There are two ways to use the Next Actions functionality:

  • The REST API can directly access policies. A primary use case for this is to retrieve policy routing decisions when using external, third-party bots, such as Watson or DialogFlow.
  • A JavaScript function wraps the REST API for easy use in LivePerson Conversation Builder. If you want to save and delete properties in Conversation Builder, use the Javascript wrapper functions.

JavaScript wrapper

See the discussion on the built-in askMaven function in Conversation Builder.




Domain URL per environment:

  • EMEA:
  • APAC:

See also the discussion on generating the secure token.

Get Next Actions

Gets a routing decision based on Conversation Orchestrator configured policies.

Method Path
POST /v2​/policy​/nextaction
Request body
Name Type Description Required?
accountId String The account ID of the brand Required
conversationId String The conversation ID of the current conversation Optional
customerId String LivePerson customer ID of the current conversation Optional. However, this parameter is required if you're using authenticated SDEs to route in your dynamic policy.
visitorId String LivePerson visitor ID of the current conversation Optional. However, this parameter is required if you're using unauthenticated SDEs to route in your dynamic policy.
sessionId String The group ID associated with the session store variable call to set values. If no session is specified, then the conversationId is used to associate with the session store variables. Optional
lpToken String Bearer {bearer token} Optional
policyId String The ID of the policy Optional
Request payload example
  "accountId": "le12345678",
  "customerId": "myCustomerId",
  "visitorId": "myVisitorId",
  "sessionId": "mySessionId",
  "conversationId": "myConversationId",
  "lpToken": "Bearer myToken",
Request example
curl -X POST "https://{domain}/v2/policy/nextaction?access_token={Token}" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"accountId\":\"le12345678\",\"customerId\":\"myCustomerId\",\"visitorId\":\"myVisitorId\",\"sessionId\":\"mySessionId\",\"conversationId\":\"myConversationId\",\"lpToken\":\"Bearer myToken\"}"
Response payload example

If you call the v2 API directly:

            "message":"TEST Hello World"

If you call the v2 API from a bot, the payload conforms to v1 and returns:

    "payload": {
      "message": "TEST Hello World"
    "type": "SEND_MESSAGE"

status code = 200