You can change strings appearing on the SDK interface by overriding the respective string key.

Note: To create a new locale file, see Override SDK Strings.

Accessibility strings (used by the Accessibility TalkBack)

String name Used in Default value
lp_accessibility_action_download Used as click action content description when user focuses on non-downloaded image/file thumbnail download
lp_accessibility_action_open Used as click action content description when user focuses on downloaded image/file thumbnail open
lp_accessibility_agent Used as a message prefix on the message from the agent Agent
lp_accessibility_agent_is_typing Announced when an agent without a nickname is typing (applicable only in Activity mode) Agent is typing
lp_accessibility_agnet_icon Used on the agent avatar Agent Icon
lp_accessibility_attachment_menu Used on the attachment menu Attachment menu
lp_accessibility_attachment_menu_button_collapsed The attachment menu button name when collapsed Attachment menu button collapsed
lp_accessibility_attachment_menu_button_expanded The attachment menu button name when expanded Attachment menu button expanded
lp_accessibility_audio_download_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the download button for a voice clip in chat history. Play
lp_accessibility_audio_pause_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the pause button for a voice clip in chat history. Pause
lp_accessibility_audio_play_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the play button for a voice clip in chat history. Play
lp_accessibility_back_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on back button. Navigate up
lp_accessibility_bot Used as a message prefix on the message from the bot Bot
lp_accessibility_camera Used on the camera button (on the attachment menu) Camera
lp_accessibility_connection_status_failed_to_connect Used to announce that issue was occurred while connecting to server failed to connect to the server. Retry to connect
lp_accessibility_connection_status_trying_to_connect Used to announce that SDK is trying to reconnect after problem still trying to connect to serve
lp_accessibility_connection_status_connecting Used to announce that SDK is connecting to a server connecting to server
lp_accessibility_connection_status_no_internet_connection Used to announce that SDK couldn't connect because internet connection was lost no internet connection. Please check your connection
lp_accessibility_connection_status_connected Used to announce that SDK is connected to a sever connection established with server
lp_accessibility_chat_message Used as a label on the 'Enter message' EditText control Chat message
lp_accessibility_current_month Used as content description of chosen month in an appointment list screen Current month: %s
lp_accessibility_document Used as a part of content description on the thumbnail file on the conversation screen Document
lp_accessibility_file Used as a part of file message's content description file
lp_accessibility_file_type_docx Used as a part of DOCX-type file message's content description DOCX
lp_accessibility_file_type_pdf Used as a part of PDF-type file message's content description PDF
lp_accessibility_file_type_pptx Used as a part of PPTX-type file message's content description PPTX
lp_accessibility_file_type_xlsx Used as a part of XSLX-type file message's content description XSLX
lp_accessibility_full_image Used on the image in the full image screen Full image
lp_accessibility_gallery Used on the gallery button (on the attachment menu) Gallery
lp_accessibility_image Used as a part of content description on the thumbnail image on the conversation screen Image
lp_accessibility_image_caption A label string for the Enter Message EditText in the image preview screen Image caption
lp_accessibility_is_typing Announced when an agent with nickname is typing (applicable only in Activity mode) %1$s is typing
lp_accessibility_link Used to indicate link type of messages link
lp_accessibility_loading_messages Used to announce loading messages event loading messages
lp_accessibility_loaded_messages Used to announce event when messages were loaded successfully messages loaded
lp_accessibility_message_preview_close_description Spoken aloud when a user focuses on close button in enter message layout. Close
lp_accessibility_mic_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the record-voice button. Record voice clip
lp_accessibility_new_agent_message Used when receive an incoming message from agent New agent message:
lp_accessibility_new_bot_message Used when receive an incoming message from bot New message:
lp_accessibility_new_system_message Used when receive an incoming system message New system message:
lp_accessibility_next_week Used as a content description for next week button in an appointment list screen Next week
lp_accessibility_photo Used on an image on the conversation screen Photo
