Android Messaging SDK — Version 3.2

Version 3.2 release: July 1st 2018

Main features

Audio messaging

Type: Consumer Experience Feature

Available to all customers? No. Please contact your account team.

Consumers are now able to send Audio messages to brands which makes the communication even easier.

In Audio messages the Brands can configure:

  1. The maximum length of the message (15 seconds - 2 minutes long by default)

  2. Enable/Disable the feature

  3. Max stored audio messages on device

  4. Tooltips text

Unauthenticated In-App Messaging

Type: Developer Experience Feature

Available to all customers? Yes

Brands can communicate with their consumers in an unauthenticated manner while being able to leverage additional Conversational Cloud capabilities such as Campaigns for Messaging.

Unauthenticated messaging allows brands to:

  1. Easier and quicker on-boarding to Conversational Cloud

  2. Having pre authentication messaging use cases, for example, assistance with password recovery

  3. The ability to use Campaigns for Messaging while having unauthenticated conversations

Quick replies

Type: Consumer Experience Feature

Available to all customers? Yes

Quick Replies enrich the consumer experience by using rich text interactions that guide the consumer throughout the conversation. The consumer is presented with number of brief answers that can be selected in order to navigate the conversation in the right path.

The quick replies can contain the same actions as Structured Content buttons:

  1. Publish Text

  2. Link

  3. Navigation

As Quick Replies contain predefined values, it can dramatically improve communication with Bots and improve both consumer experience and operational efficiency.

Type: Consumer Experience Feature

Available to all customers? Yes

Structured Contend experience is enriched with the Carousel allowing more capabilities, more use cases and moving agents one step forward in being able to provide end to end assistance.

The Carousel consists of more than one card at a time, side by side and the consumer can swipe between cards.

New Devices Certification

The following devices are now also supported and/or certified to host our In-App Messaging SDK:

Operating system
Device v5.X (Lollipop) v6.X (Marshmallow) v7.X (Nougat) v8.X (Oreo)
Xiaomi Mi 6 --------- --------- --------- Certified
Galaxy S9* --------- --------- --------- Certified
  • Photo Sharing functionality is limited on the device. Only photos which were not taken by the device can be shared

Experience and branding enhancements

Type: Consumer Experience Feature

Available to all customers? Yes

The SDK allows Brands to customize the SDK even more, giving a personal touch to their customers.

Large Emojis

When using Emojis in a conversation:

  1. One Emoji: The Emoji will be enlarged to a Extra Large size

  2. Two Emojis: The Emojis will be enlarged to a Large size

  3. More than two Emojis or Emojis with text: The Emojis size will be small

Conversation Window Background Image

A new way for Brands to set their own background to conversation to add a more personal touch. As in fragment mode, LivePerson does not have control over the Activity which contains the conversation window fragment, this feature works only in Activity mode. In Fragment mode, brands can add the background picture on the Activity window.


New APIs

API Description
public static void registerLPPusher(String brandId, String appId, String gcmToken, LPAuthenticationParams authenticationParams,final ICallback<Void, Exception> registrationCompletedCallback) added authenticationParams parameter. If passed, this method will register immediately to LPPusher without needing to open the conversation view first (showConversation). New registrationCompletedCallback callback parameter will be called back when registration to LPPusher is succeed or failed
public static void getEngagement(Context context, @Nullable ArrayList<LPMonitoringIdentity> identities, MonitoringParams monitoringParams, EngagementCallback callback) List<LPMonitoringIdentity> replaced previous consumerId parameter — an array of identity objects of type LpMonitoringIdentity which includes the details of the consumer
public static void sendSde(Context context, @NonNull ArrayList<LPMonitoringIdentity> identities, @NonNull MonitoringParams monitoringParams, SdeCallback callback) List<LPMonitoringIdentity> replaced previous consumerId parameter — an array of identity objects of type LpMonitoringIdentity which includes the details of the consumer
Class LPMonitoringIdentity A new class that contains String consumerId, String issuer to provide identities to the new getEngagement() and sendSde() methods (Monitoring API)
LPAuthenticationType → Added new enum instance to LPAuthenticationParams This enum is used for determine the authentication type with the following options: SIGN_UP (default) // old unauthenticated method. Is deprecated as of July 2019 UN_AUTH AUTH

