Deletes an existing Unified Automatic Message for a specific account.


Method URL
DELETE https://{domain}/api/account/{accountId}/configuration/engagement-window/unified-auto-messages/{unifiedAutoMessageId}

Request Headers

Header Description
X-HTTP-Method-Override=DELETE Overrides unsupported HTTP methods. To be used with the 'PUT’ value.
Authorization Contains token string to allow request authentication and authorization.
If-Match Contains data revision as known by the client. Allows optimization of the backend, networking, and client resources utilization.

Path Parameters

Parameter Description Type / Value
unifiedAutoMessageId Unique account config object ID Positive long number greater than zero

Query Parameters

Name Description Type Notes
v API version String 2.0 is the current version
context_id Context Id string Optional Context id (default is account id for ACCOUNT context)
context_type Context Type string Optional request context type (default is ACCOUNT)


Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
401 Not Authenticated
403 Not Authorized
404 Data Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

Response Body

Deleted Unified Auto Message’s JSON.