You can change strings appearing on the SDK interface by overriding the respective string key.

Note: To create a new locale file, see Override SDK Strings.

Accessibility strings (used by the Accessibility TalkBack)

String name Used in Default value
lp_accessibility_agent Used as a message prefix on the message from the agent Agent
lp_accessibility_agent_is_typing Announced when an agent without a nickname is typing (applicable only in Activity mode) Agent is typing
lp_accessibility_agnet_icon Used on the agent avatar Agent Icon
lp_accessibility_attachment_menu Used on the attachment menu Attachment menu
lp_accessibility_attachment_menu_button_collapsed The attachment menu button name when collapsed Attachment menu button collapsed
lp_accessibility_attachment_menu_button_expanded The attachment menu button name when expanded Attachment menu button expanded
lp_accessibility_audio_pause_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the pause button for a voice clip in chat history. Pause
lp_accessibility_audio_play_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the play button for a voice clip in chat history. Play
lp_accessibility_back_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on back button. Navigate up
lp_accessibility_camera Used on the camera button (on the attachment menu) Camera
lp_accessibility_chat_message Used as a label on the 'Enter message' EditText control Chat message
lp_accessibility_full_image Used on the image in the full image screen Full image
lp_accessibility_gallery Used on the gallery button (on the attachment menu) Gallery
lp_accessibility_image Used on the thumbnail image on the conversation screen Image
lp_accessibility_image_caption A label string for the Enter Message EditText in the image preview screen Image caption
lp_accessibility_is_typing Announced when an agent with nickname is typing (applicable only in Activity mode) %1$s is typing
lp_accessibility_mic_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the record-voice button. Record voice clip
lp_accessibility_new_agent_message Used when receive an incoming message from agent New agent message:
lp_accessibility_new_system_message Used when receive an incoming system message New system message:
lp_accessibility_photo Used on an image on the conversation screen Photo
lp_accessibility_photo_preview Used on the image on the preview screen Photo preview
lp_accessibility_received Received message status received
lp_accessibility_resend Used on the resend button Resend
lp_accessibility_sc_button Used on the button element in a structured content message Button
lp_accessibility_sc_destination Used on the map pin on a structured content map element Destination
lp_accessibility_sc_image Used on the image element in a structured content message Image
lp_accessibility_sc_map Used on the map element in a structured content message Map
lp_accessibility_sc_text Used on the text element in a structured content message Text
lp_accessibility_selected Used to indicate the selected star on the feedback screen selected
lp_accessibility_voice_recognition_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the speech recognition button. Voice typing
lp_accessibility_voice_replay_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the replay-voice-recording button. Replay voice clip
lp_accessibility_voice_stop_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the stop-recording-voice button. Stop recording
lp_accessibility_voice_trash_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the delete-voice-clip button. Delete voice clip
lp_accessibility_you Used as a message prefix on the message from the consumer You
lp_carousel_navigation_previous_button_content_description Spoken aloud when a user focuses on previous navigation button in carousel structured content. Previous
lp_carousel_navigation_next_button_content_description Spoken aloud when a user focuses on next navigation button in carousel structured content. Next
lp_carousel_card_order_announcement_content_description Spoken aloud when a user focuses navigates through carousel structured content using navigation buttons Card %d of %d, %s

Audio messaging

String name Used in Default value
lp_mic_tooltip_long_press Tooltip shown when short tapping the mic button. Long tap to record
lp_mic_tooltip_max_recording Tooltip shown when the maximum recording time reached. Long tap to record
lp_mic_tooltip_release Tooltip shown when keeping mic tapped. Release for recording

Clear History dialog

String name Used in Default value
lp_clear_history_dialog_message Body message of the Clear History confirm dialog All of your existing conversation history will be lost. Are you sure?
lp_clear_history_dialog_positive_button Positive button text Clear
lp_clear_history_dialog_title Title of the Clear History confirm dialog Clear history
lp_end_conversation_first Message text displayed when trying to clear history and the conversation is not resolved Please resolve the conversation first.
lp_history_control_api_empty_state There are currently no conversations at this time  

