

  • Available since: 5.22.0

This method allows to change readonly mode.

Once readonly mode is enabled consumer will not see a message input area. Otherwise, consumer will be able to send text message via text input or to send file message.

Note: by default the readonly mode is set by conversation parameters provided while showing conversation.

Note: If history filtering is set to closed conversation and isReadOnly parameter is set to false, then operation will be finished with exception.

    public static void changeReadOnlyMode(Boolean isReadOnly, ICallback<Unit, HybridSDKException> callback)
Parameter Description
isReadOnly Flag to enable/disable read only mode
callback An ICallback implementation


Checks whether there is an active (unresolved) conversation. The result will be returned to the provided callback.

Make sure the conversation history is in-sync with server before call this API. It means that this API returns only the last conversation state from the consumer's device, stored while consumer was on the conversation window. For example, If conversation got closed while consumer was backgrounded, the API will not return that conversation state.

public static void checkActiveConversation(final ICallback<Boolean, Exception> callback)
Parameter Description
callback An ICallback implementation


  • Available since: 5.23.1.

Checks whether there is an active (unresolved) conversation using api call. The result will be returned to the provided callback.

Unlike checkActiveConversation this method doesn't require to sync history. It will perform an authorized request to the server to return the list of active conversations identifiers.

public static void checkActiveConversations(@NonNull Context context, final ICallback<List<String>, Exception> callback, LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthParams)
Parameter Description
context A context from the host app.
callback An ICallback implementation
lpAuthParams Authentication parameters


If there is an active conversation, this API returns agent data through the provided callback. If there is no active conversation, the API returns null.

AgentData definition

public static void checkAgentID(final ICallback<AgentData, Exception> callback)
Parameter Description
callback An ICallback implementation


Clear all conversations from the device. This clears all conversations and messages from the device only and does not remove them from the server. If the account has history enabled and is used on a new device, all conversations will be loaded from the server.

The return value indicates whether the action was completed successfully or not:

  • True - All conversations were cleared successfully.
  • False - Conversations were not cleared since there is an open conversation.

Note: The clearHistory API call will work only if there is currently no active conversation.

public static boolean clearHistory()


Checks whether the current conversation is marked as urgent. The result is returned through the provided callback.

public static void checkConversationIsMarkedAsUrgent(final ICallback<Boolean, Exception> callback)
Parameter Description
callback An ICallback implementation

openFragmentContainer method Opens the conversation view in Fragment mode. This method starts the FragmentContainerActivity that is simply the fragment container for the conversation fragment obtained from the SDK.

FragmentContainerActivity class This is an activity class that has a fragment container. It gets the conversation fragment from the SDK (LivePerson.getConversationFragment()) and attach it to the container.

getConversationFragment (with full authentication support)

The getConversationFragment method creates and returns the conversation fragment.

Note: This API does not show the actual screen, but only creates the fragment. Your implementation needs to handle when and how to show it.


If your system implementation involves an authentication step — pass LPAuthenticationParams.

There are 2 authenticated connection methods:

  1. authenticationKey - LPAuthenticationParams().setAuthKey("yourAuthCode").

    Note: Usually this means that the LivePerson backend will verify the authentication token sent by the SDK with your system servers. If the key cannot be verified on your company’s backend servers, this call will fail.

    Optional: When using this method, you can also set a special redirect URL when authenticating by calling: lpAuthenticationParams.setHostAppRedirectUri(yourRedirectUrl).

  2. jwt — new LPAuthenticationParams().setHostAppJWT("yourJwt")

    Note: if you want to connect in an unAuthenticated way, you can pass null or an empty LPAuthenticationParams.


  • viewOnlyMode - Define if enter message area (under the conversation view), is shown/hide.

     new ConversationViewParams(false);
     // Or
     new ConversationViewParams().setReadOnlyMode(false);

History Control API - Define to filter the shown messages.

  • LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay

    • Possible states:
      • LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay.ALL — Show All Conversations (Default)
      • LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay.CLOSE — Shows only closed Conversations
      • LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay.OPEN — Shows only open Conversations
     new ConversationViewParams().setHistoryConversationsStateToDisplay(LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay.ALL);
  • LPConversationHistoryMaxDaysDateType

    • Possible values:
      • LPConversationHistoryMaxDaysDateType.startConversationDate (Default)
      • LPConversationHistoryMaxDaysDateType.endConversationDate
     new ConversationViewParams().setHistoryConversationMaxDaysType(LPConversationHistoryMaxDaysDateType.endConversationDate);
  • HistoryConversationsMaxDays

    • Possible values: Any Positive Integer (Default: -1, No limit)
     new ConversationViewParams().setHistoryConversationsMaxDays(20);
  • ShowConversation method:

     public static Fragment getConversationFragment(LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, ConversationViewParams params)
    Parameter Description
    LPAuthenticationParams authentication params
    ConversationViewParams view params


  • Available since: 5.22.0

This method allows to initiate a file sharing flow by opening system camera activity. This method will successfully start file sharing flow using file chooser only if followed conditions are matched:

  • SDK is initialized.
  • Socket is connected or offline messaging is enabled.
  • Socket is ready to use or offline messaging is enabled.
  • Conversation screen is in foreground.
  • enable_file_sharing flag is enabled.
    public static void fileSharingOpenCamera(ICallback<Unit, HybridSDKException> callback)
Parameter Description
callback An ICallback implementation

Note: You can disable file sharing preview caption flow by setting lp_is_consumer_file_caption_enabled to false.


  • Available since: 5.22.0

This method allows to initiate a file sharing flow by opening file chooser. This method will successfully start file sharing flow using file chooser only if followed conditions are matched:

  • SDK is initialized.
  • Socket is connected or offline messaging is enabled.
  • Socket is ready to use or offline messaging is enabled.
  • Conversation screen is in foreground.
  • enable_file_sharing flag is enabled.

It could be used in combination with view-only mode to disable the SDK-provided text input and send button.

    public static void fileSharingOpenFile(ICallback<Unit, HybridSDKException> callback)
Parameter Description
callback An ICallback implementation

Note: You can disable file sharing preview caption flow by setting lp_is_consumer_file_caption_enabled to false.


  • Available since: 5.22.0

This method allows to initiate a file sharing flow by opening system gallery activity. This method will successfully start file sharing flow using system gallery only if followed conditions are matched:

  • SDK is initialized.
  • Socket is connected or offline messaging is enabled.
  • Socket is ready to use or offline messaging is enabled.
  • Conversation screen is in foreground.
  • enable_file_sharing flag is enabled.

It could be used in combination with view-only mode to disable the SDK-provided text input and send button.

    public static void fileSharingOpenGallery(ICallback<Unit, HybridSDKException> callback)
Parameter Description
callback An ICallback implementation

Note: You can disable file sharing preview caption flow by setting lp_is_consumer_file_caption_enabled to false.


Get the generated PKCE params for the host app to authenticate.


  • This new API is available from SDK version 5.18.0
  • The SDK needs to be initialized before calling this API.
public static void getPKCEParams(final Context context, LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthParams, PKCEParamsCallBack pkceCallback)
Parameter Description
context A context from the host app
lpAuthParams Authentication parameters
pkceCallback PKCEParamsCallBack implementation


Get the count of unread messages that are not yet received by the consumer's device. This API returns the count through the provided callback which is a sum of unread messages in the  open as well as closed conversation messages.

When there are unread messages waiting for the consumer within the brand app, this information can be pushed to display in the app’s notification badge. Within the app, brands can develop their own visualization of a badge, such as a number, icon or other marker to show unread messages.

This API method uses a threshold mechanism of 10 seconds. If this API is called within 10 seconds from the last request was made, the counter will be returned from SDK cache otherwise a new request to the server will be made to fetch the latest count. 


  • This new API is available from SDK version 4.4.0
  • The SDK needs to be initialized before calling this API.

