Use this API method to check if there is an active conversation by passing a conversation query.
- Conversation query defines a filter that fetches conversations which match certain conditions. Each query can have one active conversation at most.
- Conversation is said to be active the moment the server receives an ACK (acknowledgement). It may not yet have an assigned agent.
- You may call this API only if you are sure that the SDK is in sync with the server, meaning LPMessagingSDKConnectionStateChanged was invoked and isReady is set to true.
func checkActiveConversation(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol) -> Bool
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations display in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
Use this API method only when there is no active conversation because it will clear the messages presented on the Conversation Screen. The history is still available both on the Server and Local Database, and will be loaded next time the Conversation Screen is presented.
Due to current product limitations, when calling the logout
method in Authentication Mode, the user's history shows up when they return to the conversation, even if calling clearHistory
func clearHistory(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol) throws
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations displays in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
Use this method to stop and clear all the metadata of the SDK. It is a destructive method and conducts the following:
- Clears all SDK non-persistent data.
- Stops all connections and operations.
- Remove Conversation View Controller
func destruct()
Use this API method to cancel the markAsUrgent API, which resets the SLA for the agent response back to default. This API can be called only for open conversations.
func dismissUrgent(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations displays in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
Use this method to get all supported languages as Strings dictionary where:
- Key - Locale key
- Value - explicit language name (example: "English", "Portuguese (Brazil)", …)
func getAllSupportedLanguages() -> [String : String]
Use this API method to get the assigned agent details of the last or current conversation.
For this method to work correctly, you need to set retrieveAssignedAgentFromLastClosedConversation to true in the LPConfig defaultConfiguration.
You must check that the SDK is ready before calling this method.
func getAssignedAgent(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol) -> LPUser?
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations displays in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
Create ConversationParamProtocol of Brand query type. ConversationParamProtocol represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations will be displayed in the following screens.
func getConversationBrandQuery(_ brandID: String, campaignInfo: LPCampaignInfo? = nil) -> ConversationParamProtocol
Parameter | Description | Notes |
brandID | brandID to request the conversation query for | – |
campaignInfo | an optional campaign info (LPCampaignInfo) to use advanced routing for the consumer. This object based on campaignID(mandatory), engagementID (mandatory), contextID (mandatory), sessionID (optional) and visitorID (optional) | – |
For information about the how to initialize the SDK with MonitoringParams and get the Campaign, consult the quick start guide.
Create ConversationParamProtocol of Consumer and Skill query type. ConversationParamProtocol represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations will be displayed in the following screens.
func getConversationConsumerQuery(_ consumerID: String?, brandID: String, agentToken: String) -> ConversationParamProtocol
Parameter | Description | Notes |
consumerID | consumerID to request the conversation query for | – |
brandID | brandID to request the conversation query for | – |
agentToken | a unique token for agent aka Agent Bearer | – |
Use this API method to get the Inactive time interval in seconds of the user's last touch on screen. This interval applies to scroll/messaging/action menus and any other general action on the conversation screen. If the screen is not active or the application is in the background this API will return -1.
func getInactiveUserInteractionTimeInterval(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol) -> TimeInterval
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations displays in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
Use this API to get the current SDK version string.
func getSDKVersion() -> String?
When unread messages are waiting for the consumer within the brand app, this information can be pushed to display in the app’s notification badge. Within the app, brands can develop their own visualization of a badge, such as a number, icon, or another marker to show unread messages.
With every push, the SDK receives the unread messages number through the LP Push Service.
The last device registered to the LP Push Service receives the push, which means only one device can fetch the unready messages indication. So, if the user uses two devices in parallel, the device that that does not receive push events receives updates only once a message has been sent from that device and the push arrives. Additionally, if a conversation is ongoing in web messaging, then the push does not arrive on the device since the web socket is already open.
