This method returns the list of agents which are eligible to receive conversations and their state. This list of eligible agents depends on the transferred conversation's skill id and the privileges and permissions that the agent has (see offline users or not, take messages from the specific skill, etc.).


Method URL
POST https://{domain}/manager_workspace/api/account/{accountID}/agent_view/list

URL Parameters

Name Description Type/Value Required Notes
offset The offset specifies from which agent to retrieve the agent list. numeric Optional Default is 0. Example: Of 100 agents, the first 20 have already been retrieved. Thus, in the next request will be specified with offset 21.
limit Max amount of agents to be received in the response. numeric Optional Default is 50. Max value is 1000. The remaining agents can be obtained using pagination (using offset, in a subsequent request).
sort Sort the results in a predefined order. string Optional Example: start:desc will order agents by descending value of the start time. Valid values include: start, end. Order:[asc/desc]

BODY / POST Parameters

Filter is sent in the POST data (body) with the following JSON structure:

Name Description Type/Value Notes
skillIds Conversation skill id to determine which agents will be filtered by ability to transfer to skill Array<String>  


JSON Example:

			"_metadata": {
				"count": 2,
				"self": {
					"rel": "self",
					"href": ""
				"shardsStatusResult": {
					"partialResult": false
			"accountID": "28045150",
			"agentStatusRecords": [
					"agentId": "3249823",
					"lastUpdatedTimeL": 1490033214963,
					"lastUpdatedTime": "2017-03-20 18:06:54.963+0000",
					"currentStatusStartTimeL": 1490033214963,
					"currentStatusStartTime": "2017-03-20 18:06:54.963+0000",
					"agentName": "agent_name1",
					"agentNickname": "agent_nick1",
					"agentLoginName": "",
					"agentSkills": [
							"skillId": "2",
							"skillName": "cats"
							"skillId": "3",
							"skillName": "lpsocial"
							"skillId": "1",
							"skillName": "dogs"
					"agentGroupId": -1,
					"agentGroupName": "Main Group",
					"currentStatus": "ONLINE",
					"currentStatusDuration": 92854,
					"load": 0,
					"ringingSlots": 0,
					"configuredMaxSlots": 20,
					"busySlots": 0,
					"openAssignedConversations": 0,
					"intenseConversations": 0,
					"agentPresence": "true",
          "currentConnectionState": "CONNECTED"
					"agentId": "9824982",
					"lastUpdatedTimeL": 1490033214962,
					"lastUpdatedTime": "2017-03-20 18:06:54.962+0000",
					"currentStatusStartTimeL": 1490033214962,
					"currentStatusStartTime": "2017-03-20 18:06:54.962+0000",
					"currentStatusReasonStartTimeL": 1490033214962,
					"currentStatusReasonStartTime": "2017-03-20 18:06:54.962+0000",
					"agentName": "agent_name2",
					"agentNickname": "agent_nick2",
					"agentLoginName": "",
					"agentSkills": [
							"skillId": "2",
							"skillName": "cats"
					"agentGroupId": -1,
					"agentGroupName": "Main Group",
					"currentStatus": "AWAY",
					"currentStatusDuration": 10039,
					"currentStatusReasonDuration": 10039,
					"load": 0,
					"ringingSlots": 0,
					"configuredMaxSlots": 20,
					"busySlots": 0,
					"openAssignedConversations": 0,
					"intenseConversations": 0,
					"agentPresence": "true",
					"currentConnectionState": "CONNECTED"
Name Description Type/Value
agentId Agent’s unique identifier alphanumeric
lastUpdatedTime Timestamp for the time the metrics were last updated. alphanumeric (yyyyMMddThh:mm:ss.SSS+time zone)
lastUpdatedTimeL Timestamp for the time the metrics were last updated. Longnumeric
currentStatusStartTime Timestamp for the time the current status was last updated. alphanumeric (yyyyMMddThh:mm:ss.SSS+time zone)
currentStatusStartTimeL Timestamp for the time the current status was last updated. Longnumeric
currentStatusReasonStartTime Timestamp for the time the reason for the "AWAY" status was last updated. alphanumeric (yyyyMMddThh:mm:ss.SSS+time zone)
currentStatusReasonStartTimeL Timestamp for the time the reason for the "AWAY" status was last updated. Longnumeric
agentName The agent's full name alphanumeric
agentNickname The agent's nickname alphanumeric
agentLoginName The agent’s login name alphanumeric
agentPictureURL URL for the picture of the agent alphanumeric
agentSkills List of current agent’s skills Array<Skill>
agentGroupId The agent’s group id alphanumeric
agentGroupName The agent’s group name alphanumeric
currentStatus The agent’s current status (can be ONLINE, AWAY, BACK_SOON, OFFLINE) alphanumeric
currentStatusDuration The duration of the current status (in Milliseconds) Longnumeric
currentStatusReason The id of the reason for the agent’s "AWAY" status alphanumeric
currentStatusReasonDuration The duration of the reason for the "AWAY" status (in Milliseconds) Longnumeric
load Indication for the agent’s efficiency (i.e. the amount of work the agent needs to handle, relative to the maximum capacity). It is the total weight of the assigned conversations divided by the agent’s maximum capacity. This is represented in percentage value. alphanumeric
ringingSlots Number of ringing slots alphanumeric
configuredMaxSlots The agent’s number of configured maximum slots alphanumeric
busySlots The agent’s number of busy slots alphanumeric
openAssignedConversations The agent’s number of open assigned conversations alphanumeric
intenseConversations The agent’s number of intense conversations alphanumeric
currentConnectionState The agent's state (CONNECTED or DISCONNECTED) alphanumeric
agentPresence Indicator whether the agent is in presence mode ("true" or "false") alphanumeric


Name Description Type/Value
skillId Skill’s unique identifier alphanumeric
skillName Skill’s name alphanumeric