This method retrieves core messaging metrics at the account, skill or agent group level, for up to the last 14 days within a 24 hours window.


Method URL
POST https://{domain}/manager_workspace/api/account/{accountId}/metrics?offset=0&limit=50&sort=closedConversations:desc

URL Parameters

Name Description Type/Value Required Notes
sort Sort the results based on a given metric in a predefined order. string Optional
Valid sort values:
Valid order values:
Default sort:
offset The offset specifies from which record to retrieve the data. numeric Optional Default is 0
limit Max amount of keys (skillIds/agentGroupIds) to be retrieved in the response. numeric Optional Default is 50. Max value is 50.

Note: Total supported results is 1000, meaning offset+limit can't exceed 1000.

BODY Parameters

Name Description Type/Value Required Notes
filters Contains parameters to filter by. Container Required See detailed description below
metricsToRetrieveByTime List of metrics that are calculated for the given time range Array <String> Optional Valid values:
metricsToRetrieveCurrentValue List of metrics retrieving the current value, not influenced by time Array <String> Optional Valid values:
responseSections Represents whether we should return the "all" section, "groupBy" section or both. Array <String> Optional Valid values: all, groupBy. Default value — both sections are returned.
groupBy Field according to which all of the metrics should be grouped. String Optional Valid values: skillId, agentGroupId. In case responseSections contains groupBy, a groupBy value must be returned in order to retrieve grouped metrics.


filters info

Name Description Type/Value Required Notes
time {from, to} Represents events time. long — epoch time in milliseconds. Required Including bounds. From/to value is rounded to the last/next 1 minutes, respectively. Time range is limited up to the last 24 hours. Note: This field is required, even if you are not requesting metrics from the metricsToRetrieveByTime section but only asking for the metricsToRetrieveCurrentValue section.
agentIds An array of agent IDs. Array <String> Optional  
agentGroupIds An array of agent group IDs. Array <String> Optional  
skillIds An array of skill IDs. Array <String> Optional  
userTypes Type of the user conducting of the conversation. alphanumeric Optional Valid values: HUMAN, BOT.

Request body — JSON example:

    "filters": {
        "time": {
            "from": 1591951787590,
            "to": 1591955386814
    "groupBy": "agentGroupId",
    "responseSections": [
    "metricsToRetrieveCurrentValue": [
    "metricsToRetrieveByTime": [


Name Description Type/Value
metadata All response-related Metadata. container
groupBy Contains grouped by metrics values based on the given groupBy and metrics parameters. container
all Contains metrics values for all relevant agents. container

metadata info

Name Description Type/Value
count Number of groups returned based on the groupBy parameter. In case groupBy section is not passed in the request body, count will be set to zero numeric

groupBy info

Name Description Type/Value
groupByField The name of the field by which the metrics data is grouped (agentId or agentGroupId) String
groups A list of all the groups with the required metrics data Container

groups info

Name Description Type/ Value Notes
key The value the metrics data was grouped by.If groupBy was set to skillId, then the key holds the skill id. If the groupBy was set to agentGroupId, then the key holds the group id. String  
keyDescription The descriptive value the metrics data was grouped by.If groupBy was set to skillId, then the keyDescription holds the skill name. If the groupBy was set to agentGroupId, then the keyDescription holds the group name. Notice: if ID was not successfully associated with any name, return "NA" String  
metrics A list of all the metrics with their value Container  

