The Bulk File Download API is currently in an early adoption phase. To participate in this program, please reach to your LivePerson representative (other contact options: chat with us on this page, or message Support).

These set of APIs allow clients to request a list of files associated with a conversation id and download them in a zipped format. The current limit is 50 files or 500 MB per request.

Getting Started

A few things you'll need to get started with this API:

  1. Retrieve your domain. Use the LivePerson Domain API to retrieve this information by providing the following service name:

    • fms
  2. These APIs require App-JWT OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanism for being able to request the files in bulk. Callers of this API will need to create an app with the scope It'll get you the Client ID and Client Secret. It'll be required to request the app jwt. Once the bearer token is generated, it is then passed as the Authorization header on all requests to the service.

  3. Note the API terms of use.

  4. When using this API, it is recommended that you implement our Retry Policy and KeepAlive best practices.