Get the unread message badge counter
This API method uses a threshold mechanism of 10 seconds from the last time the badge retrieved from the server. If calling this method within less than 10 seconds, the counter will be returned from cache. Otherwise, it will be fetched again with new data.
This method doesn't require Consumer to register for Push Notifications. Additionally if authenticationParams are provided those will be use to authenticate, otherwise store authentication will be use.
func getUnreadMessagesCount(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol, authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams?, completion: @escaping (_ badgeCounter: Int)->(), failure: @escaping (_ error:NSError)->())
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations will be displayed in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. See helpers methods above for how to generate a conversation query. |
authenticationParams | Object type: LPAuthenticationParams? Represents an object to determine the properties of an authenticated connection. If using authenticate connection, this parameter must be passed. LPAuthenticationParams supports Code Flow login or Implicit Flow login. - Implicit Flow: pass "jwt" parameter only. - Code Flow: pass "authCode" and "redirectURI" only. - Multiple IDP pass an issuerDisplayName |
For object details see LPAuthenticationParams. |
completion | called once the operation ends successfully with the counter of unread badge messages. | If no unread message, 0 will be returned. |
failure | called once the operation of retrieving unread messages count failed for the provided conversation query. | – |
This method can be used to check if current consumer and push notification token are registered for Push Notifications on LP Pusher
If authenticationParams are provided those will be use to authenticate, otherwise store authentication will be use.
func isRegisteredForPushNotifications(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol, authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams? = nil, token: Data, alternateBundleID: String? = nil, completion: @escaping (Bool) -> (), failure: @escaping (Error) -> ())
This method has another varient with token
as String
type. It works exactly same with just one difference that it will not convert the token
to hex and use it as it is. It can be used if a push proxy is used e.g.
func isRegisteredForPushNotifications(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol, authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams? = nil, tokenString: String, alternateBundleID: String? = nil, completion: @escaping (_ isRegistered: Bool) -> Void, failure: @escaping (_ error: Error) -> Void)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations will be displayed in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. See helpers methods above for how to generate a conversation query. |
authenticationParams | Object type: LPAuthenticationParams? Represents an object to determine the properties of an authenticated connection. If using authenticate connection, this parameter must be passed. LPAuthenticationParams supports Code Flow login or Implicit Flow login. - Implicit Flow: pass "jwt" parameter only. - Code Flow: pass "authCode" and "redirectURI" only. - Multiple IDP pass an issuerDisplayName |
For object details see LPAuthenticationParams. |
token | A token that identifies the device to APNs. The token is an opaque data type because that is the form that the provider needs to submit to the APNs servers when it sends a notification to a device. | The APNs servers require a binary format for performance reasons. This is the exact same dictionary as received in application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: method |
alternateBundleID | An optional value that can be used so that the LivePerson pusher service identifies your app with this identifier. | In debug mode, the SDK appends "-Dev" string to the bundle ID. |
completion | called once the operation ends successfully with registration value. | If current device token and consumerId pair are register, true will be returned. |
failure | called once the operation of retrieving registration status failed with provided parameters. | – |
To receive all incoming push notifications in a single function and handle them, add the following method. This method cooperates with two other API methods:
This method calls the shouldShowPushNotification method. If the host app returns false, the SDK does not show anything to the UI.
Otherwise, the SDK asks the host app to provide a view as an in-app notification. If the host app doesn’t implement this method, the SDK uses its own implementation.
func application(application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [NSObject : AnyObject], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {
//Available since SDK v6.23
if let notification = LPMessaging.instance.handlePush(userInfo) {
// Handle the notification object if it exists
print("Received LPNotification: \(notification)")
} else {
// No notification object was returned
print("No LPNotification object returned.")
The proprietary SDK notification is only for display purposes, interacting with it launches the Application, but won't navigate to the Conversation Window/ViewController, for a fully interactive notification host app needs to provide the implementation.
