You must perform your first sign-in to the LivePerson Functions platform with a Conversational Cloud Admin account. During your initial agreement to the terms of use, we automatically provision your LivePerson Functions environment.

Functions: Terms of Use

The following provisioning tasks will be performed:

Provisioning secrets

Interaction between Functions and other LivePerson APIs needs to get authenticated. Therefore, particular key/secret pairs will be added to your account during provisioning. These secrets are as follows:

  • lp-faas-default-app-key: This secret is required by the LP Client to access LivePerson Apis, which is available in the Toolbelt.
  • lp-faas-orchestrator-app-key: This secret is required and used for the Orchestrator Feature, available in the Toolbelt.

To ease functions development, Toolbelt clients for internal APIs use those secrets. In this way, the developers do not need to implement any authentication method for those APIs.

lp-faas-default-app-key privileges

API Privileges
Data Access API Read
Engagement History API Read
Operational Realtime API Read
Personal Data Deletion API Read
Users API Read
Skills API Read
Agent Groups API Read
Profiles API Read
Workdays API Read
Visit Information API Read
Validate Engagement API Read
IVR Engagement API Read
Predefined Content API Read
Automatic Messages API Read
Predefined Categories API Read
Unified Automatic Messages API Read
Agent Status Reason API Read

lp-faas-orchestrator-app-key privileges

API Privileges
Functions API Invoke

Default allowlisted domains

Clients use the domains below to call internal LivePerson APIs from the Toolbelt. These API domains are safelisted during provisioning and are accessible from your functions.

Domain Name API Name Description
faaSGW LivePerson Functions Gateway Required for Orchestrator FN client in order to invoke other functions.
msgHist Consumer Messaging History API Retrieve a single consumer's messaging data for the last 13 months.
agentVep Chat Agent API Provides the capabilities of programmatically running agent activities without human intervention.
accountConfigReadOnly Agent Groups API, Skills API, Users API, LOBs API, Profiles API, Automatic Messages API, Unified Automatic Messages API, Predefined Content API, Predefined Categories API, Agent Status Reason API, Special Occasions API, Workdays API, Audit Trail API (Only to retrieve data) Includes a set of different APIs for you LE account management. E.g Predefined Content, Automatic Messages, Workdays…
accountConfigReadWrite Agent Groups API, Skills API, Users API, LOBs API, Profiles API, Automatic Messages API, Unified Automatic Messages API, Predefined Content API, Predefined Categories API, Agent Status Reason API, Special Occasions API, Workdays API, Audit Trail API (Create/retrieve data) Includes a set of different APIs for you LE account management. E.g Predefined Content, Automatic Messages, Workdays…
asyncMessaging Messaging Window API, Connector API and Shift Status API Build a custom visitor experiences for messaging or a visitor chat experience outside of the web browser environment. Create a session, read agent lines, send your own lines, etc.
asyncMessagingEnt Messaging Window API, Connector API and Shift Status API Usually same as "asyncMessaging" domain, it can be different for certain brands.
engHistDomain Engagement History API Historical download of chat conversations.
rtbf Personal Data Deletion API Keep track of and make requests for data deletion to comply with GDPR.
smt IVR Engagement API, Validate Engagement API and Visit Information API APIs for engagement data and visitors information.
pusher Push Notification Service Work and register to LivePerson's push notification service.
leDataReporting Messaging Operations API and Operational Realtime API Messaging Operations API: Snapshot of current state of messaging operations. Closed conversation, idle, etc. Operational Realtime API: Soft real-time data about call center efficiency. Returns data by skill, agent, etc.
msgEwtAPI Messaging Operations API (Used for Estimated Wait Time method ONLY) Snapshot of current state of messaging operations. Closed conversation, idle, etc.
Msdkgw App Engagement API Create a visitor session outside of an lpTag flow. Useful for external non-browser based apps.
swift Object storage API Object storage for LP services. Main swift usages are Photo sharing, lpcdn and data-science Pachyderm.
Sentinel Authorization Server Sentinel, the responsible authorization server, generates access tokens for any correctly authorized client.
mTLSGateway LP mTLS API LP mTLS is a central service to handle mTLS certificates and communication across multiple services includes LivePerson Functions.