lp_accessibility_photo_preview Used on the image on the preview screen Photo preview
lp_accessibility_prev_week Used as a content description for previous week button in an appointment list screen Previous week
lp_accessibility_received Received message status received
lp_accessibility_resend Used on the resend button Resend
lp_accessibility_sc_button Used on the button element in a structured content message Button
lp_accessibility_sc_destination Used on the map pin on a structured content map element Destination
lp_accessibility_sc_image Used on the image element in a structured content message Image
lp_accessibility_sc_link Used on the link element in a structured content message Link
lp_accessibility_sc_map Used on the map element in a structured content message Map
lp_accessibility_sc_text Used on the text element in a structured content message Text
lp_accessibility_scroll_down_indicator_description Used as part of scroll button's content description Go to recent message
lp_accessibility_scroll_down_indicator_hint Used as part of scroll button's content description scroll to most recent message
lp_accessibility_selected Used to indicate the selected star on the feedback screen selected
lp_accessibility_selected_day Used to indicate the selected day in an appointment list screen Selected day: %s
lp_accessibility_still_loading_messages Used to announce that SDK is trying to load messages even after error was occurred still loading messages
lp_accessibility_voice_message Used as a message prefix on the voice message sent the consumer Voice message
lp_accessibility_voice_message_playing_status Used to indicate voice message status when consumer is listening it playing
lp_accessibility_voice_mic_button Spoken aloud when record voice button receives accessibility focus Recording limit has been reached. Double-tap to replay.
lp_accessibility_voice_mic_activated Spoken aloud when user starts recording a voice. Recording limit has been reached. Double-tap to replay.
lp_accessibility_voice_stop_recording_button Spoken aloud when stop recording voice button receives accessibility focus. Stop recording.
lp_accessibility_voice_stop_recording_activated Spoken aloud when stops recording voice Recording stopped at %1$d minutes %2$d seconds. Double-Tap to replay.
lp_accessibility_voice_stop_replay_button Spoken aloud when stop replay voice button receives accessibility focus. Stop recording.
lp_accessibility_voice_recording_limit_reached Spoken aloud when a user reaches a limit while recording a voice message. Recording limit has been reached. Double-tap to replay.
lp_accessibility_duration_minutes Used to format voice message duration in minutes %1$d minute (for one minute), %1$d minutes (for more 0 or more than minutes)
lp_accessibility_duration_seconds Used to format voice message duration in seconds %1$d second (for one second), %1$d seconds (for more 0 or more than seconds)
lp_accessibility_voice_recognition_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the speech recognition button. Voice typing
lp_accessibility_voice_replay_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the replay-voice-recording button. Replay voice clip
lp_accessibility_voice_replay_activated Spoken aloud when a user starts replay Replay voice clip
lp_accessibility_voice_stop_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the stop-recording-voice button. Stop recording
lp_accessibility_voice_trash_button Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the delete-voice-clip button. Delete voice clip
lp_accessibility_voice_trash_activated Spoken aloud when a user deletes recently recorded but not send voice. Recording deleted.
lp_accessibility_week_starting Spoken aloud when a user focuses on the day of week selection in an appointment list screen. Week starting %s
lp_accessibility_you Used as a message prefix on the message from the consumer You
lp_carousel_card_order_announcement_content_description Spoken aloud when a user focuses navigates through carousel structured content using navigation buttons Card %d of %d, %s
lp_carousel_navigation_next_button_content_description Spoken aloud when a user focuses on next navigation button in carousel structured content. Next
lp_carousel_navigation_previous_button_content_description Spoken aloud when a user focuses on previous navigation button in carousel structured content. Previous
lp_sc_plural_elements Spoken aloud when a user focuses on Structured Content with multiple elements. This message has extra content and contains %d items
lp_sc_single_element Spoken aloud when a user focuses on Structured Content with single element. This message has extra content: %s.
lp_tool_bar_close_button_description Spoken aloud when a user focuses on close Secure Form screen in Activity Mode Close this Secure Form
lp_accessibility_quick_reply_content_message Spoken aloud when a user focuses on structured content message This message has options to select from.