This API will allow the user to get the count of unread messages for all open conversations without the need to be registered to receive push notifications.

public static void getUnreadMessagesCount(String appId, LPAuthenticationParams authenticationParams, final ICallback<Integer, Exception> callback)
Parameter Description
appId The host app ID
callback An ICallback implementation
authenticationParams Authentication parameters


This API is deprecated as of Android SDK version 4.4.0. On this version and newer, please prefer getUnreadMessagesCount to receive an accurate count of unread messages. This API will reach end-of-life and be removed from the SDK by end of October 2020.

Get the count of unread messages that are not yet received by the consumer's device. This API returns the count data through the provided callback.

When there are unread messages waiting for the consumer within the brand app, this information can be pushed to display in the app’s notification badge. Within the app, brands can develop their own visualization of a badge, such as a number, icon or other marker to show unread messages.

This API method uses a threshold mechanism of 10 seconds from the last time the badge retrieved from the server. If calling this method within less than 10 seconds, the counter will be returned from cache otherwise,it will be fetched again with new data.

Note: The SDK needs to be initialized before calling this API.

To get count of unread messages using this function, all devices must be registered to receive push notifications using the registerLPPusher function.

public static void getNumUnreadMessages(String appId, final ICallback<Integer, Exception> callback)
Parameter Description
appId The host app ID
callback An ICallback implementation


This API is deprecated as of Android SDK version 4.4.0. On this version and newer, please prefer getUnreadMessagesCount to receive an accurate count of unread messages. This API will reach end-of-life and be removed from the SDK by end of October 2020.

Get the count of unread messages that are not yet received by the consumer's device. This API returns the count data through the provided callback.

When there are unread messages waiting for the consumer within the brand app, this information can be pushed to display in the app’s notification badge. Within the app, brands can develop their own visualization of a badge, such as a number, icon or other marker to show unread messages.

This API method uses a threshold mechanism of 10 seconds from the last time the badge retrieved from the server. If calling this method within less than 10 seconds, the counter will be returned from cache otherwise, it will be fetched again with new data.

Note: The SDK needs to be initialized before calling this API.

This API will allow the user to get the count of unread messages for all conversations without the need to be registered to pusher service.

This API will be improved in future to show the count of unread messages in the closed conversation as well and the documentation will be updated accordingly.

public static void getUnreadMessagesCount(String appId, final ICallback<Integer, Exception> callback)
Parameter Description
appId The host app ID
callback An ICallback implementation


Returns the SDK version.

public static String getSDKVersion()


All incoming push messages are received by the host app. The host app can choose to fully handle any push message and display a notification message, or partially handle it and allow the SDK to display the notification.

In case a host app decides to show its own custom notification, it can call handlePushMessage() with showNotification parameter set to false. That will parse and return a PushMessage object.

It is suggested that the host application should determine whether the notification payload belongs to Liveperson or not before calling this API.

public static PushMessage handlePushMessage(Context context, Map<String, String> remoteMessage, String brandId, boolean showNotification)
Parameter Description
context A context from the host app.
remoteMessage A Map that contains the push message. Push service sends RemoteMessage object — To get the map from this object — call remoteMessage.getData().
brandId The account Id.
showNotification Used to instruct the SDK to either show or not show a notification to the user. If you wish your app will handle the display of the notification you can set this as false.

The proprietary SDK notification is only for display purposes, interacting with it won't launch the Application or navigate to the Conversation Fragment/Activity, for a fully interactive notification host app needs to provide the implementation.


The hideConversation API hides the conversation activity. The conversation screen is shown again by calling showConversation.

public static void hideConversation(Activity activity)
Parameter Description
activity The calling activity


  • Hiding the conversation closes the WebSocket.
  • When using the SDK’s activity, the back button performs the same function.

initActivityConversation method Opens the conversation view in Activity mode.

You initialize the SDK with the brandID and appID, but only if you're not already in a valid state, which was checked in a previous section.

Tip: If the initialization succeeds, the openActivity method is called.

private void  initActivityConversation() {

    LivePerson.initialize(MainActivity.this, new InitLivePersonProperties(brandID, appID, new InitLivePersonCallBack() {
        public void onInitSucceed() {
            // you can't register pusher before initialization
            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
        public void onInitFailed(Exception e) {
            runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Init Failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

initialize (with SDK properties object)

To allow user interaction, the Messaging Mobile SDK must be initiated. This API initializes the resources required by the SDK; all subsequent API calls. Except for the handlePushMessage, assume that the SDK has been initialized.