The SDK initialization is done only once, inside AppDelegate, and it checks that the SDK has all mandatory preconditions. For example, it can find the bundle file, verify that all the pre-defined configurations are valid, and more. If any precondition does not get met, the SDK throws an exception and, at this point, you must not do any other call to the SDK.
SDK can be initialized once without monitoringInitParams and then have another initialize call using this param.
Passing monitoringInitParams is mandatory when using Monitoring API capabilities.
func initialize(_ brandID: String? = nil, monitoringInitParams: LPMonitoringInitParams? = nil)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
brandId | An account ID of the Brand | Optional Parameter |
monitoringInitParams | An initialization parameter of type LPMonitoringInitParams. This object contains all relevant parameters for initialization of the SDK for an account, including app install id. | Optional Parameter |
Tip: For authenticated users. If you want to register for push notifications immediately, before showing the conversation view, you must initialize the SDK with an Account number.
Use this API method to check if the active conversation, if existing, is marked as urgent; otherwise, it returns false.
You must check that the SDK is in ready state before calling this method.
func isUrgent(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol) -> Bool
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations displays in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
Use this API method to clean a user's data before a second user logs into the same device or to log the current user out.
The logout
method conducts the following:
Unregisters from the push notification service based on unregister type provided.
Clears all SDK persistent data.
Cleans running operations (see destruct).
func logout(authType: LPAuthenticationType,
unregisterType: LPPusherUnregisterType,
completion: @escaping ()->(),
failure: @escaping (_ error: Error)->())
Parameter | Description | Notes |
LPAuthenticationType | Determine the authentication type. | |
LPPusherUnregisterType | An enum representing the pusher unregister type | The default option if none provided will be .ALL |
Completion block | A completion block for successfully logout. | Completion block invokes only if all logout steps succeeded. |
Failure block | A failure block with a specified error for logout failure. | Failure block invokes if at least one of the logout steps has failed. |
After calling logout,
and before calling any other SDK methods, we recommend that you initialize
again. For details, see initialized.
All: unregister for all types of push notification messages
None: do not unregister from the pusher at all
Agent: Unregister only for agent push notification messages. Consumers can still receive outbound push notifications sent from the Proactive or Connect to Messaging (IVR) services.
A consumer can mark a conversation as urgent to request a faster response from the agent. You can call this API method only if there’s an active conversation, otherwise an alert triggers. The conversation is marked as urgent only after the server receives an ACK (acknowledgement).
func markAsUrgent(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations display in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
Use this API method to print all localized strings’ keys.
func printAllLocalizedKeys()
Use this API method to print the SDK's supported languages.
func printSupportedLanguages()
When using SSO in an authenticated connection, the SDK receives an auth-code (see showConversation API). The session, in this case, might have an expiration date (see LPMessagingSDKTokenExpired). To reconnect with a new token, use the following "reconnect" API and pass the new token.
Use this API method to reconnect the conversation's connection for conversation query. Reconnecting opens the related WebSockets and syncs the conversation with its latest updates.
func reconnect(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol, authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations display in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
authenticationParams | Object type: LPAuthenticationParams? Represents an object to determine the properties of an authenticated connection. If using authenticate connection, this parameter must be passed. LPAuthenticationParams supports Code Flow login or Implicit Flow login. - Implicit Flow: pass "jwt" parameter only. - Code Flow: pass "authCode" and "redirectURI" only. - Multiple IDP pass an issuerDisplayName. |
For object details see LPAuthenticationParams. |
Use this API method, in AppDelegate, to register to LPMessagingSDK push notifications.