Conversation Survey

String name Used in Default value
lpmessaging_ui_fill_in_form_text_button PCI form bubble action button text. Fill in form
lpmessaging_ui_pci_leave_dialog_btn_negative Negative button text of the PCI dialog before leaving unfilled form. STAY
lpmessaging_ui_pci_leave_dialog_btn_positive Positive button text of the PCI dialog before leaving unfilled form. OK
lpmessaging_ui_pci_leave_dialog_description Body message of the PCI dialog before leaving unfilled form. Once you leave the secure form, you will not be able to access it again.
lpmessaging_ui_pci_leave_dialog_title Title of the PCI dialog before leaving unfilled form. Are you sure?
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_consumer_submitted_message Consumer-Submission bubble confirming form submission I have submitted the %s form
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_error_message PCI form bubble message — state error There was a problem opening this form. Please ask the agent to resend the form.
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_expired_message PCI form bubble message — state expired Secure form has expired. Please ask the agent to resend the form.
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_submitted_message PCI form bubble message — state submitted This form has been submitted and cannot be reopened for security reasons.
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_to_fill_in_message PCI form bubble message This is a secure form. Information entered here is protected and cannot be accessed once submitted.
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_viewed_message PCI form bubble message — state viewed (not filled and can't be filled) This form has already been viewed. Please ask the agent to resend the form.


String name Used in Default value
brand_name The default agent name displayed on the toolbar My Brand
lp_add_a_caption Hint text in the Enter Message EditText on the image preview screen Add a caption
lp_attachment_menu_camera_item_text The Camera icon's text in the attachment menu CAMERA
lp_attachment_menu_gallery_item_text The Gallery icon's text in the attachment menu GALLERY
lp_cancel Confirmation dialog Cancel button. Cancel
lp_clear_history_menu_text "Clear history" string in menu"Clear history" string in menu."Clear history" confirmation dialog text"Clear" button text on "Clear history" dialog. Clear history
lp_connection_status_connecting Connection bar text when connecting Connecting…
lp_connection_status_failed_to_connect Connection bar text when could not connect to the messaging server Failed to connect to the server.
lp_connection_status_no_connection Connection bar text when there is no internet connection on the device Offline. Please check your connection.
lp_connection_status_trying_to_connect Connection bar text when the connection is longer than 5 seconds Still trying to connect…
lp_conversation_ended_by_agent_no_name Message when the conversation was resolved when we don't have the agent name. %1$s — time Conversation resolved by Agent \n %1$s
lp_conversation_ended_by_agent_with_name Message when the conversation was resolved when we have an agent name. %1$s — agent name %2$s — time Conversation resolved by %1$s \n %2$s
lp_conversation_ended_by_you Message when the conversation was resolved by the client. %1$s — time Conversation resolved by You \n %1$s
lp_date_time_format Date and time format to be used instead of the standard format No Value
lp_dismiss_as_urgent_menu_text Dismiss urgent menu text. Dismiss urgent
lp_dismiss_as_urgent_two_lines "Dismiss urgent" string in menu and snack bar. Dismiss urgent
lp_dismiss_urgent_dialog_header Dismiss urgent confirmation dialog header. Are you sure you want to mark this conversation as not urgent?
lp_dismiss_urgent_dialog_message Dismiss urgent confirmation dialog text. This means that your conversation will get normal priority.
lp_done Feedback dialog toolbar done button text (after submitting). Done
lp_end End conversation "End" button text. End
lp_end_conversation End conversation title. Resolve the conversation
lp_end_conversation_first Dialog text that is shown in case trying to clear history when a conversation is open. Please resolve the conversation first.
lp_enter_message Enter message text box when empty. Write a message
lp_enter_message_speech_recognition_state Enter message text box when spreech recognition just activated. Listening…
lp_failed_download_toast_message Toast message displayed when downloading a photo failed Failed to download file
lp_failed_upload_toast_message Toast message displayed when uploading a photo failed Failed to upload file
lp_feedback_1 String displayed when one star is selected in the feedback dialog. Very Dissatisfied
lp_feedback_2 String displayed when two stars are selected in the feedback dialog. Dissatisfied
lp_feedback_3 String displayed when three stars are selected in the feedback dialog. Neither
lp_feedback_4 String displayed when four stars are selected in the feedback dialog. Satisfied
lp_feedback_5 String displayed when five stars are selected in the feedback dialog. Very Satisfied
lp_feedback_question Feedback dialog rate question text. How would you rate your connection with our agent?
lp_feedback_submit The feedback submit button text. Submit
lp_feedback_submit_message Submit message text at the bottom of feedback dialog. Your feedback helps us serve you better.\n It will not be shared with any customer service representatives.
lp_feedback_thank_you Text displayed after the feedback dialog is submitted. Survey submitted successfully.\nThank you!
lp_feedback_yesno_negative_title Negative button text in the feedback dialog. NO
lp_feedback_yesno_positive_title Positive button text in the feedback dialog. YES
lp_feedback_yesno_question Yes/No question text in feedback dialog. Did we solve your issue today?
lp_first_message System message before the first conversation. How can I help you today?
