
Method URL
GET https://{domain}/api/account/{accountId}/monitoring/visitors/{visitorId}/visits/current/state

This API allows access to visitor data only when the session is active and exists in memory. After a maximum of 6 hours, the session will expire and be removed from memory, so a 404 response (internal code 12) will be returned.


This API supports OAuth 1.0 authentication patterns and requires SSL protocol. Please see this document’s overview for more information on how to retrieve your API keys.

Path parameters

Parameter Description Type Required
accountId LP site ID String Required
visitorId Visitor ID String Required

Query parameters

Name Description Type Required
filter Set to "agent" String Optional
v API version string Required
sid Session ID string Required

The visitorId and the sid parameters referenced above are retrieved from the Web Tag. Each visitor receives from the Tag their own visitorId (also called vid) and sid (also called Session ID) which you can then retrieve and pass to this API. For more information on these events, please see the Tag documentation here.

This method of retrieving the parameters is relevant to monitored sessions only. If you’re trying to retrieve information on unmonitored sessions (for example, chat windows you built using our APIs and not the default Conversational Cloud window), you’ll need to use the App Engagement API instead, specifically the Create Session method which returns both of these parameters.

Request example


See JSON example.

Elements in the response

Name Description Type/Value
id Monitoring session ID String
engagements Array of engagements displayed to the consumer Array
pages Array of the pages visited by the consumer Array
userAgent Consumer browser’s user agent String
deviceOS Consumer’s operating system String
deviceFamily Consumer’s device String
lpv4 Consumer’s IP String
geo Consumer’s Geo information (country, state, city etc.) Object
externalReferrer Referrer page String
events Engagement Attributes events reported during the session Array

Response codes

Code Internal code Description
200 OK; Operation performed successfully
400 33 Bad Request; problem with body or query parameters
401 10 Unauthorized (no permissions)
404 6 Invalid Account ID
404 37 Invalid Visitor ID
404 39 Invalid Session ID
404 12 Requested session not found; check if you are trying to access a session that started more than 6 hours ago
500 Internal Server Error

JSON example

  "id": "jnPABZYjQcOS2Uk5fp_HnA.c524460e4432e9f93cf700af590f16ef181f20e6",
  "appSessions": [
      "engagements": [
          "engagement": {
            "state": 1,
            "zoneId": 493911912,
            "pageId": "1899669462",
            "firstFollowMeEngagementContextId": null,
            "campaignControl": "TEST",
            "campaignEntity": {
              "revision": 232,
              "id": 554983412,
              "goalId": 554983512,
              "campaignEventSequence": null,
              "activeVPs": {
                "493914412": {
                  "revision": 7
            "engagementEntity": {
              "revision": 193,
              "id": 555008112,
              "channel": 1,
              "type": 6,
              "isOffsiteEngagement": false,
              "activeVBs": {
                "493914512": {
                  "revision": 11
              "activeOSLs": {
                "493914612": {
                  "revision": 8
              "engagementSkill": {
                "skillName": "*!@NULL*!@",
                "skillId": -1
              "surveySkills": [

              "availabilityPolicy": 0,
              "renderingType": 0,
              "conversationType": 0
            "goalEntity": {
              "revision": 4,
              "id": 554983512,
              "type": 5,
              "indicatorType": 5
          "id": "1"
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            "zoneId": 493911612,
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            "campaignControl": "TEST",
            "campaignEntity": {
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              "id": 554983412,
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                  "revision": 7
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              "id": 555008212,
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                "493914612": {
                  "revision": 8
              "engagementSkill": {
                "skillName": "*!@NULL*!@",
                "skillId": -1
              "surveySkills": [

              "availabilityPolicy": 0,
              "renderingType": 0,
              "conversationType": 0
            "goalEntity": {
              "revision": 4,
              "id": 554983512,
              "type": 5,
              "indicatorType": 5
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          "impressionAccepted": [
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      "personalInfo": {
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      "revActiveVPs": {
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      "revAllOSLs": {
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      "visitorError": [
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          "message": "Expiration date missing",
          "code": "er100004",
          "level": null,
          "resolved": null
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