metrics info

Name Description Type/ Value Notes
assignedConversations The number of open conversations currently assigned to the agent. limited to conversations which started within the past 30 days. Long  
activeConversations The number of open conversations currently handled by the agent. limited to conversations which started within the past 30 days. Long  
agentLoad The total weight of assigned conversations as a percentage of the maximum concurrent conversations of all agents, including bots. Double  
humanAgentLoad The total weight of assigned conversations as a percentage of the maximum concurrent conversations of all human agents. Double  
humanOnlineLoad The total weight of assigned conversations as a percentage of the maximum concurrent conversations of all human online agents. Double  
humanAwayLoad The total weight of assigned conversations as a percentage of the maximum concurrent conversations of all human away agents. Double  
availableSlots The total number of available conversations slots to take incoming conversations from the queue (the "Supply"). In case the response is grouped by skilldIds, same slots will be counted under all the skills an agent is assigned to. Long In order to get the total value of the metric on the group level including its sub-groups, pass includeSubGroups=true under the filters section
onlineAgents Agents currently in the ONLINE state. Long  
backSoonAgents Agents currently in the BACK SOON state. Long  
awayAgents Agents currently in the AWAY state. Long  
avgWaitTime The average time in millis consumers wait for a human agent response in a conversation. Attributed to the skill and group at the time of response. Double  
avgWaitTimeFirstResponse The average time in millis consumers wait for the first human response in a conversation. Attributed to the skill and group at the time of response. Double  
avgTimeToResponse The average time in millis it takes a human agent to send a message to the consumer from the time the agent was assigned to the conversation. Attributed to the skill and group at the time of response. Double  
totalWaitTimeFirstResponse The total time in millis consumers wait for the first human response in a conversation. Attributed to the skill and group at the time of response. Long  
avgTimeToFirstResponseFirstAssignment The average time in millis it takes a human agent to respond to the first message from a consumer, from the time the agent was assigned to the conversation. Measured from the first human agent message sent in a new conversation.Attributed to the skill and group at the time of response. Double  
totalTimeToFirstResponseAllAssignments The total time difference in millis between the first human agent response and the human agent assignment after every human agent assignment during the conversation within the selected timeframe. Long  
closedConversations The number of conversations closed within the selected timeframe by the agent, system or consumer. Long  
closedByAgent The number of conversations closed by the agent within the selected timeframe. Long  
closedByConsumer The number of conversations closed by the consumer within the selected timeframe. Long  
autoClosed The number of conversations automatically closed within the selected timeframe. Long  
csat The ratio bwtween the number of questions which were answered with 4 or 5 (top two boxes) to the total responses submitted by consumers to a CSAT question within the selected timeframe. Double  
avgConversationsDuration The average handling time of closed conversations within the selected timeframe. Long  
unassignedConversations The number of conversations in queue that are waiting for an agent assignment. Long  
openConversations The number of open conversations, whether in queue or assigned. Long  
overdueConversationsInQueue The number of conversations in queue that are waiting for an agent assignment and exceeded the SLA. Long  
overdueConversationsAssigned The number of conversations assigned to agents which exceeded the SLA. Long  
overdueConversationsTotal The number of open conversations which exceeded the SLA. Long  
queueWaitTime50thPercentile 50% of the consumers are waiting in the queue this amount of time or less. Long  
queueWaitTime90thPercentile 90% of the consumers are waiting in the queue this amount of time or less. Long  
agentResponsesOutsideSl The number of agents' responses that were sent after the consumer sent a message in the entire conversations outside configured SL within the selected timeframe. Long  
totalNumberOfAgentResponses Total number of agents' responses that were sent after the consumer sent a message in the entire conversations outside and within configured SL within the selected timeframe. Long  
agentResponsesOutsideSlRate agentResponsesOutsideSl / totalNumberOfAgentResponses within the selected timeframe. Double  
actionable The number of conversations that waiting for response. Boolean  
abandonedInQueue The number of conversations that were closed while in the queue. Long  
fcr first contact resolution Double total responses that are yes/ all total responses(Yes, No, Skip)
fcrWithoutSkip first contact resolution without skip Double total responses that are 'Yes'/ all yes and no responses excluding skip

all info

Contains list of metrics with their values — same as in metrics info

Response DTO — JSON example:

     "metadata": {
        "count": 3,
        "first": {
            "rel": "first",
            "href": "https://localhost:8082/manager_workspace/api/account/le79144597/metrics?offset=0&limit=1&sort=closedConversations:desc"
        "prev": {
            "rel": "prev",
            "href": "https://localhost:8082/manager_workspace/api/account/le79144597/metrics?offset=0&limit=1&sort=closedConversations:desc"
        "self": {
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://localhost:8082/manager_workspace/api/account/le79144597/metrics?offset=1&limit=1&sort=closedConversations:desc"
        "next": {
            "rel": "next",
            "href": "https://localhost:8082/manager_workspace/api/account/le79144597/metrics?offset=2&limit=1&sort=closedConversations:desc"
        "last": {
            "rel": "last",
            "href": "https://localhost:8082/manager_workspace/api/account/le79144597/metrics?offset=2&limit=1&sort=closedConversations:desc"
    "groupBy": {
        "groupByField": "agentGroupId",
        "groups": [
                "key": "1641709730",
		"keyDescription": "customerAssistanceSkill",
                "metrics": {
                    "assignedConversations": 6,
                    "humanAgentLoad": 1.18,
                    "avgWaitTime": 228876.654,
                    "avgWaitTimeFirstResponse": 798118.667,
                    "avgTimeToResponse": 58490.731,
                    "avgTimeToFirstResponseFirstAssignment": 59779.667,
                    "closedConversations": 1