Appointment list

String name Used in Default value
lpmessaging_appointment_no_slots_error_message Toast message displayed when there is no available slots while opening slots selection No times available, please discuss with agent

Audio messaging

String name Used in Default value
lp_mic_tooltip_long_press Tooltip shown when short tapping the mic button. Long tap to record
lp_mic_tooltip_max_recording Tooltip shown when the maximum recording time reached. Long tap to record
lp_mic_tooltip_release Tooltip shown when keeping mic tapped. Release for recording

Clear History dialog

String name Used in Default value
lp_clear_history_dialog_message Body message of the Clear History confirm dialog All of your existing conversation history will be lost. Are you sure?
lp_clear_history_dialog_positive_button Positive button text Clear
lp_clear_history_dialog_title Title of the Clear History confirm dialog Clear history
lp_end_conversation_first Message text displayed when trying to clear history and the conversation is not resolved Please resolve the conversation first.
lp_history_control_api_empty_state There are currently no conversations at this time  

Conversation Survey

String name Used in Default value
lpmessaging_ui_fill_in_form_text_button PCI form bubble action button text. Fill in form
lpmessaging_ui_pci_leave_dialog_btn_negative Negative button text of the PCI dialog before leaving unfilled form. STAY
lpmessaging_ui_pci_leave_dialog_btn_positive Positive button text of the PCI dialog before leaving unfilled form. OK
lpmessaging_ui_pci_leave_dialog_description Body message of the PCI dialog before leaving unfilled form. Once you leave the secure form, you will not be able to access it again.
lpmessaging_ui_pci_leave_dialog_title Title of the PCI dialog before leaving unfilled form. Are you sure?
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_consumer_submitted_message Consumer-Submission bubble confirming form submission I have submitted the %s form
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_error_message PCI form bubble message — state error There was a problem opening this form. Please ask the agent to resend the form.
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_expired_message PCI form bubble message — state expired Secure form has expired. Please ask the agent to resend the form.
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_submitted_message PCI form bubble message — state submitted This form has been submitted and cannot be reopened for security reasons.
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_to_fill_in_message PCI form bubble message This is a secure form. Information entered here is protected and cannot be accessed once submitted.
lpmessaging_ui_secure_form_viewed_message PCI form bubble message — state viewed (not filled and can't be filled) This form has already been viewed. Please ask the agent to resend the form.


