This API retrieves a skill entity and displays its current shift status as defined on the account or skill level. This status is indicated under the onShift parameter which is boolean.

If you use the following API while providing a Skill ID which does not exist under the target account, the API will return a status according to the account level configuration.


Method URL
GET https://{domain}/api/account/{accountId}/skills/{skillId}/shift-status-skill

Request Headers

Header Description
Authorization Contains token string to allow request authentication and authorization: "Bearer {token (jwt)}".

Path Parameters

Parameter Description Type / Value
accountId LivePerson site ID String
skillId Skill ID Long


Response Codes

Code Description
200 OK
401 Not Authenticated
404 Account ID or Skill ID Not Found
500 Internal Server Error

Response Body

Entity Structure

Attribute Description Type/Value Notes
skillId Skill unique ID Long  
onShift Whether the current skill is on shift or not Boolean For skills which did not override the account default configuration, the shift status will be taken from the account level
nextOn The start time of the next shift Long Epoch time in milliseconds. This value can be null if the shift is 24\7
nextOff The end time of the next shift Long Epoch time in milliseconds. This value can be null if the shift is 24\7 or if the skill has no configuration and it uses an account level configuration which is manual and currently off.

Entity Example

        "skillId": 326244912,
        "onShift": false,
        "nextOn": 1535979600000,
        "nextOff": 1535997600000