When the conversation screen is displayed, the server connection for messaging will be established. If a user session is already active and an additional SDK init call is made, it will be ignored and will not start an additional session. This method gets InitLivePersonProperties, which includes the properties needed for the init phase of the SDK.

InitLivePersonProperties has a new MonitoringInitParams member that initializes the Monitoring API. Passing the MonitoringInitParams is mandatory when using Monitoring API capabilities.

public static void initialize (Context context, InitLivePersonProperties initProperties)
Parameter Description
context A context from the host app
initProperties An object with all the properties needed to initialize the SDK


private void initOpenConversationButton() {
startConvBtn = (Button) findViewById(;
startConvBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {
        // This will check if we already in a conversation
        if (LivePerson.isValidState()) {
        else {
            initActivityConversation(); // The conversation activity


Check if the consumer's device is registered to receive push notification messages.

public static void isPusherRegistered(@NonNull String deviceToken, @NonNull String appId, @NonNull LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, @NonNull ICallback<Boolean, Exception> callback)
Parameter Description
deviceToken The device token
appId The host app ID
lpAuthenticationParams Authentication params
callback An ICallback implementation


  • Available since: 5.23.1.

Method used to get pending proactive messages for a particular consumer.

public static void getPendingProactiveMessages(@NonNull String appId, @NonNull LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, @NonNull ICallback<List<PushMessage>, Exception> callback) 
Parameter Description
appId The host app ID
lpAuthenticationParams Authentication params associated with consumer
callback An ICallback implementation that returns a list of proactive messages or exception otherwise


Logout from the SDK — when all user data should be removed.

Calls unregisterLPPusher, shutDown and, in addition, deletes all user data (messages and user details) from the device.

In order to unregister from push, it must be called when there is network available. After logout the SDK is unavailable until re-initiated.

Previous conversations will not be displayed automatically until the consumer's authentication information is validated.

Note: This method does not require the SDK to be initialized.

Note: This does not end the current messaging conversation.

This method must not be called when the conversation screen is displayed.

public static void logOut(Context context, String brandId, String appId, LogoutLivePersonCallback logoutCallback)
Parameter Description
context A context from the host app.
brandId An account ID.
appId The host app ID.
logoutCallback An LogoutLivePersonCallback implementation.

If the logout call on the SDK fails, the local files will not get removed by the SDK. In order to solve this problem, we added a new logOut API to allow brands to perform a forced logout, which will perform the logout without waiting for LP pusher to unregister. In this way, we will not allow a failed logout call and therefore local files will always be removed.

public static void logOut(Context context, String brandId, String appId, boolean forceLogOut, PushUnregisterType type, LogoutLivePersonCallback logoutCallback)
Parameter Description
context A context from the host app.
brandId An account ID.
appId The host app ID.
forceLogOut When true, SDK force a user logout no matter unregisterPusher succeed or failed. When false, SDK waits unregisterPusher succeed before logout.
type PushUnregisterType.ALL: User will be unregistered from pusher for both agent message and Proactive Messaging.
logoutCallback An LogoutLivePersonCallback implementation.


Marks the current conversation as normal.

public static void markConversationAsNormal()


Marks the current conversation as urgent.

public static void markConversationAsUrgent()

openActivity function

Here, you use the LivePerson SDK’s showConversation method.

Tip: In the example below, we do not use an authentication parameter. If you need to use an authentication paramenter, use setPhoneNumber.

private void openActivity() {
LivePerson.showConversation(MainActivity.this, new LPAuthenticationParams().setAuthKey(""), new ConversationViewParams(false));
ConsumerProfile consumerProfile = new ConsumerProfile.Builder()


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// IntentsHandler is the object we introduced in the previous section of this tutorial
mIntentsHandler = new IntentsHandler(this);
// init basic UI views
// Init the button listener

openFragmentContainer method

Opens the conversation view in Fragment mode. This method starts the FragmentContainerActivity that is simply the fragment container for the conversation fragment obtained from the SDK.


