There are two ways to manage properties in the Conversation Context Service (CCS).

  • REST APIs can directly access the CCS outside Conversational Cloud. Use the REST APIs when you want to retrieve information from external data sources.
  • A Javascript function wraps the REST API for easy use within Conversational Cloud. If you want to save and delete properties in LivePerson Conversation Builder, use the Javascript wrapper functions.

Important notes

Note the following when using the API:

  • Some clients invoke the CCS v2 APIs indirectly. For example, calls from a LivePerson Conversation Builder bot or the LivePerson Functions Toolbelt invoke the v1 APIs, which forward the requests to the v2 APIs. In such cases, when no session is provided, a session named __default__ is defined and forwarded to the v2 APIs.
  • The name for a namespace can be a combination of letter(s), number(s) and underscore(_) only. Other special characters are not permitted.
  • For optimal performance, Conversation Context Service (v2) default and session-level properties have a character limit of 800,000 (800 kb), which includes spaces, punctuation, and other visible characters. If the stored value exceeds 800,000 characters, the API will return an HTTP status of 413 with a message body of "document too large." Data will not be saved for that call or subsequent ones until the character count falls below the imposed limit.
  • Context Service supports Global namespace, which is independent of session/conversation. Please use Global namespace with caution, as it can cause performance issues when used improperly.
    • Use context documents per session/conversation. Don’t try to reuse a context document across multiple sessions/conversations if not required.
    • Assign TTL on context document. In V2, we enforce TTL on context documents. By default, the max retention on context documents is 13 months.
    • In V2, multiple context properties can be upserted in one API call. Using the new feature can improve performance significantly.
  • The following namespaces are reserved for internal use only:
    • consumer
    • operational
    • conversation
    • faas
    • custom
    • sde

JavaScript wrapper

See the discussion on scripting functions for managing the Conversation Context Service in the Conversation Builder documentation.

REST APIs overview

The APIs can be called as shown below. Every API call requires the secure token:


Domain URL per environment:

  • EMEA:
  • APAC:

REST API — Save Properties

This API can be used to add new properties or update existing properties. This API requires accountId, namespace, session (optional) and time to live as parameters. This API overwrites existing properties and inserts non-existing properties.

Method Path
POST /v2/context/document/create

Request payload example

  "accountId": "le12345678",
  "nameSpace": "myNamespace",
  "sessionId": "mySessionId",
  "ttlSeconds": 3600,
  "payload": {
    "property1": 100,
    "Property2": "abc"

Request example

curl -X POST "https://{domain}/v2/context/document/create" -H 'Authorization: {token}' -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"accountId\":\"le12345678\",\"nameSpace\":\"myNamespace\",\"sessionId\":\"mySessionId\",\"ttlSeconds\":3600,\"payload\":{\"property1\":100,\"Property2\":\"abc\"}}"

Response payload example

  "documentKey": "le12345678:myNamespace:mySessionId",
  "tenantId": "le12345678",
  "success": true

status code = 201

REST API — Read Properties

Retrieve all properties within a namespace

This API requires accountId and namespace as input. In its response, it returns all properties within the namespace.

Method Path
GET /v2​/context​/document​/{accountId}​/{nameSpace}
Request payload example


Request example
curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v2/context/document/le12345678/myNamespace" -H 'Authorization: {token}' -H "accept: application/json"
Response payload example
  "accountId": "le12345678",
  "documentKey": "le12345678:myNamespace:",
  "documentType": "CONTEXT",
  "nameSpace": "myNamespace",
  "payload": {
    "Property2": "abc",
    "property1": 100
  "tenantId": "le12345678",
  "ttl": "2021-05-11T22:37:39.176Z"

status code = 200

Retrieve all properties within a session

This API requires accountId, namespace and sessionId as inputs. In its response, it returns all properties within the session.

Method Path
GET /v2​/context​/document​/{accountId}​/{nameSpace}​/{sessionId}
Request payload example


Request example
curl -X GET "https://{domain}/v2/context/document/le12345678/myNamespace/mySessionId" -H 'Authorization: {token}' -H "accept: application/json"
Response payload example
  "accountId": "le12345678",
  "documentKey": "le12345678:myNamespace:mySessionId",
  "documentType": "CONTEXT",
  "nameSpace": "myNamespace",
  "payload": {
    "Property2": "abc",
    "property1": 100
  "sessionId": "mySessionId",
  "tenantId": "le12345678",
  "ttl": "2021-05-11T22:37:39.176Z"

status code = 200

Read specific properties

This API requires accountId, namespace and sessionId (optional) and properties as inputs. In its response, it returns all values for those properties.

Method Path
POST /v2​/context​/document​/properties
Request payload example
  "accountId": "le12345678",
  "nameSpace": "myNamespace",
  "sessionId": "mySessionId",
  "filter": [
Request example
curl -X POST "https://{domain}/v2/context/document/properties" -H 'Authorization: {token}' -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"accountId\":\"le12345678\",\"nameSpace\":\"myNamespace\",\"sessionId\":\"mySessionId\",\"filter\":[\"myNamespace.property1\",\"myNamespace.property2\"]}"
Response payload example
  "myNamespace.property1": 100,
  "myNamespace.property2": "abc"

status code = 200

REST API — Delete Properties

There are three ways to delete properties:

  • By setting the TTL
  • By namespace or session
  • By removing specific properties

Delete properties within a namespace or session

This API takes namespace, session (optional) and properties as parameters and deletes those specific properties.

Method Path
DELETE /v2​/context​/document​/property​/delete
Request payload example
  "accountId": "le12345678",
  "nameSpace": "myNamespace",
  "sessionId": "mySessionId",
  "propertyToDelete": [
Request example

curl -X DELETE "https://{domain}/v2/context/document/property/delete" -H 'Authorization: {token}' -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{"accountId":"le12345678","nameSpace":"myNamespace","sessionId":"mySessionId"}"

Response payload example
  "documentKey": "le12345678:myNamespace:mySessionId",
  "tenantId": "le12345678",
  "success": true

status code = 200

Delete all properties within a namespace or session

This API takes namespace and session (optional) and deletes all properties within the namespace or session.

Method Path
DELETE /v2​/context​/document​/delete
Request payload example
  "accountId": "le12345678",
  "nameSpace": "myNamespace",
  "sessionId": "mySessionId"
Request example
curl -X DELETE "https://{domain}/v2/context/document/delete" -H 'Authorization: {token}' -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"accountId\":\"le12345678\",\"nameSpace\":\"myNamespace\",\"sessionId\":\"mySessionId\",\"propertyToDelete\":[\"property1\"]}"
Response payload example
  "documentKey": "le12345678:myNamespace:mySessionId",
  "tenantId": "le12345678",
  "success": true

status code = 200