuration has finished loading
    "engagementName": "Mine"//The description of the engagement


This event is triggered when the engagement has been displayed on the page.

Event Information

Name Value
appName "LP_OFFERS"

Event Data

See START event.


This event is triggered when the engagement has been accepted by a user.

Event information

Name Value
eventName "OFFER_CLICK"
appName "LP_OFFERS"


This event is triggered when an engagement duration has timed out.

Event Information

Name Value
appName "LP_OFFERS"

Event Data

See START event.


This event is triggered when an engagement is closed by a user.

Event Information

Name Value
appName "LP_OFFERS"

Event Data

See START event.


This event is triggered when an engagement is removed from the DOM (auto or user initiated).

Event Information

Name Value
eventName "OFFER_REMOVE"
appName "LP_OFFERS"

Event Data

See START event.