Reconnect with a new LPAuthenticationParams object: that contains String mAuthKey, String mHostAppJWT, String mHostAppRedirectUri. When connecting, the connection may be closed once the token is expired. When this happens, the onTokenExpired callback method is called. In this case, the application needs to obtain a fresh key and reconnect by calling the reconnect method. When creating a new LPAuthenticationParams — you may call empty constructor and then call setAuthKey() or setHostAppJWT() according to the host parameter

public static void reconnect(LPAuthenticationParams lPAuthenticationParams)
Parameter Description
LPAuthenticationParams authentication key / JWT


Register to LPMessagingSDK push notifications. Providing the authenticationParams parameter enables registering to the LPPusher without opening a conversation first. If providing registrationCompletedCallback callback, it will be called when registeration is finishes successfully or if it fails and indicates which one happened.

public static void registerLPPusher(String brandId, String appId, String deviceToken, PushType pushType, LPAuthenticationParams authenticationParams, ICallback<Void, Exception> registrationCompletedCallback)
Parameter Description
brandId The account ID, for example, 652838922.
appId The host app ID, for example, com.liveperson.myApp.
deviceToken The device token for push notification.
pushType The push notification type. See PushType for details.
authenticationParams An optional parameter that enables registering without first opening a conversation.
registrationCompletedCallback An optional callback on the registration status.

Register to LPMessagingSDK FCM push notifications.

public static void registerLPPusher(String brandId, String appId, String gcmToken, LPAuthenticationParams authenticationParams, final ICallback<Void, Exception> registrationCompletedCallback)
Parameter Description
brandId The account ID, for example, 652838922.
appId The host app ID, for example, com.liveperson.myApp.
gcmToken The device token. Usually used to pass the Google provided token. However, this parameter can contain any string value. If you use the gcmToken as a custom value, you need to handle the mapping between this custom value and the actual gcm token in your server.
authenticationParams An optional parameter that enables registering without first opening a conversation.
registrationCompletedCallback An optional callback on the registration status.

Authenticated (authenticationKey)

Call LPAuthenticationParams().setAuthKey("yourAuthCode") to allow the LivePerson backend to verify the authentication token sent by the SDK with your system servers. If the key cannot be verified on your company’s backend servers, this call fails.

Note: When using this method, you can also set a special redirect URL when authenticating by calling: lpAuthenticationParams.setHostAppRedirectUri(yourRedirectUrl) with JWT — new LPAuthenticationParams().setHostAppJWT("yourJwt").

When using registerLPPusher with authentication parameters for JWT renewal (JWT renewal when in the background), the authentication process goes into an infinite loop. Use updateTokenInBackground to separate the register to push and the token update when in the background.

When the JWT expires or if the registration fails due to an expired token, the onTokenExpired() callback gets called.

  • If the screen is in the background, the host app uses the updateTokenInBackground() API with new authentication parameters instead of calling registerLPPusher().

  • If the screen is in the foreground, the host app calls reconnect() to renew the JWT.

Code sample

 public void onTokenExpired() {

 String jwt = generateNewJwt(); // A host app method

 LivePerson.updateTokenInBackground("1234567", new LPAuthenticationParams().setAuthKey(jwt));



Pass null or an empty LPAuthenticationParams.


Removes the registered LivePersonCallback callback.

public static void removeCallBack()


Resolves the current conversation.

public static void resolveConversation()


  • Available since: 5.22.0

This method allows to send a message for the consumer without needing to type into the SDK-provided text input and then tap the send button. It could be used in combination with view-only mode to disable the SDK-provided text input and send button.

    public static void sendTextMessage(String message, ICallback<Unit, HybridSDKException> callback)
Parameter Description
text The message you would like to send on behalf of the consumer
callback An ICallback implementation

Note: If offline mode is disabled, then you need to make sure that conversation data is fully synced. Otherwise, this method will be finished with exception and required message will not be sent. If offline mode is enabled, validation for conversation's synchronization state will be passed and message will be sent once user successfully connects to server.