String name Used in Default value
cobrowseInvitation Used in text message when agent invites consumer to join Co-Browse call I have invited you to join a CoBrowse session, where I will be able to walk you through our website. To start, please click Accept.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_ACCEPTED Used in system text message when Co-Browse session was accepted by consumer. Call accepted.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_CANCEL_CONSUMER_LEFT Used in system text message when consumer leaves Co-Browse call. You left the call.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_CANCEL_INVITATION Used in system text message when Co-Browse session's invitation was canceled by consumer. Call canceled.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_DECLINED Used in system text message when Co-Browse session was declined by consumer. Call rejected.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_ENDED Used in system text message when Co-Browse session was ended. Call ended.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_ENDED_BY_AGENT Used in system text message when Co-Browse session was rejected. Uses formatting to place agent nickname Call was ended by %1$s
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_ENDED_BY_CONSUMER Used in system text message when Co-Browse session was ended by consumer You ended the call.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_INVITED Used in system text message when Co-Browse session was initiated by agent. Uses formatting to place agent nickname %1$s is calling you.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_JOINED Used in system text message when Co-Browse session was joined by consumer. Call has started.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_NOT_JOINED Used in system text message when Co-Browse session was not started because consumer couldn't join. Call could not be connected.
cobrowse_COLLABORATION_CALL_TIMEOUT Used in system text message when Co-Browse session's invitation has been expired. You missed a call from %1$s.
lp_accessibility_accept_call_button Content description for accept call button in Co-Browse invitation Accept Call
lp_accessibility_cobrowse_back_button_description Content description for a close/back button in the Co-Browse screen's toolbar Close Call
lp_accessibility_decline_call_button Content description for decline call button in Co-Browse invitation Decline Call
lp_accessibility_end_call_button Content description for end call button in Co-Browse invitation End Call
lp_accessibility_return_to_call_button Content description for return to call button in Co-Browse invitation Return to Call
lp_cobrowse_camera_off Used to indicate mute camera button unchecked state in minimized picture-in-picture mode Camera off
lp_cobrowse_camera_on Used to indicate mute camera button checked state in minimized picture-in-picture mode Camera on
lp_cobrowse_change_camera Used as content description of change camera button in minimized picture-in-picture mode Change camera
lp_cobrowse_end_call Used as content description of end call button in minimized picture-in-picture mode Change camera
lp_cobrowse_mic_off Used to indicate mute microphone button unchecked state in minimized picture-in-picture mode Mic off
lp_cobrowse_mic_on Used to indicate mute microphone button checked state in minimized picture-in-picture mode Mic on
lpmessaging_ui_fill_in_form_text_button PCI form bubble action button text. Fill in form
video_cobrowseActiveCallTooltip Used in accepted Co-Browse Video-call invitation message's heading You are in a video call
video_cobrowseInvitationHeading Used in Co-Browse Video-call invitation message's heading and video-call toolbar title Video Call
video_cobrowseInvitationRejected Used in system text message when Video-call Co-Browse session was rejected Call has been rejected
video_cobrowseSessionStarting Used in system text message when Video-call Co-Browse session was starting Starting a Call…
video_cobrowseLine_cobrowseAccepted Used in system text message when Video-call Co-Browse video-session was rejected Call accepted
video_cobrowseLine_cobrowseCanceled Used in system text message when Video-call Co-Browse session was canceled by agent. Uses formatting to place agent nickname Call was cancelled by %1$s
video_cobrowseLine_cobrowseDeclined Used in system text message when Video-call Co-Browse session was declined. Call rejected
video_cobrowseLine_cobrowseOffered Used in system text message when Video-call Co-Browse session was offered by agent. Uses formatting to place agent nickname %1$s has called you
video_cobrowseLine_cobrowseTimeout Used in system text message when Video-call Co-Browse session was missed from agent. Uses formatting to place agent nickname You missed a call from %1$s
voice_cobrowseActiveCallTooltip Used in accepted Co-Browse Voice-call invitation message's heading You are in a video call
voice_cobrowseInvitationHeading Used in Co-Browse Voice-call invitation message's heading and video-call toolbar title Video Call
voice_cobrowseInvitationRejected Used is system text message when Voice-call Co-Browse session was rejected Call has been rejected
voice_cobrowseSessionStarting Used in system text message when Voice-call Co-Browse session was starting Starting a Call…
voice_cobrowseLine_cobrowseAccepted Used in system text message when Voice-call Co-Browse video-session was rejected Call accepted
voice_cobrowseLine_cobrowseCanceled Used in system text message when Voice-call Co-Browse session was canceled by agent. Uses formatting to place agent nickname Call was cancelled by %1$s
voice_cobrowseLine_cobrowseDeclined Used in system text message when Voice-call Co-Browse session was declined. Call rejected
voice_cobrowseLine_cobrowseOffered Used in system text message when Voice-call Co-Browse session was offered by agent. Uses formatting to place agent nickname %1$s has called you
voice_cobrowseLine_cobrowseTimeout Used in system text message when Voice-call Co-Browse session was missed from agent. Uses formatting to place agent nickname You missed a call from %1$s


