These attributes are relevant for version 4.1 of the SDK and lower. For the list of current attributes, please see this document.
The goal of the following document is to enumerate the different fields controlling design attributes in the SDK. If a clearer view of which attribute corresponds with a design element is needed, please utilize the Attributes Design Sheet.
Agent assignment
When using getAssignedAgent
method, lets you get assigned agents from active conversations only, or from the last closed conversation in case there is no active conversation. If no assigned agent is available, this method returns nil.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Audio support
Maximum time frame for recording audio message (in seconds).
- Type: TimeInterval (Double)
- Default value: 120
When set to true, the audio sharing features gets enabled.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false (disabled)
Number representing how many audio files saved on the disk. Exceeding the max value of files get deleted when the app closes.
- Type: Int
- Default value: 20
The brand name will be shown as a title on toolbar when there is no active conversation.
- Type: String
- Default value: "" (Empty String)
Color code for the entire view background.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Custom font name for conversation feed, which affects all messages, timestamps and separators. If the fonts are not part of the iOS families, you must define them in App's Info.plist.
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Custom font name for all non conversation feed controls. Such as: Buttons, Alerts, Banners, Menu and External Windows. If the fonts are not part of the iOS families, you must define them in App's Info.plist.
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Array of images for creating the custom refresh controller that loops the images from the array. You must have two or more images in the array for it to work properly.
- Type: <ArrayUIImage>?
- Default value: nil
Custom refresh controller speed animation define the full images loop time. Smaller values create high speed animation.
Type: Float
- Default value: 2
When not nil, use this attribute as the conversation portrait background image. When an image is shown, it is recommended to set dateSeparatorBackgroundColor
config to clear.
- Type: UIImage;
- Default value: nil
When not nil, use this attibute as the conversation landscape background image. When an image is shown, it is recommended to set dateSeparatorBackgroundColor
config to clear.
- Type: UIImage;
- Default value: nil
Defines the content mode of the conversation background image.
- Type: UIViewContentMode;
- Default value: scaleToFill
Connection Status Bar
Color code for the background of the connection status bar while connecting.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #f5f5f5f2
Color code for the text of the connection status bar while connecting.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #46474a
Color code for the background of the connection status bar when connection failed.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #000000cc
Color code for the text of the connection status bar when connection failed.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Controller message
Color code for the text of the controller bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5b5c5e
![controller bubble text color](img/controllerbubletextcolor.png)
Number of conversations to show in advance.
- Type: UInt
- Default value: 2
Upon SDK initialization, all closed conversations with an end date older than X months get deleted from the database. Setting 0 deletes all closed conversations.
- Type: UInt
- Default value: 13
Maximum number of minutes to send the message.
- Type: UInt
- Default value: 60
Conversation separator text and line color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Toggle conversation separator text message when conversation resolved from agent or consumer.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Toggle conversation separator line when conversation resolved from agent or consumer.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Define the conversation closed separator font size.
- Type: UIFontTextStyle
- Default value: UIFontTextStyle.caption1
Define the conversation Closed label to separator line padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 7
Custom font name for conversation closed separator. Fonts that are not part of the iOS families, must be defined in App's Info.plist.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 7
Define the conversation separator view bottom padding.
- Type: String
- Default value: nil
Define the conversation Closed Separator Top padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 5
Toggle vibration sound when a remote user sends a new message.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
If true, show agent is typing indicator in selected position and accessibility will announce when agent is typing a message to the consumer. If false, will not show any indication, and will not announce when agent is typing a message.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
If true, shows agent is typing indicator in a message bubble. If false, show indicator under Agent label in navigator bar. if announceAgentTyping is false, will not show any "is typing" indicator regardless of current value.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Data masking
When set to true, you can control which part of the text to mask. All masked data appear as asterisks and gets saved to the local DB masked and sent to the server unmasked.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
When set to true, you can control which part of the text to mask. All masked data appear as asterisks and gets saved to the local DB masked and sent to the server unmasked.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
A regular expression string that lets you can control which part of the text to mask. All masked data appear as asterisks and gets saved to the local DB masked and sent to the server unmasked.