Sets the SDK callback listener. The host app gets updates from the SDK using this callback listener. See LivePerson Callbacks Interface for more information.

public static void setCallback(final LivePersonCallback listener)
Parameter Description
listener A LivePersonCallback implementation


Notify SDK that push notification is tapped when scroll behavior for push notification is configured.

Call this method before LivePerson.showConversation(getActivity(), LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, ConversationViewParams params) or LivePerson.getConversationFragment(LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, ConversationViewParams params). For more detailed information, see the Scroll Behavior Configuration page.

public static void setPushNotificationTapped()


Notify SDK when consumer tapped on a specific notification. If it is a Proactive message, it will be shown in the conversation screen.

Call this method before LivePerson.showConversation(getActivity(), LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, ConversationViewParams params) or LivePerson.getConversationFragment(LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, ConversationViewParams params).

public static void setPushNotificationTapped(String pushMessageId)
Parameter Description
pushMessageId Notification id obtained from the PushMessage object. (Valid only If using LivePerson.handlePushMessage(…)

setPushNotificationTapped(pushMessageId, clearOthers)

  • Available since: 5.23.1.

Notify SDK when the consumer taps on a specific notification or when the host app wants to show a particular proactive message in the conversation screen.

Call this method before LivePerson.showConversation(getActivity(), LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, ConversationViewParams params) or LivePerson.getConversationFragment(LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, ConversationViewParams params).

public static void setPushNotificationTapped(String pushMessageId, boolean clearOthers)
Parameter Description
pushMessageId Notification id obtained from the PushMessage object. (Valid only If using LivePerson.handlePushMessage(…)
clearOthers When there is more than one proactive message, use this option to remove non-rendering proactive messages locally and remotely by passing true.


The setUserProfile API takes custom parameters about the consumer as an input and sets it to be displayed on the Agent Workspace consumer transcript. This can be set at any time either before, after, or during a messaging session.

public static void setUserProfile(ConsumerProfile profile)
Parameter Description
profile The user’s profile

showConversation (with full authentication support)

The showConversation API displays the messaging screen as a new activity with the conversation fragment. The consumer can then start or continue a conversation. The conversation screen is controlled entirely by the SDK.

This method returns a Boolean value to indicate success or failure in opening the messaging screen. If the operation is successful, this method returns true, else it returns false.

Initiating the conversation screen opens the WebSocket to the LivePerson Messaging Server.


If your system implementation involves an authentication step, use LPAuthenticationParams.

There are 2 authenticated connection methods:

  • Authenticated (authenticationKey) - Call LPAuthenticationParams().setAuthKey("yourAuthCode") to allow the LivePerson backend to verify the authentication token sent by the SDK with your system servers. If the key cannot be verified on your company’s backend servers, this call fails.

    Note: When using this method, you can also set a special redirect URL when authenticating by calling: lpAuthenticationParams.setHostAppRedirectUri(yourRedirectUrl) with JWT — new LPAuthenticationParams().setHostAppJWT("yourJwt").

    When using registerLPPusher with authentication parameters for JWT renewal (JWT renewal when in the background), the authentication process goes into an infinite loop. Use updateTokenInBackground to separate the register to push and the token update when in the background.

    When the JWT expires or if the registration fails due to an expired token, the onTokenExpired() callback gets called.

    • If the screen is in the background, the host app uses the updateTokenInBackground() API with new authentication parameters instead of calling registerLPPusher().

    • If the screen is in the foreground, the host app calls reconnect() to renew the JWT.

    Code sample:

      public void onTokenExpired() {
      String jwt = generateNewJwt(); // A host app method
      LivePerson.updateTokenInBackground("1234567", new LPAuthenticationParams().setAuthKey(jwt));
  • Unauthenticated - Pass in LPAuthenticationParams with type UN_AUTH

  • Signup

Signup flow is now deprecated. Please use an authenticated connection method instead, or UN_AUTH for unauthenticated connections.


   new ConversationViewParams(false);
   // Or
   new ConversationViewParams().setReadOnlyMode(false);

History Control API - Define to filter the shown messages.

  • LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay

    • Possible states:
      • LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay.ALL — Show All Conversations (Default)
      • LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay.CLOSE — Shows only closed Conversations
      • LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay.OPEN — Shows only open Conversations
     new ConversationViewParams().setHistoryConversationsStateToDisplay(LPConversationsHistoryStateToDisplay.ALL);
  • LPConversationHistoryMaxDaysDateType

    • Possible values:
      • LPConversationHistoryMaxDaysDateType.startConversationDate (Default)
      • LPConversationHistoryMaxDaysDateType.endConversationDate
      new ConversationViewParams().setHistoryConversationMaxDaysType(LPConversationHistoryMaxDaysDateType.endConversationDate);
  • LPWelcomeMessage

     LPWelcomeMessage lpWelcomeMessage = new LPWelcomeMessage("Welcome Message");
     new ConversationViewParams().setLpWelcomeMessage(lpWelcomeMessage);

    For details on implementing, see Welcome Message with Quick Replies.

  • HistoryConversationsMaxDays

    • Possible values: Any Positive Integer (Default: -1, No limit)
     new ConversationViewParams().setHistoryConversationsMaxDays(20);
  • ShowConversation method:

     public static boolean showConversation(Activity activity, LPAuthenticationParams lpAuthenticationParams, ConversationViewParams params)
    Parameter Description
    activity The calling activity
    LPAuthenticationParams authentication params
    ConversationViewParams view params


public static void shutDown(final ShutDownLivePersonCallback shutdownCallback)
Parameter Description
shutdownCallback A ShutDownLivePersonCallback implementation to get indication whether the shutdown succeeded or failed

Shuts down the SDK and removes the footprint of the user session from local memory. After shutdown the SDK is unavailable until re-initiated. Message history is saved locally on the device and synced with the server upon reconnection.

The server continues to send push notifications when the SDK is shut down. To unregister from push services, call unregisterLPPusher API.

ShutDownLivePersonCallback callback description:

  • onShutdownSucceed() method is called when the shutdown process finished successfully.
  • onShutdownFailed() method is called when the shutdown process failed (for example, shutdown was called when the conversation screen is displayed in the foreground).

Note: This does not end the current messaging conversation.


Unregister from registered push notification service.

public static void unregisterLPPusher(String brandId, String appId, ICallback<Void, Exception> unregisteringCompletedCallback)
Parameter Description
brandId The account ID.
appId The host app ID.
unregisteringCompletedCallback A dual-method callback for handling success and failure results.


initialize (deprecated)

This method was deprecated — please use the new method.

To allow user interaction, the Messaging Mobile SDK must be initiated. This API initializes the resources required by the SDK. All subsequent API calls, except to the handlePushMessage, assume that the SDK has been initialized. When the conversation screen is displayed, the server connection for messaging will be established. If a user session is already active and an additional SDK init call is made, it will be ignored and will not start an additional session.

public static void initialize (Context context, String brandId, InitLivePersonCallBack initCallBack)
Parameter Description
context A context from the host app
brandId An account ID
initCallBack An InitLivePersonCallBack implementation

showConversation (Deprecated)

The showConversation API displays the messaging screen as a new activity with the conversation fragment. The consumer can then start or continue a conversation. The conversation screen is controlled entirely by the SDK.

This method returns a Boolean value to indicate success or failure in opening the messaging screen. If the operation is successful, this method returns true, else it returns false.

Initiating the conversation screen opens the WebSocket to the LivePerson Messaging Server.

public static boolean showConversation(Activity activity)
Parameter Description
activity The calling activity

showConversation (with authentication support) (Deprecated)

Same as showConversation with the addition of authentication support. You should use this alternative if you know your system implementation involves an authentication step. Usually this means that the LivePerson backend will verify the authentication token sent by the SDK with your system servers. If the key cannot be verified on your company’s backend servers, this call will fail.

public static boolean showConversation(Activity activity, String authenticationKey)
Parameter Description
activity The calling activity
authenticationKey The authentication key

getConversationFragment (Deprecated)

The getConversationFragment method creates and returns the conversation fragment.

public static Fragment getConversationFragment()

The getConversationFragment method creates and returns the conversation fragment.