Push notifications must be pre-configured, and you must upload an APN certificate to Conversational Cloud. For details, see how to configure push notifications.
func registerPushNotifications(token: Data, notificationDelegate: LPMessagingSDKNotificationDelegate? = nil, alternateBundleID: String? = nil, authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams? = nil)
This method has an other varient with token
parameter as String
type. It works exactly same with just one difference that it does not convert the token
to hex. It can be used to send the token as it is to push proxy e.g.
func registerPushNotifications(tokenString: String, notificationDelegate: LPMessagingSDKNotificationDelegate? = nil, alternateBundleID: String? = nil, authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams? = nil)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
token | A token that identifies the device to APNs. The token is an opaque data type because that is the form that the provider needs to submit to the APNs servers when it sends a notification to a device. | The APNs servers require a binary format for performance reasons. This is the exact same dictionary as received in application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: method |
notificationDelegate | An implementer of LPMessagingSDKNotificationDelegate. | |
alternateBundleID | An optional value that can be used so that the LivePerson pusher service identifies your app with this identifier. | In debug mode, the SDK appends "-Dev" string to the bundle ID. |
authenticationParams | An optional authentication (LPAuthenticationParams) param to be used for immediate Pusher registration | If passing authentication params, this method registers immediately to Pusher, otherwise the registration is performed when calling showConversation. |
For authenticated users. If you want to register for push notifications immediately, before showing the conversation view, you must initialize the SDK with an Account number.
After calling logout,
and before calling any other SDK methods, we recommend that you initialize
again. For details, see initialized.
When navigating out of the conversation screen, this API removes the view controller from its container by calling the remove conversation API. The method removes the SDK UI and cleans the service or network operation that was running.
Use this API method on the container's deinit function.
Calling this API method from viewWillDisappear or viewDidDisappear can cause unexpected behavior.
func removeConversation(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations display in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
When using Custom View Controller Mode, you must configure it so that you remove the Conversation view when leaving the App. To avoid dismissing the View when CSAT/SecureForms/PhotoSharing View displays, you should only dismiss the Conversation view if Moving From ParentView, as demonstrated below:
if (self.conversationQuery != nil && self.isMovingToParentViewController){
When using ViewController Mode, and on the Navigation Bar Back Button, you can simply call LPMessaging.instance.removeConversation(self.conversationQuery!)
Use this API method to enable a conversation to be resolved. The API requests the server to mark the active conversation as resolved. If there is no active conversation, an alert displays.
func resolveConversation(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations displays in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. |
Setter for the logging level of console logs produced by LPMessaging iOS SDK. (Lives within the LPMessaging). This will be replacing the previous functionality via LogsManager.
class func setLoggingLevel( level: LPLoggingLevel)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
level | level: The level of logging options in order: (.TRACE, .DEBUG, .INFO, .WARNING, .ERROR, .OFF) | The default value for release mode is .INFO and for debug is .TRACE. Apps should not log lower than .INFO in release configurations. |
The mechanism to retrieve LPMessagingIOS SDK logs in an array of Strings (Lives within the LPMessaging). This will be replacing the previous functionality via LogsManager. The log history does not adhere to the logging level filter. The log history records all log levels. You can filter the logs returned by using the "level" parameter in the same way you can filter the logging level. However be aware log snapshot and logging level work independently.
class func getLogSnapshot(level: LPLoggingLevel) -> [String]
Parameter | Description | Notes |
level | level: The level of logging options in order: (.TRACE, .DEBUG, .INFO, .WARNING, .ERROR, .OFF) | The logger only records the last 100 logs total, filtering by log level may reduce the number of logs returned. |
The mechanism to retrieve LPMessagingIOS SDK logs in a single String block (Lives within the LPMessaging). This will be replacing the previous functionality via LogsManager. The log history does not adhere to the logging level filter. The log history records all log levels. You can filter the logs returned by using the "level" parameter in the same way you can filter the logging level. However be aware log snapshot and logging level work independently.
