Release date: August 10, 2020


Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.3.0 release provides a new feature to display hyperlink with bug fixes.

Environment requirements

The Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.3.0 uses:

  • Minimum API version 19
  • Compile API version 29
  • Target API version 29
  • Maps SDK ""

(unchanged from version 5.2.0)

New features

Users using the enhanced Agent Workspace have the ability to share hyperlinks with consumers during a messaging conversation. Now, they can share it with consumers that are messaging over the Mobile SDK.


How to enable

  • KB article: Hyperlinks overview
  • AC feature and site settings to enable:
    • AC features: Messaging.Agent_Link_Sending
    • Site settings: le.agent.messaging.showEnhancedAgentWorkspace = true


  • “Link Preview” will be disabled if Hyperlink in messaging is enabled.
  • Hyperlink in messaging from consumer to agent is not supported.

New attributes

Enable or disable hyperlink support. Agent won’t be able to send hyperlink messages if set to false.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: true

Define the copy content of a link message. Copying the message will copy both message and hyperlink. Only the message will be copied if set to true.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: false

Set the link message text color.

  • Type: color
  • Default value: @color/lp_consumer_action_highLight_color


Enable or disable the action button of the keyboard. If enabled, pressing the action button will send a message. Multi line messages are not supported if enabled.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: false


Define if SDK shows conversation until pass authentication check.

  • Type: bool
  • Default value: true

Secure Element Encryption

The SDK now performs all encryption through the system Secure Encryption Element (hardware-backed Android Keystore) on devices running Android 6.0 and higher.

To take advantage of the new encryption process on existing installations, each Host App instance should call logout() and then log back in after upgrading to this version of the SDK or later.

Bugs fixed

  • Optimized the logout process: Logout time has been decreased with this optimization.
  • Fixed a bug that the “Enter” key can’t move the cursor to a new line for some input methods. Provided a configuration enable_ime_options_action_send to set the behavior of keyboard action key.
  • Fixed inconsistency of masked PII messages by fetching all closed conversation messages from the history server.
  • Fixed a bug which would report Keystore Exceptions due to use of an old API on devices running Android P.
  • Fixed a bug that attributes sc_buttonElement_text_color and sc_buttonElement_background_color failed to change the style of structured content button element.