This method provides a list of file names that contain a breakdown of the Actual handle time calculation. The file contains all the handling time units (HTUs) that contribute to the total handling time. Using the file list you should be able to pull the content of the files using the Get Agent Segments Breakdown File

Note: This API is not available by default. To enable it please contact your account manager.


Method URL
GET https://{domain}/api/account//agent-segments/breakdown?from=&to&source=<sourceName

Request Query Parameters

Name Description Type Required? Default Notes
source Used to describe the originator of the call. The source name should be unique for every project/process within the organization string Required   Source name should be up to 20 characters. Must match the following regex: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$ Example: LP_AgentUI
from Query start date. This parameter indicates what is the earliest time to pull records from (earliest segment close time). [RFC 3339 date-time string Optional 24h No more than 1 month in the past
fromMillis Query start date (same as above) in Epoch time format long — Epoch time in milliseconds Optional   If provided, “from” element should not be provided
to Query end date. This parameter indicates what is the latest time to pull records (latest segment close time). [RFC 3339 date-time string Optional   Maximum 1 week timeframe in a single request
toMillis Query end date (same as above) in Epoch time format long — Epoch time in milliseconds Optional   If provided, “to” element should not be provided


Property Name Description Type Notes
timeframe   object  
startTime The start of the requested time frame ISO format. UTC timezone  
endTime The end of the requested time frame ISO format. UTC timezone  
startTimeL The start of the requested time frame long — Epoch time  
endTimeL The end of the requested time frame long — Epoch time  
files Container of the breakdown file names container  

Response Example

  "timeframe": {
    "startTime": "2021-12-28T14:00:00Z",
    "endTime": "2021-12-28T20:00:00Z",
    "endTimeL": "1640721600000",
    "startTimeL": "1640700000000"
  "files": [

Error Codes

Code name Description
404 Not Found no paths were found in hdfs for the given timeframe
206 Partial Content one or more paths were not found in hdfs for the given timeframe