Interface: IOrchestratorClient

Table of contents




invoke(invocations, deadline, options?): Promise<IOrchestratorResponse[]>

throws if "errorStrategy" option is "ExitOnError" and there is an invocation error, it will cancel other requests


Name Type Description
invocations IOrchestratorInvocation[] contains the UUIDs of the lambdas which will be invoked with their respective information
deadline number provides the maximum time the orchestrator function is waiting for an answer (max 25s)
options? IOrchestratorOptions Orchestrator invoke options: timeout, parallel invocation and error strategy



Interface: IOrchestratorResponse


body: unknownheaders: [name: string]: stringstatusCode: numberuuid: stringOptional error: Error

Interface: IOrchestratorOptions


Optional errorStrategy: ErrorStrategy

Defines the strategy to follow in case of error.

Optional invokeParallel: boolean

If true, it will execute all invocations in parallel

timeout: number

Request timeout for each invocation

Interface: IOrchestratorInvocation

headers: [name: string]: string

payload: unknown

uuid: string

Optional retries: number

Default 3

Optional retryFunction: IRetryFunction

This function is used to determine if a received status code/error should be retried or aborted. The default tactic is to retry on 429 and 5xx. This excludes retries on errors raised by the function.

Type: Error

Name Type
code string
message string

Type: IRetryFunction

IRetryFunction: (statusCode: number, error: unknown) => boolean

Enumeration: ErrorStrategy

Enumeration members:

  • CONTINUE_ON_ERROR = "ContinueOnError"
  • EXIT_ON_ERROR = "ExitOnError"