String name Used in Default value
brand_name The default agent name displayed on the toolbar My Brand
lp_add_a_caption Hint text in the Enter Message EditText on the image preview screen Add a caption
lp_attachment_menu_camera_item_text The Camera icon's text in the attachment menu CAMERA
lp_attachment_menu_gallery_item_text The Gallery icon's text in the attachment menu GALLERY
lp_cancel Confirmation dialog Cancel button. Cancel
lp_clear_history_menu_text "Clear history" string in menu"Clear history" string in menu."Clear history" confirmation dialog text"Clear" button text on "Clear history" dialog. Clear history
lp_connection_status_connecting Connection bar text when connecting Connecting…
lp_connection_status_failed_to_connect Connection bar text when could not connect to the messaging server Failed to connect to the server.
lp_connection_status_no_connection Connection bar text when there is no internet connection on the device Offline. Please check your connection.
lp_connection_status_trying_to_connect Connection bar text when the connection is longer than 5 seconds Still trying to connect…
lp_conversation_ended_by_agent_no_name Message when the conversation was resolved when we don't have the agent name. %1$s — time Conversation resolved by Agent \n %1$s
lp_conversation_ended_by_agent_with_name Message when the conversation was resolved when we have an agent name. %1$s — agent name %2$s — time Conversation resolved by %1$s \n %2$s
lp_conversation_ended_by_you Message when the conversation was resolved by the client. %1$s — time Conversation resolved by You \n %1$s
lp_date_time_format Date and time format to be used instead of the standard format No Value
lp_dismiss_as_urgent_menu_text Dismiss urgent menu text. Dismiss urgent
lp_dismiss_as_urgent_two_lines "Dismiss urgent" string in menu and snack bar. Dismiss urgent
lp_dismiss_urgent_dialog_header Dismiss urgent confirmation dialog header. Are you sure you want to mark this conversation as not urgent?
lp_dismiss_urgent_dialog_message Dismiss urgent confirmation dialog text. This means that your conversation will get normal priority.
lp_done Feedback dialog toolbar done button text (after submitting). Done
lp_end End conversation "End" button text. End
lp_end_conversation End conversation title. Resolve the conversation
lp_end_conversation_first Dialog text that is shown in case trying to clear history when a conversation is open. Please resolve the conversation first.
lp_enter_message Enter message text box when empty. Write a message
lp_enter_message_speech_recognition_state Enter message text box when spreech recognition just activated. Listening…
lp_failed_download_toast_message Toast message displayed when downloading a photo failed Failed to download file
lp_failed_file_type_not_supported Toast message displayed when uploading an unsupported file type This file type is not supported
lp_failed_upload_toast_message Toast message displayed when uploading a photo failed Failed to upload file
lp_failed_to_send_link Toast message displayed when error occurred while sending a text message with link Failed to send link
lp_failed_to_send_message Toast message displayed when error occurred while sending a text message Failed to send message
lp_failed_to_send_secure_form_answer Toast message displayed when error occurred while sending a secure form answer Failed to send secure form answer
lp_failed__toast_message Toast message displayed when uploading a photo failed Failed to upload file
lp_feedback_1 String displayed when one star is selected in the feedback dialog. Very Dissatisfied
lp_feedback_2 String displayed when two stars are selected in the feedback dialog. Dissatisfied
lp_feedback_3 String displayed when three stars are selected in the feedback dialog. Neither
lp_feedback_4 String displayed when four stars are selected in the feedback dialog. Satisfied
lp_feedback_5 String displayed when five stars are selected in the feedback dialog. Very Satisfied
lp_feedback_question Feedback dialog rate question text. How would you rate your connection with our agent?
lp_feedback_submit The feedback submit button text. Submit
lp_feedback_submit_message Submit message text at the bottom of feedback dialog. Your feedback helps us serve you better.\n It will not be shared with any customer service representatives.
lp_feedback_thank_you Text displayed after the feedback dialog is submitted. Survey submitted successfully.\nThank you!
lp_feedback_yesno_negative_title Negative button text in the feedback dialog. NO
lp_feedback_yesno_positive_title Positive button text in the feedback dialog. YES
lp_feedback_yesno_question Yes/No question text in feedback dialog. Did we solve your issue today?
lp_file_open Title for system dialog when user tries to open file Open with
lp_file_share Title for system dialog when user tries to open file Share
lp_file_saved_to_toast Toast message displayed when selected file was successfully saved Saved
lp_file_size_exceeds A message for error-dialog when consumer sends too big file or image File size exceeds the 5 MB limitation