Deprecated APIs

API Description
@Deprecated public static void registerLPPusher(String brandId, String appId, String gcmToken) See new APIs for the new API

Removed APIs

API Description
public static void getEngagement(Context context, @Nullable String consumerId MonitoringParams monitoringParams, EngagementCallback callback)
public static void sendSde(Context context, @NonNull String consumerId, @NonNull MonitoringParams monitoringParams, SdeCallback callback)


Experience and branding enhancements

Parameter Description Default Value
is_enable_enlarge_emojis When true, user and remote user messages containing one or two emojis will be enlarged in chat. Messages with one emoji will be the largest, two emojis will be large, and 3 or more will be displayed as normal text. false
conversation_background Sets the conversation background image
Parameter Description Default Value
agent_bubble_link_preview_background_stroke_color The border color of the link preview bubble sent by the agent. #EDEDED
agent_bubble_link_preview_background_stroke_width The border width of the link preview bubble sent by the agent. 1dp
consumer_bubble_link_preview_background_stroke_color The border color of the link preview bubble sent by the consumer. #EDEDED
consumer_bubble_link_preview_background_stroke_width The border width of the link preview bubble sent by the consumer. 1dp

Structured Content

Parameter Description Default Value
structured_content_bottom_right_radius Sets the radius of the bottom right corner radius of structured content card. 0dp
structured_content_top_left_radius Configuration for top left corner radius of structured content card. 0dp
structured_content_top_right_radius Configuration for top right corner radius of structured content card. 0dp
structured_content_bottom_left_radius Configuration for bottom left corner radius of structured content card. 0dp
structured_content_background_color The background color of structured content card #FFFFFF
conversation_background The background image of conversation screen No value

Audio messaging

Parameter Description Default Value
lp_record_max_time_seconds Maximum voice recording time in seconds 120 seconds
max_number_stored_voice_files Maximum number of voice files stored on the device 20 messages
enable_voice_sharing Enable/disable voice sharing false

Quick replies

Parameter Description Default Value
lpui_quick_reply_button_vertical_padding Quick Replies button padding above and below the button text 12dp
lpui_quick_reply_button_horizontal_padding Quick Replies button padding on right and left of button text 12dp
lpui_quick_reply_button_vertical_margin Quick Replies button margin below 12dp
lpui_quick_reply_button_horizontal_margin Quick Replies button margin to the right 8dp
lpui_quick_reply_button_border_width Quick Replies button border width 1dp

Deprecated Configurations

Parameter Description Default Value

Strings localization

Audio messaging

Key Description Default text
lp_accessibility_voice Accessibility on the mic button "Voice"
lp_mic_tooltip_long_press Tooltip shown when short tapping the mic button. “Long tap to record”
lp_mic_tooltip_release Tooltip shown when keeping mic tapped. “Release for recording”
lp_mic_tooltip_max_recording Tooltip shown when the maximum recording time reached. “Recording limit has been reached, click to send”

Unauthenticated In-App Messaging

Key Description Default text
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_title The title of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. "New Conversation"
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_message The body of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. “Hi there! As we haven't seen you for a while, we're opening a new conversation for you”
lp_new_unauth_user_dialog_positive_button The button of the presented dialog when the identity is expired. “Ok”

Quick replies

Key Description Default text
lpmessaging_ui_quick_replies_section Accessibility string when hovering on the Quick Replies control
lpmessaging_ui_quick_replies_button_content_description Accessibility string when hovering on the Quick Replies button

Features enablement chart

Feature Backend update Backend enablement Backend configuration SDK enablement SDK configuration
Audio Messaging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unauthenticated Messaging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Quick Replies Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Structured Content Carousel Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Branding Enhancements No No No Yes Yes