
These API endpoints can be used to leverage your LivePerson domains programmatically either inside of bots or from external systems.

Use cases

Inside of bots, you could use these APIs to check multiple domains and use the results to serve answers, set variables, or control the flow of the conversation.

Outside of bots, you could use these APIs to classify text or run tests on your NLU performance.

APIs at a glance

API Description
NLU Prediction (Single Domain) Returns NLU classifications from a single domain
NLU Prediction (All Tracked Domains) Returns NLU classifications from all domains with intent tracking enabled
NER Prediction Returns detected entities
Small Talk Prediction Returns NLU classifications from the small talk domain

Before you begin


  • A Client ID and Client Secret. Contact your LivePerson representative to obtain this.
  • Your account (brand) ID in Conversational Cloud.
  • A trained NLU domain in Conversational Cloud.

To integrate a second brand account using these APIs, you must obtain a different set of credentials (Client ID and Client Secret). Each set of credentials is valid for only one account.

Getting started

Here are a few things you’ll need to do to get started with these APIs:

  1. Retrieve your domain based on your region:

    Environment Domain
    North America
  2. Prepare your Basic Authentication token by combining your Client ID and Client Secret (the username and password, in this case) and base64 encoding them into the {credentials}.
  3. Review the API terms of use.


To get your access token (Bearer token) make a request using your credentials.

  • Endpoint: https://<domain>/auth/v2/accesstoken?grant_type=client_credentials
  • HTTP method: Post
Header name Value Required
Authorization Basic <credentials> Yes
x-api-key <Client ID> Yes

Note the access_token in the response. Other fields in the response payload can be ignored. You will use this when making API calls to the NLU APIs.

The token will expire after one hour (noted in the expires_in field in the response).

Refreshing the Token

You can get a new <access_token> by making a similarly-formed POST request to the refresh token endpoint:


This token will expire after 30 minutes.

NLU Prediction (Single Domain) API

Get NLU classification results for a single domain. You can obtain your domain ID in Intent Manager > Build > Domain Settings.

Description Value
Endpoint URL https://<domain>/cb/nlu/v1/accounts/<accountId>/domains/<domainId>/intentDetection/predict
HTTP method POST


Header name Value Required
Authorization Bearer <access_token> Yes
x-api-key <Client ID> Yes
    "input": <text string you want the domain to evaluate>,
    "predictAcrossDomain": true

Response format

    "success": true,
    "successResult": {
        "match_results": [
                "inputSentence": "i would like to reset my password can you help?",
                "intentName": "reset password",
                "intentId": "05e75378-dc17-4926-b121-3a267630ea73",
                "displayName": "reset password",
                "chatBotPlatformUserId": null,
                "chatBotId": null,
                "status": "VERY_GOOD",
                "word2vecNLUResult": null,
                "wordnetNLUResult": null,
                "inputSentenceNLP": null,
                "minDistance": 0.05625540018081665,
                "score": null,
                "knowledgeDataSourceId": null,
                "knowledgeArticleId": null,
                "language": null,
                "originalSentence": "i would like to reset my password can you help?",
                "entityProcessedSentence": null,
                "keyPhrasesMatched": null,
                "metaIntent": null,
                "metaIntentId": null,
                "slotValues": null,
                "entityValues": null,
                "domainId": null,
                "domainName": null,
                "domainType": null,
                "modelVersionId": null,
                "modelVersion": null,
                "domainModelVersion": null,
                "source": null,
                "nerResponse": null,
                "combinedAverageMinDistance": 0.05625540018081665,
                "adjustedMinDistance": 1.0,
                "keyPhraseMatch": false,
                "domainTypeName": "Liveperson",
                "primaryDomain": null
“Message”: “Success”

NLU Prediction (All Tracked Domains) API

Get NLU classification results for all domains with intent tracking enabled.