lp_first_message System message before the first conversation. How can I help you today?
lp_full_image_view_title Toolbar title for image preview screen Image preview
lp_is_typing Text in conversation activity when agent is typing. typing…
lp_loading_message Text above the loading icon when loading previous messages. Loading…
lp_mark_as_resolved_dialog_message Resolve conversation confirmation dialog text. Are you sure this topic is resolved?
lp_mark_as_resolved_menu_text "Mark as resolved" string in menu. Mark as resolved
lp_mark_as_urgent_dialog_header Mark as urgent confirmation dialog header. Are you sure you want to mark this conversation as urgent?
lp_mark_as_urgent_dialog_message Mark as urgent confirmation dialog text. This means that your conversation will get top priority.
lp_mark_as_urgent_menu_text "Mark as urgent" string in menu and snack bar. Mark as urgent
lp_menu_copy Copy menu button text when selecting messages in conversation. Copy
lp_menu_more More menu button text when selecting messages in conversation. More
lp_menu_save Save menu button text when long-clicking on image in image preview. Save
lp_menu_share Share menu button text when long-clicking on image in image preview. Copy
lp_message_time_min_ago Message timestamp for older messages ("5 min ago"). Min ago
lp_message_time_now Message timestamp for the latest messages ("Now"). Now
lp_message_time_now_with_state Message timestamp for the latest messages that has a sending state ("now"). Now
lp_new_messages Notification message displayed when there are multiple push messages. new messages
lp_not_supported_file_size A title for error-dialog when consumer sends too big file or image Unsupported file size
lp_no_action_not_available_toast_message A toast message when the required action is not available (e.g. Mark as urgent when there is no active conversation). Action not available — no open conversation
lp_no_network_toast_message A toast message when there is no network. No internet connection. Please check your connection and try again.
lp_ok Confirmation dialog OK button. OK
lp_photo_picker_error Toast message displayed when consumer doesn't have any apps that allow to pick media, which means gallery is not opened Failed to load images from gallery
lp_resend_failed_conversation_closed Toast message displayed when trying to resend a failed message when conversation is already closed. This conversation has already been resolved.
lp_resend_failed_masked_message Toast message displayed when trying to resend a failed masked message. Message failed to send. Please re-enter message and send again.
lp_send The "Send" button text. Send
lp_send_photo The "Send Photo" button text on Caption Preview Screen. Send Photo
lp_send_document The "Send Document" button text on Caption Preview Screen. Send Document
lp_skip Feedback dialog toolbar skip button text. Skip
lp_still_loading_message Message displayed when loading conversation takes longer the usual Still loading conversation…
lp_today Today header in conversation. Today
lp_ttr_message_days (plurals string that contains: "one" and "others") The one or others strings is concatenated to the lp_ttr_message_with_timestamp string above according to whether it's single day multiple days. Example: one or others.  
lp_ttr_message_hours (plurals string that contains: "one" and "others"). The one or others strings is concatenated to the lp_ttr_message_with_timestamp string above according to whether it's single hour multiple hours. Example: one or others.  
lp_ttr_message_minutes (plurals string that contains: "one" and "others") The one or others strings is concatenated to the lp_ttr_message_with_timestamp string above according to whether it's single minute multiple minutes. Example  
lp_ttr_message_no_timestamp Text in TTR snackbar when timestamp is not shown. An agent will respond shortly
lp_ttr_message_off_hours_message Message to show when the online hours is more than 2 days from now. includes 1 param: %1$s — for the full date (MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm a) Thanks for your message. We will be back online at %1$s
lp_ttr_message_off_hours_message_today A snackbar content when the agent is in off hours and TTR is sometime today Thanks for your message. We will be back online today at %1$s
lp_ttr_message_off_hours_message_tomorrow A snackbar content when the agent is in off hours and TTR is sometime tomorrow Thanks for your message. We will be back online tomorrow at %1$s
lp_ttr_message_off_hours_time_zone_id Represents Java timezone ID that is used in the off hours message. For a full list of the available IDs, use the "Aliases" from here. US/Pacific
lp_ttr_message_with_timestamp Text in TTR snackbar when timestamp is shown. An agent will respond within the next
lp_unread_message (plurals string that contains: "one" and "others"). Used in the unread messages indicator to indicate how many unread messages Example: one or others.  
lp_yesterday Yesterday header in conversation. Yesterday