lp_is_typing Text in conversation activity when agent is typing. typing…
lp_loading_message Text above the loading icon when loading previous messages. Loading…
lp_mark_as_resolved_dialog_message Resolve conversation confirmation dialog text. Are you sure this topic is resolved?
lp_mark_as_resolved_menu_text "Mark as resolved" string in menu. Mark as resolved
lp_mark_as_urgent_dialog_header Mark as urgent confirmation dialog header. Are you sure you want to mark this conversation as urgent?
lp_mark_as_urgent_dialog_message Mark as urgent confirmation dialog text. This means that your conversation will get top priority.
lp_mark_as_urgent_menu_text "Mark as urgent" string in menu and snack bar. Mark as urgent
lp_menu_copy Copy menu button text when selecting messages in conversation. Copy
lp_message_time_min_ago Message timestamp for older messages ("5 min ago"). Min ago
lp_message_time_now Message timestamp for the latest messages ("Now"). Now
lp_message_time_now_with_state Message timestamp for the latest messages that has a sending state ("now"). Now
lp_new_messages Notification message displayed when there are multiple push messages. new messages
lp_no_action_not_available_toast_message A toast message when the required action is not available (e.g. Mark as urgent when there is no active conversation). Action not available — no open conversation
lp_no_network_toast_message A toast message when there is no network. No internet connection. Please check your connection and try again.
lp_ok Confirmation dialog OK button. OK
lp_resend_failed_conversation_closed Toast message displayed when trying to resend a failed message when conversation is already closed. This conversation has already been resolved.
lp_resend_failed_masked_message Toast message displayed when trying to resend a failed masked message. Message failed to send. Please re-enter message and send again.
lp_send The "Send" button text. Send
lp_skip Feedback dialog toolbar skip button text. Skip
lp_still_loading_message Message displayed when loading conversation takes longer the usual Still loading conversation…
lp_today Today header in conversation. Today
lp_ttr_message_days (plurals string that contains: "one" and "others") The one or others strings is concatenated to the lp_ttr_message_with_timestamp string above according to whether it's single day multiple days. Example: one or others.  
lp_ttr_message_hours (plurals string that contains: "one" and "others"). The one or others strings is concatenated to the lp_ttr_message_with_timestamp string above according to whether it's single hour multiple hours. Example: one or others.  
lp_ttr_message_minutes (plurals string that contains: "one" and "others") The one or others strings is concatenated to the lp_ttr_message_with_timestamp string above according to whether it's single minute multiple minutes. Example  
lp_ttr_message_no_timestamp Text in TTR snackbar when timestamp is not shown. An agent will respond shortly
lp_ttr_message_off_hours_message Message to show when the online hours is more than 2 days from now. includes 1 param: %1$s — for the full date (MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm a) Thanks for your message. We will be back online at %1$s
lp_ttr_message_off_hours_message_today A snackbar content when the agent is in off hours and TTR is sometime today Thanks for your message. We will be back online today at %1$s
lp_ttr_message_off_hours_message_tomorrow A snackbar content when the agent is in off hours and TTR is sometime tomorrow Thanks for your message. We will be back online tomorrow at %1$s
lp_ttr_message_off_hours_time_zone_id Represents Java timezone ID that is used in the off hours message. For a full list of the available IDs, use the "Aliases" from here. US/Pacific
lp_ttr_message_with_timestamp Text in TTR snackbar when timestamp is shown. An agent will respond within the next
lp_unread_message (plurals string that contains: "one" and "others"). Used in the unread messages indicator to indicate how many unread messages Example: one or others.  
lp_yesterday Yesterday header in conversation. Yesterday


String name Used in Default value
client_only_mask_character The character used to mask client only string. *
lp_system_message_client_only_masked Text of system message, added after detecting a client only masked message (if this feature is enabled). Your personal data has been masked to protect your security. Only the agent can read it.
lp_system_message_real_time_masked Text of system message, added after detecting a real time masked message (if this feature is enabled). Your personal data has been masked to protect your security and cannot be read by the agent.
real_time_mask_character The character used to mask the real time message. *

Quick replies

String name Used in Default value
lpmessaging_ui_quick_replies_button_content_description Accessibility string when hovering on the Quick Replies button  
lpmessaging_ui_quick_replies_section Accessibility string when hovering on the Quick Replies control  

Structured Content

String name Used in Default value
lp_new_message Message displayed on the scroll down indicator when a structured content message is received New message
lp_structured_content_display_failed Message displayed in the conversation if there is an error parsing the structured content message Content failed to display

Unauthenticated In-App Messaging

String name Used in Default value
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_message The body of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. "Hi there! As we haven't seen you for a while, we're opening a new conversation for you"
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_positive_button The button of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. OK
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_title The title of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. New Conversation