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SDK version 5.25.0
For all previous release notes versions, see all release notes.
Release date: February 28, 2025
Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.25.0 release includes new features, enhancements and bug fixes.
Environment requirements
The Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.25.0 uses:
- Minimum API version 21
- Compile API version 35
- Target API version 35
- Maps SDK ""
- Structured Content Library “”
- Date Picker Library “”
- Appointment List Library ""
(compileSdk and targetSdkVersion bumped to 35 to support Android 15)
New features
- Added support for rich-text features in the in-app SDK. This feature is currently available only for conversations initiated through the Web experience. The new parsing, formatting, and presentation of rich-text messages apply to bot agent messages, human agent messages, and automatic messages.
- Added support for rendering and responding to Agent Selectable Responses (previously known as IDavid).
- Changes to support Android 15. The LivePerson SDK's targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion are set to API 35.
is now represented correctly on Android 15.
New configurations
- Added new a boolean branding configuration lp_announce_new_message_content to control TalkBack behavior for new messages. When enabled (default behaviour), TalkBack announces the content of new messages; otherwise, it announces only "New Message."
- Added new configuration for cobrowse background color lp_cobrowse_toolbar_background_color.
- Added new string resource for cobrowse back/close button's description lp_accessibility_cobrowse_back_button_description.
- Added new configuration for cobrowse title text color lp_cobrowse_toolbar_title_color.
- Added new string resource for Toast message when device doesn't have any gallery apps lp_photo_picker_error.
- Added new string resource for image preview screen's title lp_full_image_view_title.
- Added new string resource for voice message's download button content description lp_accessibility_audio_download_button.
- Added new string resource for voice message's playing state lp_accessibility_voice_message_playing_status.
- Added new string resource for announcement of bot message: lp_accessibility_new_bot_message.
- Added new string resource for cobrowse call's accept button content description: lp_accessibility_accept_call_button.
- Added new string resource for cobrowse call's decline button content description: lp_accessibility_decline_call_button.
- Added new string resource for cobrowse call's return to call button content description: lp_accessibility_return_to_call_button.
- Added new string resource for cobrowse call's end call button content description: lp_accessibility_end_call_button.
- Updated value for lp_accessibility_scroll_down_indicator_description string resource. Default value: "Go to recent message".
- Added new string resource for DOCX files content descriptions: lp_accessibility_file_type_docx
- Added new string resource for PPTX files content descriptions: lp_accessibility_file_type_pptx
- Added new string resource for XLSX files content descriptions: lp_accessibility_file_type_xlsx
- Added new string resource for PDF files content descriptions: lp_accessibility_file_type_pdf
- Added new string resource to announce scroll down indicator button hint lp_accessibility_scroll_down_indicator_hint. Default value: "scroll to most recent message".
- Added new string resource for file/image message's download button click action: lp_accessibility_action_download
- Added new string resource for file/image message's open button click action: lp_accessibility_action_open
- Resource
is now deprecated and removed. Please, use new string resources for voice call voice_cobrowseInvitationHeading and video call video_cobrowseInvitationHeading. - Resource
is now deprecated and removed. Please, use new string resource lp_accessibility_voice_message for content description of voice messages.
- Improved accessibility behavior for focussing on messages.
- Improved accessibility behavior for headings.
- Improved keyboard focusability for SDK components.
- Updated documentation for date picker, appointment list and structured content configurations.
- Updated documentation for accessibility keys.
- Improved translations. Added missed supported languages for date picker, appointment list and structured content.
- Migrated internal components interaction callbacks with Fragment Result Api.
- Migrated to a newer kotlin version (1.8.21).
- Migrated DatePicker component's screen from activity for fragment.
- Updated proguard rules page.
- Added new logOut API where it has LPAuthenticationType as an input.
- Introduced the LPNotificationType property on the PushMessage object to detect the type of push notification, such as REGULAR, PROACTIVE, or C2M.
Bugs fixed
- Fixed an issue with broken image icon appearance when consumer sends a document file.
- Fixed an issue with representation of multiple types of links within one message.
- Fixed crash on Samsung devices when user enters Picture-in-Picture mode and Talkback accessibility service is enabled.
- Fixed rendering of quick replies for bot messages.
- Fixed keyboard focusability for Co-Browse invitation buttons.
- Fixed keyboard focusability for secure form message.
- Fixed content description of download voice message.
- Fixed accessibility announcement of structured content message sent by bot.
- Fixed keyboard focusability for file messages.
- Fixed issue with keyboard and accessibility focus when focus is placed behind feedback, Co-Browse, image preview or caption preview screen.
- Fixed announcement of empty text elements without tooltip and actions inside structured content. Such elements are not accessible by Talkback starting from this version.
- Fixed record voice button appearance when LP SDK conversation screen is moved to foreground.
- Fixed accessibility announcement of Co-Browse events. Prevented missing of "Co-Browse call ended" event.
- Fixed auto scroll to welcome message content when conversation is resolved.
- Fixed appearance of Co-Browse invitation.
- Fixed presentation of start-end date in date picker range selection flow.
- Added missed exported flags values for SDK's activities, services and content providers.
- Handled crash on Samsung-devices with Android 9 when picture-in-picture mode becomes disabled while talkback is active.
- Handled crash when device doesn't have a gallery/file manager app to select photo or file.