String name Used in Default value
client_only_mask_character The character used to mask client only string. *
lp_system_message_client_only_masked Text of system message, added after detecting a client only masked message (if this feature is enabled). Your personal data has been masked to protect your security. Only the agent can read it.
lp_system_message_real_time_masked Text of system message, added after detecting a real time masked message (if this feature is enabled). Your personal data has been masked to protect your security and cannot be read by the agent.
real_time_mask_character The character used to mask the real time message. *

Permission dialogs

String name Used in Default value
lp_enable_camera_permission_dialog_message Content message for storage permission dialog We use the camera to take and share images with your agent.
lp_enable_microphone_permission_dialog_message Content message for microphone permission dialog We use the microphone to record and share audio messages with your agent.
lp_enable_permission_dialog_title Title for permission dialog Enable %1$s Access
lp_camera_permission_dialog_title Title for camera permission dialog Camera
lp_enable_storage_permission_dialog_message Content message for storage permission dialog We use the storage to access files on your device
lp_microphone_permission_dialog_title Title for microphone permission dialog Microphone
lp_storage_permission_dialog_title Title for storage permission dialog Storage
lp_permission_dialog_cancel_button Text for cancel button of permission dialog Not now
lp_permission_dialog_go_to_settings_message Content message for external storage permission dialog Go to settings to enable %1$s access.
lp_permission_dialog_settings_button Text for "go-to-settings" button Go to Settings

Quick replies

String name Used in Default value
lp_accessibility_quick_reply_content_message Accessibility string when hovering on the Quick Replies control This message has options to select from.
lp_accessibility_quick_reply_first_element Accessibility string when hovering on the Quick Replies control First element: %1$s
lpmessaging_ui_quick_replies_button_content_description Accessibility string when hovering on the Quick Replies button Quick Replies button %1$d out of %2$d, %3$s
lpmessaging_ui_quick_replies_section Accessibility string when hovering on the Quick Replies control Multiple options section

Structured Content

String name Used in Default value
lp_new_message Message displayed on the scroll down indicator when a structured content message is received New message
lp_structured_content_display_failed Message displayed in the conversation if there is an error parsing the structured content message Content failed to display

Date Picker

String name Used in Default value
lp_datepicker_close_button_description Accessibility string when user focuses on X close icon Close
lp_datepicker_confirm_button Accessibility string and text displayed on Confirm button shown on the bottom after user selects dates Confirm
lp_datepicker_description_calendar_selection Accessibility string when user focuses on whole container of calendar days Calendar selection
lp_datepicker_from Accessibility string when user focuses on start selected date From %1s %2s
lp_datepicker_month_spinner_description Accessibility string when user focuses to select month from the spinner Select month, %s
lp_datepicker_to Accessibility string when user focuses on end selected date To %1s %2s
lp_datepicker_year_spinner_description Accessibility string when user focuses to select year from the spinner. Select year, %d

Unauthenticated In-App Messaging

String name Used in Default value
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_message The body of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. "Hi there! As we haven't seen you for a while, we're opening a new conversation for you"
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_positive_button The button of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. OK
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_title The title of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. New Conversation