class func getLogSnapshot(level: LPLoggingLevel) -> [String]
Parameter | Description | Notes |
level | level: The level of logging options in order: (.TRACE, .DEBUG, .INFO, .WARNING, .ERROR, .OFF) | The logger only records the last 100 logs total, filtering by log level may reduce the number of logs returned. |
Should masking PII be enabled for the logging (Lives within the LPMessaging). This will be replacing the previous functionality via LogsManager. The log history does not adhere to the logging level filter. The log history records all log levels. You can filter the logs returned by using the "level" parameter in the same way you can filter the logging level. However be aware log snapshot and logging level work independently.
class func getLogSnapshot(level: LPLoggingLevel) -> [String]
Parameter | Description | Notes |
enabled | enabled: Is masking PII enabled for the logs. | This is enabled by default for Release builds. |
Use this API method to add custom parameters about the user and set them for the messaging agent.
func setUserProfile(_ lpuser: LPUser, brandID: String)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
lpuser | object is an instance of LPUser. | Example: let user = LPUser(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", profileImageURL: "URL of image", phoneNumber: "555-555555") |
brandId | An account ID | – |
Use this API method to open the conversation screen.
Not available on iOS 12 or below
func showConversation(_ conversationViewParams: LPConversationViewParams, authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams? = nil)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationViewParams | Object type: LPConversationViewParams Represents an object to determine conversation mode, filter and container. Such as Container or Window or if ViewOnly. |
For object details see LPConversationViewParams. |
authenticationParams | Object type: LPAuthenticationParams? Represents an object to determine the properties of an authenticated connection. If using authenticated connection, this paramater must be passed. LPAuthenticationParams supports Code Flow login or Implicit Flow login. - Implicit Flow: pass "jwt" paramater only. - Code Flow: pass "authCode" and "redirectURI" only. - Multiple IDP pass an issuerDisplayName |
For object details see LPAuthenticationParams. |
Use this API method to open or close the SDK menu.
- If using window mode, you don’t need to utilize this method as the SDK has a dedicated button in the navigation bar to toggle the menu.
- If using view controller mode, you may call this API to open the SDK menu or use other APIs to build your own menu.
func toggleChatActions(_ accountID: String, sender: UIBarButtonItem? = nil)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
accountID | An account ID | – |
sender | An optional UIBarButtonItem to use for toggling the chat actions | – |
Brand can implement their custom logic to select/filter multiple messages to be rendered and provide the list of proactive messages to SDK to render.
func handleTapForInAppNotifications(notifications: [LPNotification], clearOthers: Bool = false)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
[notification] | List of LPNotification proactive messages to render | This is received as part of the getPendingProactiveMessages API. |
clearOthers | If set to true then SDK will remove the non-rendered proactive messages from Pusher when show conversation method is called. |
Default value: false
Deprecated methods
This method is deprecated since SDK version 6.22.0.
Will handle the case when Consumer taps an In App Notification that contains a Proactive Engagement
func handleTapForInAppNotification(notification: LPNotification)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
notification | LPNotification | This is received as part of the LPMessagingSDKNotificationDelegate |
getUnreadMessagesCount (deprecated)
This method is deprecated since SDK version 5.2.0.
When unread messages are waiting for the consumer within the brand app, this information can be pushed to display in the app’s notification badge. Within the app, brands can develop their own visualization of a badge, such as a number, icon, or another marker to show unread messages.
With every push, the SDK receives the unread messages number through the LP Push Service.
The last device registered to the LP Push Service receives the push, which means only one device can fetch the unready messages indication. So, if the user uses two devices in parallel, the device that that does not receive push events receives updates only once a message has been sent from that device and the push arrives. Additionally, if a conversation is ongoing in web messaging, then the push does not arrive on the device since the web socket is already open.
Get the unread message badge counter
This API method uses a threshold mechanism of 10 seconds from the last time the badge retrieved from the server. If calling this method within less than 10 seconds, the counter will be returned from cache. Otherwise, it will be fetched again with new data.
func getUnreadMessagesCount(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol, completion: @escaping (_ badgeCounter: Int)->(), failure: @escaping (_ error:NSError)->())
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations will be displayed in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. See helpers methods above for how to generate a conversation query. |
completion | called once the operation ends successfully with the counter of unread badge messages. | If no unread message, 0 will be returned. |
failure | called once the operation of retrieving unread messages count failed for the provided conversation query. | – |
getUnreadMessagesCount (deprecated)
This method is deprecated since SDK version 5.2.0.
