
Web Messaging and the Mobile SDK channels now allow functionality to present Schedule Slot Lists.

Conversational Cloud enables the agent to send a structured content button with a Schedule Slot Lists action. This action will present a graphical user interface widget, which allows the consumer to efficiently select an appointment slot from a list.

Mobile Experience

Schedule Slot List Dark Mode Schedule Slot List Light Mode

Web Experience

Schedule Slot List Open Schedule Slot List Sent Mode


When a user selects a slot in the interface, relevant metadata is sent to the agent. This is identical to the original JSON that was structured for the selected slot. See below the screenshot of the websocket message with metadata. Schedule Slot Metadata

Template Properties

Property Name Description Type Required Size Limit
type Must be scheduleSlotList String Y 40 Characters
title Title displayed on view String N  
firstDayOfTheWeek Either sun or mon String N  
id Slot id String Y  
start Start date of a slot Int(Seconds) Y  
end End date of a slot Int(Seconds) N  
title Slot title String N 40 Characters
description Slot description String N 40 Characters
imageUrl Slot avatar to display String N  


  "type": "vertical",
  "border": "dropShadow",
  "elements": [
      "type": "horizontal",
      "borderLine": false,
      "elements": [
          "type": "vertical",
          "elements": [
              "type": "text",
              "text": "Schedule List",
              "tooltip": "text tooltip",
              "style": {
                "bold": true,
                "size": "large"
              "type": "text",
              "text": "Select appointment for your repair",
              "tooltip": "text tooltip"
      "type": "button",
      "tooltip": "button tooltip",
      "title": "Select appointment",
      "class": "button",
      "style": {
        "background-color": "#3736A6",
        "color": "#ffffff",
        "border-radius": 10,
        "border-color": "#000000",
        "size": "medium",
        "bold": true
      "click": {
        "actions": [
            "type": "scheduleSlotList",
            "title": "Schedule your appointment",
            "firstDayOfTheWeek": "mon",
            "slots": [
                "type": "scheduleSlot",
                "id": "1634911200000",
                "start": 1634911200,
                "end": 1634914800,
                "title": "Day_1_Slot_1",
                "description": "Slot 1 of 60M"
                "type": "scheduleSlot",
                "id": "1634914800000",
                "start": 1634914800,
                "end": 1634918400,
                "title": "Day_1_Slot_2",
                "description": "Slot 2 of 60M",
                "imageUrl": "https://robohash.org/1634914800000.png?size=35x35&set=set2"
                "type": "scheduleSlot",
                "id": "1634997600000",
                "start": 1634997600,
                "end": 1635001200,
                "title": "Day_2_Slot_1",
                "description": "Slot 1 of 60M",
                "imageUrl": "https://robohash.org/1634997600000.png?size=35x35&set=set2"
                "type": "scheduleSlot",
                "id": "1635001200000",
                "start": 1635001200,
                "end": 1635004800,
                "title": "Day_2_Slot_2",
                "description": "Slot 2 of 60M"