Description Value
Endpoint URL https://<domain>/cb/nlu/v1/accounts/<accountId>/intentDetection/predict
HTTP method POST


Header name Value Required
Authorization Bearer <access_token> Yes
x-api-key <Client ID> Yes
    "input": <text string you want to evaluate>

Response format

    "success": true,
    "successResult": {
        "match_results": [
                "inputSentence": "i want to sign up",
                "intentName": "Enrollment",
                "intentId": "1673e5c8-ef81-4fed-9305-21fce9fa91fc",
                "displayName": "Enrollment",
                "chatBotPlatformUserId": null,
                "chatBotId": null,
                "status": "VERY_GOOD",
                "word2vecNLUResult": null,
                "wordnetNLUResult": null,
                "inputSentenceNLP": null,
                "minDistance": 0.014220356941223145,
                "score": 0.99,
                "knowledgeDataSourceId": null,
                "knowledgeArticleId": null,
                "language": null,
                "originalSentence": "i want to sign up",
                "entityProcessedSentence": null,
                "keyPhrasesMatched": null,
                "metaIntent": null,
                "metaIntentId": null,
                "slotValues": null,
                "entityValues": null,
                "domainId": "76ec98dd-303c-4b08-94d6-3bf82cbc18d4",
                "domainName": "General",
                "domainType": "LivePersonV2",
                "modelVersionId": "76ec98dd-303c-4b08-94d6-3bf82cbc18d4",
                "modelVersion": "1",
                "domainModelVersion": null,
                "source": "ConversationBuilder v2",
                "nerResponse": null,
                "keyPhraseMatch": false,
                "combinedAverageMinDistance": 0.014220356941223145,
                "adjustedMinDistance": 1.0,
                "domainTypeName": "LivePersonV2",
                "primaryDomain": true
“Message”: “Success”

NER Prediction API

Get Named Entity Recognition (NER) predictions for text for a specified domain.

Description Value
Endpoint URL https://<domain>/cb/nlu/v1/accounts/<accountId>/ner/predict
HTTP method POST


Header name Value Required
Authorization Bearer <access_token> Yes
x-api-key <Client ID> Yes
    "input": <text string you want the domain to evaluate>,
    “language”: “en-US”,
    “Domain_id”: <domain Id>

See here for documentation on supported languages.

Response format

    "success": true,
    "successResult": {
        "data": {
            "inputSentence": "I want to fly from Paris to Bogota",
            "updatedInputSentence": "I want to fly from Paris to Bogota",
            "notPresent": false,
            "namedEntities": [
                    "entityType": "GLOBAL",
                    "type": "CITY",
                    "phrase": "Paris",
                    "notPresent": false,
                    "custom": false,
                    "startPosition": 19,
                    "endPosition": 24,
                    "confidence": 0.9998546838760376
                    "entityType": "GLOBAL",
                    "type": "LOCATION",
                    "phrase": "Bogota",
                    "notPresent": false,
                    "custom": false,
                    "startPosition": 28,
                    "endPosition": 34,
                    "confidence": 0.9998509883880615
                    "entityType": "GLOBAL",
                    "type": "LOCATION",
                    "phrase": "Paris",
                    "notPresent": false,
                    "custom": false,
                    "startPosition": 19,
                    "endPosition": 24,
                    "confidence": 0.9998546838760376
                    "entityType": "GLOBAL",
                    "type": "CITY",
                    "phrase": "Bogota",
                    "notPresent": false,
                    "custom": false,
                    "startPosition": 28,
                    "endPosition": 34,
                    "confidence": 0.9998509883880615
            "sentences": [
                "I want to fly from Paris to Bogota"
            "tokens": [
            "lemmas": [
            "lemmaMap": {
                "bogota": "bogota",
                "fly": "fly",
                "from": "from",
                "i": "i",
                "paris": "paris",
                "to": "to",
                "want": "want"
            "domainEntityDataSourceId": "0afbd541-9caf-4862-ad77-67379968dc1f",
            "expandedSentence": "i want to fly from paris to bogota",
            "entityNameInputSentence": "i want to fly from paris to bogota",
            "nounsAndLemmas": [
            "customNamedEntities": []
    "message": "Success"

Small Talk Prediction API

Get small talk classification predictions for a given text.