This API will allow the user to get the count of unread messages for all open conversations without the need to be registered to receive push notifications.
func getUnreadMessagesCount(brandID: String, completion: @escaping (_ badgeCounter: Int)->(), failure: @escaping (_ error:Error)->())
showConversation (deprecated)
This method is deprecated since SDK version 2.7.0.
This method is used to open the conversation screen.
func showConversation(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol, authenticationCode: String? = nil, containerViewController: UIViewController? = nil)
Parameter | Description | Notes | |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations will be displayed in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. See helpers methods above for how to generate a conversation query. | |
authenticationCode | The SDK can enable code-flow SSO. | If your account uses SSO, pass the auth-code here. Otherwise, skip this parameter. | |
containerViewController | The SDK needs a container view controller. This can be done in two ways: View Controller mode: If you provide a container viewController, the SDK will put itself inside as a child viewController. This mode allows you to keep your own navigation bar intact. Using this method, you can use the provided callbacks to retrieve data from the SDK and show it in the navigation bar (users profile data, avatar URL, calling menu items, etc.) Window mode: If you don’t provide a container view controller, the SDK places its UI components on top of the app UI, including the navigation bar. |
reconnect (deprecated)
This method was deprecated since SDK version 2.7.0. Use reconnect(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol, authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams instead.
When using SSO in an authenticated connection, an auth-code is passed to the SDK (see showConversation API). The session in this case might have an expiration date (see LPMessagingSDKTokenExpired). To reconnect with a new token, use the following "reconnect" API and pass the new token.
This method reconnects the conversation's connection for conversation query. Reconnect open related webSockets and sync the conversation with its latest updates.
func reconnect(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol, authenticationCode: String)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations will be displayed in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. See helpers methods above for how to generate a conversation query. |
authenticationCode | The SDK can enable code-flow SSO. | If your account uses SSO, pass the auth-code here. Otherwise, skip this parameter. |
logout (deprecated)
This method is a destructive method that is typically used to clean a user’s data before a second user logs into the same device or just to log the current user out.
This method conducts the following:
- Unregisters from the push notification service.
- Clears all SDK persistent data.
- Cleans running operations (see destruct)
func logout(completion: @escaping ()->(), failure: @escaping (_ error: Error)->())
This method was deprecated since SDK version 6.2.0. Use func logout(authType:, unregisterType:=.all, completion:, failure:) instead.
logout (deprecated)
This method is a destructive method that is typically used to clean a user’s data before a second user logs into the same device or just to log the current user out.
This method conducts the following:
- Unregisters from the push notification service.
- Clears all SDK persistent data.
- Cleans running operations (see destruct)
func logout()
This method was deprecated since SDK version 2.8.0. Use func logout(authType:, unregisterType:=.all, completion:, failure:) instead.
logout (deprecated)
Use this API method to clean a user's data before a second user logs into the same device or to log the current user out.
The logout
method conducts the following:
Unregisters from the push notification service based on unregister type provided.
Clears all SDK persistent data.
Cleans running operations (see destruct).
func logout(unregisterType: LPPusherUnregisterType,
completion: @escaping ()->(),
failure: @escaping (_ error: Error)->())
Parameter | Description | Notes |
LPPusherUnregisterType | An enum representing the pusher unregister type | The default option if none provided will be .ALL |
Completion block | A completion block for successfully logout. | Completion block invokes only if all logout steps succeeded. |
Failure block | A failure block with a specified error for logout failure. | Failure block invokes if at least one of the logout steps has failed. |
This method was deprecated since SDK version 6.23.0. Use func logout(authType:, unregisterType:=.all, completion:, failure:) instead.
