Using this request, the consumer can ask to publish text content to an existing conversation.


JSON Output

JSON Schema

You can find the json schema definition of this message here: assets/schema/ws/consumerRequests.json


JSON Output

JSON Schema

You can find the json schema definition of this message here: assets/schema/ms/PublishEventSuccess.json

Signal messages

Signal messages can be used to send and receive siganls (metadata) by Consumer Window and Bot Agents. These messages are a subtype of chat-state events.

Request Example

    "id": "A3FA",
    "type": "ms.PublishEvent",
        "dialogId": "__YOUR_CONVERSATION_ID__",
            "type": "ChatStateEvent",
            "chatState": "SIGNALED"
    "metadata": [
      "type": "Signal",
      "payload": "{\"key1\" : \"value1\",\"key2\" : \"value2\"}"