Note: This API does not show the actual screen, but only creates the fragment. Your implementation needs to handle when and how to show it.

getConversationFragment with authentication support (Deprecated)

Same as getConversationFragment with the attention of authentication support. You should use this alternative if you know your system implementation involves an authentication step. Usually this means the LivePerson backend will verify the authentication token sent by the SDK with your system servers. If the key cannot be verified, or your backend isn’t set up with the LivePerson backend, this call will fail.

public static Fragment getConversationFragment(String authKey)
Parameter Description
authKey The authentication key

reconnect (Deprecated)

Reconnect with a new authentication key. When connecting with an authentication key, the connection may be closed once the token is expired. When this happens, the onTokenExpired callback method is called. In this case, the application needs to obtain a fresh key and reconnect by calling the reconnect method.

public static void reconnect(String authKey)
Parameter Description
authKey The authentication key

setUserProfile (deprecated)

Deprecated. Please use the setUserProfile (String firstName, String lastName, String phone) method ).

The setUserProfile API takes custom parameters about the consumer as an input and sets it to be displayed on the Agent Workspace consumer transcript. This can be set at any time either before, after, or during a messaging session.

public static void setUserProfile(String appId, String firstName, String lastName, String phone)*
Parameter Description
appId The host app ID
firstName User’s first name
lastName User’s last name
phone User’s phone

registerLPPusher (deprecated)

Register to LPMessagingSDK push notifications

Deprecated. Please use the registerLPPusher(String brandId, String appId, String gcmToken, LPAuthenticationParams authenticationParams,final ICallback<Void, Exception> registrationCompletedCallback) method ).

public static void registerLPPusher(String brandId, String appId, String gcmToken)
Parameter Description
brandId The account ID (e.g. 652838922).
appId The host app ID (e.g. com.liveperson.myApp).
gcmToken The device token. Usually used to pass the Google provided token. However, this parameter can contain any string value.

Note: If you use the gcmToken as a custom value, you need to handle the mapping between this custom value and the actual gcm token in your server.

unregisterLPPusher (deprecated)

Unregister from registered push notification service.

public static void unregisterLPPusher(String brandId, String appId)
Parameter Description
brandId The account ID.
appId The host app ID.

handlePush (Deprecated)

(Deprecated. Please use the above handlePushMessage() method)

All incoming push messages are received by the host app. The host app can choose to fully handle any push message and display a notification message, or partially handle it and allow the SDK to display the notification.

Handling the push message allows the host app to do the following:

  • Receive non-messaging related push messages.
  • Handle custom in-app alerts upon an incoming message.

Note: Whether the host app fully handles any push messages or partially, any messaging push message should be sent to the SDK using the handlePushMessage method.

public static void handlePushMessage(Context context, Bundle data, String brandId, Boolean showNotification)
Parameter Description
context A context from the host app.
data A Bundle that contains the message. The bundle should hold a string with key named "message".
brandId The account ID.
showNotification Used to instruct the SDK to either show or not show a notification to the user. If you wish your app will handle the display of the notification you can set this as false.

getNumUnreadMessages (Deprecated)

Returns the counter of the unread messages — the number of push messages received. This number is set to 0 when opening the conversation screen.

To get updates on the unread messages counter: create a BroadcastReceiver that will listen to the following Action: LivePerson.ACTION_LP_UPDATE_NUM_UNREAD_MESSAGES_ACTION;

To get the number of unread messages out of the intent use the following extra key: LivePerson.ACTION_LP_UPDATE_NUM_UNREAD_MESSAGES_EXTRA;

public static int getNumUnreadMessages(String brandId)
Parameter Description
brandId The account ID.

shutDown (deprecated)

Deprecated. Please use the shutDown(ShutDownLivePersonCallback) method.

Shuts down the SDK and removes the footprint of the user session from local memory. After shutdown the SDK is unavailable until re-initiated. Message history is saved locally on the device and synced with the server upon reconnection.

The server continues to send push notifications when the SDK is shut down. To unregister from push services, call unregisterLPPusher API.

public static void shutDown()

Note: This does not end the current messaging conversation.

This method must not be called when the conversation screen is displayed.