Notifies the SDK that a push notification was tapped. This method should be called immediately after the host app has determined that a notification was tapped. For scroll behavior on push notification tapped, see LPConfig.conversationScrollConfiguration
public func setPushNotificationTapped()
Availible from 6.15.0 and newer
Sets the welcome message of the SDK. This welcome message overrides the Welcome Message provided with Conversation Parameters. It can be used for customizing the welcome message for the next/current not started conversation at a greater frequency when used alongside messages created and sent while calling the show conversation function.
Calling this method before showing the conversation screen will not have an effect since the welcome message is mandatory/default while calling showConversation API.
Because changes might update UI, should be called on the main thread
public func setWelcomeMessage(_ message: LPWelcomeMessage)
Parameter | Description | Notes |
message | New Welcome Message to be set. |
Generates the parameters necessary to be used for PKCE Code Flow authentication so that an account set up with this type can authenticate. This authentication type supports both step-up as well as multiple IDP setups in CCUI.
This function creates a random string and converts it into two items outlined in the LPPKCEResponse object below. The parameters are not stored within the SDK for security considerations and the codeVerifer should be returned back to the SDK when authenticating with showConversation() or reconnect() in a LPAuthenticationParams object. The authentication code and the redirectURI should also be added to the existing field.
public func getPkceParams(
accountID: String,
completion: @escaping (_ pkceParams: LPPKCEResponse) -> Void,
failure: @escaping (_ error: NSError) -> Void)
Parameter | Description | Required |
accountID | The account or brandID of your LP account | Yes |
Completion | A completion callback which returns a response type of LPPKCEResponse | Yes |
Failure | A failure callback which returns the error in NSError format if PKCE Parameters cannot be generated | Yes |
Allows you to send a message for the consumer without needing to type into the SDK-provided text input and then tap the send button. This can be used in combination with view-only mode to disable the SDK-provided text input and send button.
public func sendText(_ text: String) throws
Parameter | Description | Required |
text | The message you would like to send on behalf of the consumer | Yes |
This method checks for an active(Open) conversation from the server using the Messaging Rest API. It returns the ID of an open conversation by default. This Messaging Rest API may not be enabled for all accounts by default at this time. Please contact your account team for enablement of the backend API.
public func checkActiveConversationFromServer(brandID: String,
authParams: LPAuthenticationParams?,
fullData: Bool = false,
completion: @escaping (_ response: LPGetConversationsResponse) -> Void,
failure: @escaping (_ error: NSError) -> Void)
Parameter | Description | Required |
brandID | The account or brandID of your LP account | Yes |
authParams | An object of LPAuthenticationParams to authenticate the request for an authenticated consumer. Pass as nil for unauthenticated consumers. | No |
fullData | A flag that extends the data filtered from the API. Set to true if you require full conversation details. | No |
completion | A completion callback which returns a response of type LPGetConversationsResponse | Yes |
failure | A failure callback which returns the error in NSError format if the request fails. | Yes |
func getPendingProactiveMessages(_ conversationQuery: ConversationParamProtocol,
authenticationParams: LPAuthenticationParams,
alternateBundleID: String? = nil,
completion: @escaping (_ notifications: [LPNotification]) -> Void,
failure: @escaping (_ error: Error) -> Void)
Parameter | Description | Required | |
conversationQuery | Represents a "filter" for the conversation screen, determining which of the conversations displays in the following screens. | Default: sorts the conversations by account number. | |
authenticationParams | LPAuthenticationParams object to determine the properties of an authenticated connection. | Yes | |
alternateBundleID | An optional value that can be used so that the LivePerson pusher service identifies your app with this identifier. | In debug mode, the SDK appends "-Dev" string to the bundle ID. | No |
completion | A completion callback which returns a response of type LPNotification | Yes | |
failure | A failure callback which returns the error if the request fails. | Yes |