As mentioned in the Overview and Methods, in order to access the Monitoring API it is required to provide an app-installation-id. The app-installation-id is generated by Conversational Cloud upon installing an "Application" on your Conversational Cloud site.

In order to install a new application on your Conversational Cloud account you need to submit a general application schema to your account team. They will handle the installation for you. You can follow this guide to learn more about the schema which you must submit and how to submit it.

Note: Within this schema the only key which you need to populate in order to install the Monitoring API is the client_name. This field determines the application name which will be displayed on your Conversational Cloud site and Conversational Cloud reporting systems.

Once the installations is done, a new app-installation-id will be generated and provided to you by your account team. You may then use it to access the Monitoring API methods.

When creating a new application on your account please consider the following

  • After installing an application, its name (determined by the client-name key you populated in the schema) will show up as a possible source for newly created engagements. This is used to distinguish between engagements and to accurately report on usage of the application.

  • Applications are used on Conversational Cloud reporting system for better filtering capabilities. Creating meaningful applications on your Conversational Cloud account will assist with better measurement of different digital sources by filtering the data for desired sources only.