Unauthenticated In-App Messaging allows brands to communicate with consumers in an unauthenticated manner. This allows:
Easier and quicker on-boarding to Conversational Cloud
Having pre authentication messaging use cases, for example, assistance with password recovery
The ability to use Campaigns
Related Classes, Parameters and APIs
LPAuthenticationParams contains an authentication type, you can either set it or pass it in the object initialization (init()
). When not passing an authentication type in init() the default value is LPAuthenticationType.signup (is deprecated as of July 2019)
If you pass authenticationCode or jwt on LPAuthenticationParams init() - it will automatically set the authentication type to LPAuthenticationType.authenticated.
class LPAuthenticationParams: NSObject {
var type: LPAuthenticationType = .signup
init(authenticationCode: String? = nil, jwt: String? = nil, redirectURI: String? = nil, certPinningPublicKeys: [String]? = nil, authenticationType: LPAuthenticationType = .signup)
Signup should only be used as shown above for discovery purposes. Please use .unauthenticated type in implementation. Further information is provided below.
Server side configurations (In case needed, should be modified by LivePerson)
Identity idle time — setting the time frame for identifying a consumer while being idle (not communicating with the brand). When a consumer opens the conversation window after being idle for the configured time, the LivePerson data will be removed from the device. iF there's an open conversation — it will be closed and a dialog explaining what happened will be presented to the consumer.
Unauthenticated token expiration — sets the time for the app to validate the token. When the token is expired, it will be refreshed.
SDK configurations
When an unauthenticated user session expire — the SDK will notify by presenting an alertView to the user. The alertView content can be modified by overriding the following string params:
= "New Conversation"; -
= "Hi there! As we haven't seen you for a while, we're opening a new conversation for you";
Code Samples
// 1. Init SDK with Monitoring
let monitoringInitParams = LPMonitoringInitParams(appInstallID: "appInstallID")
do {
try LPMessaging.instance.initialize("accountNumber", monitoringInitParams: monitoringInitParams)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("initialize error: \(error)")
// 2. Init LPConversationViewParams
let conversationViewParams = LPConversationViewParams(conversationQuery: self.conversationQuery!, containerViewController: nil, isViewOnly: false)
// 3. Init LPAuthenticationParams
let authenticationParams = LPAuthenticationParams(authenticationCode: nil, jwt: nil, redirectURI: nil, authenticationType: .unauthenticated)
// 4. Call showConversation() with LPConversationViewParams and LPAuthenticationParams
LPMessaging.instance.showConversation(conversationViewParams, authenticationParams: authenticationParams)
Notes and Best Practices
Brands who wish to use Unauthenticated In-App Messaging must activate Campaigns for Messaging and create a default engagement. For additional information, please follow the Campaigns for Messaging guide. In addition, the SDK should be initialized with the
object. -
In order to change SDK modes, Logout must be called first.
LPAuthenticationType signup is deprecated as of July 2019.