Description Value
Endpoint URL https://<domain>/cb/nlu/v1/accounts/<accountId>/global/smallTalk/predict
HTTP method POST


Header name Value Required
Authorization Bearer <access_token> Yes
x-api-key <Client ID> Yes
    "input": <text string you want to evaluate>

Response format

    "success": true,
    "successResult": {
        "match_results": [
                "inputSentence": "are you a real live person or are u a bot?",
                "intentName": "Are you a bot?",
                "intentId": "cbc5ae6c-cf97-4eb2-b574-32a7ee465a8e",
                "displayName": "Are you a bot?",
                "chatBotPlatformUserId": null,
                "chatBotId": null,
                "status": "VERY_GOOD",
                "word2vecNLUResult": null,
                "wordnetNLUResult": null,
                "inputSentenceNLP": null,
                "minDistance": 0.0,
                "score": null,
                "knowledgeDataSourceId": null,
                "knowledgeArticleId": null,
                "language": null,
                "originalSentence": "are you a real live person or are u a bot?",
                "entityProcessedSentence": null,
                "keyPhrasesMatched": null,
                "metaIntent": null,
                "metaIntentId": null,
                "slotValues": null,
                "entityValues": null,
                "domainId": null,
                "domainName": null,
                "domainType": null,
                "modelVersionId": null,
                "modelVersion": null,
                "domainModelVersion": null,
                "source": null,
                "nerResponse": null,
                "combinedAverageMinDistance": 0.0,
                "keyPhraseMatch": false,
                "adjustedMinDistance": 1.0,
                "domainTypeName": "Liveperson",
                "primaryDomain": null
“Message”: “Success”

Response status codes

Status code Description
404 Badly formed request or incorrect URL
429 Rate-limit hit (10 requests/second)
401 Unauthorized

Using the NLU APIs in a bot

Because the <access_token> needed to make request to the NLU APIs expires in one hour (or 30 minutes if it’s a refresh token), we recommend the following architecture to use these APIs in a bot:

  1. Set up a FaaS function to refresh the token every 30 minutes and store the <access_token> in secret storage or in the conversational context store.
  2. Use the <access_token> when calling the NLU APIs using a bot integration (either an API integration or a FaaS integration).

Below is a sample FaaS function to refresh the token and save it to the context store where it can be accessed by a bot to populate the Authorization token needed to call the API.

FaaS Function Code

function lambda(input, callback) {
  // import FaaS Toolbelt
  const { Toolbelt } = require('lp-faas-toolbelt');
  // obtain SecretClient from Toolbelt
  const secretClient = Toolbelt.SecretClient();
  const httpClient = Toolbelt.HTTPClient(); // For API Docs look @

  const URL = "";
  const CCS_URL = ""

  let getSecret = async (name) => {
    try {
      let secret = await secretClient.readSecret(name)
      return secret.value
    catch (err) {
      console.err("something messed up: " + err)
      callback(null, "error!")

  let refreshToken = async (key, secret) => {
    try {
      let oauthResponse = await httpClient(URL, {
        method: "POST",
        form: {
          client_id: key,
          client_secret: secret,
          grant_type: 'client_credentials'
        headers: {
          "x-api-key": key
        json: true,
        simple: true,
        resolveWithFullResponse: false
      return oauthResponse.access_token;
    catch (err) {
      console.err("error: " + err)

  let updateCCS = async (token, secret) => {
    try {
      await httpClient(CCS_URL, {
        method: "PUT",
        body: token,
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
          "maven-api-key": secret
        json: true,
        simple: true,
        resolveWithFullResponse: false
    catch (err) {
      console.err("error: " + err)

  (async () => {
    let nluKey = await getSecret("NLU_KEY")
    let nluSecret = await getSecret("NLU_SECRET")
    let mavenKey = await getSecret("API_KEY")
    let refreshedToken = await refreshToken(nluKey, nluSecret)
    await updateCCS(refreshedToken, mavenKey)
    callback(null, "NLU refresh token saved to CCS 'nlu_auth' namespace, 'refresh_token' property")


If you encounter issues when using these APIs, contact your LivePerson account representative.