The regular expression patterns and behavior are based on Perl's regular expressions. See Apple Reference.
- Type: String
- Default value: "" (Empty String) — no regex
A regular expression string that lets you can control which part of the text to mask. All masked data appear as asterisks and gets saved to the local DB masked and sent to the server unmasked.
The regular expression patterns and behavior are based on Perl's regular expressions. See Apple Reference.
- Type: String
- Default value: "" (Empty String) — no regex
Date and time
Custom formatting for date string (day, year, …), for example, "d MMM". If not defined, one of the default styles will be used (see timestamps formatting).
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Custom formatting for time string (hours, lpDateTimeFormat minutes..), for example, "hh:mm a". If not defined, one of the default styles will be used (see timestamps formatting).
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Custom formatting for date and time string, for example, "EEEE MM/dd/YY hh:mm a". If not defined, one of the default styles will be used (see timestamps formatting).
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Date separator
Color code for date separator title background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Color code for date separator text color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #46474A
Color code for date separator line background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.clear
Color code for date separator background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #FFFFFF
Define the Date Separator font text style.
- Type: UIFontTextStyle
- Default value: UIFontTextStyle.footnote
Custom font name for Timestamp. Fonts that are not part of the iOS families, must be defined in App's Info.plist.
- Type: String
- Default value: nil
Define the Date Separator top padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 0
Define the Date Separator bottom padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 0
Delivery Notifications
Checkmark visibility of the following options (type CheckmarksState): SentOnly — Show checkmarks for only Sent messages. SentAndAccepted — Show checkmarks for only Sent and Accepted messages. All — Show checkmarks for Sent, Accepted and Read messages.
- Type: CheckmarksState(Integer Enum)
- Default value: CheckmarksState.All
Color of checkmark indication signs of Read messages.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004DC9
Color of checkmark indication signs of Distributed messages.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5B5C5E
Color of checkmark indication signs of Sent messages.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5B5C5E
Two options for read indication: Read Receipt with Text Mode Read. Receipt with Icon Mode. If the parameter set as true the mode will be Text. If the parameter set as false the mode will be Icon.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
When false (default), timestamps display information relative to when sent/distributed/read, for example, "sent 5 minutes ago". When true, shows as numeric only, for example, "11:32".
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
Duration of local notifications
Display duration of the local notification in seconds. When in VoiceOver mode it gets extended to 60 sec.
Examples: TimeToRespond notification, local notification, etc.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 3 (60 when in VoiceOver mode)
Link preview
Enable or disable link preview feature. If disabled, user will not see site's link preview or link preview.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Color code for the background of the link preview area inside cell.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Color code for the title text inside link preview area inside cell.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Color code for the description text inside link preview area inside cell.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5B5C5E
Color code for the description site name link preview area inside cell.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #E2E3E3
Double number for the outline width of link preview area inside cell.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 1.0
Refers to the style in which the link preview cell will be displayed.
- Type: LPUrlPreviewStyle
- Default value: LPUrlPreviewStyle.slim
The background color of the url real time preview.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
The border color of the url real time preview.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
The border width of the url real time preview.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 1.0
The title text color of the url real time preview.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.Black
The description text color of the url real time preview.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5b5c5e
The urlPreview attribute also uses non-OG tags to parse urls instead of using only OG tags if useNonOGTagsForLinkPreview is true.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Country code: When it is not nil, it will be combined with "language" ("language_country", for example: en_US) and used instead of device default locale when formatting date and time. If no value is provided, the SDK will use the country according to the device's locale.
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Language used instead of default device language.
The LPLanguage enum contains all languages supported by the MessagingSDK, and affects the following areas:
Used when getting localized strings.
Combined with "country" ("language_country", for example: en_US) and used instead of default device locale when formatting time and date. If no value is provided, the SDK uses the device's language as default.
- Type: LPLanguage
- Default value: DeviceLanguage
Background color of navigation bar in conversation screen.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #0362AC
Navigation title color in conversation screen.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #FFFFFF
Status bar style in conversation screen.
- Type: UIStatusBarStyle
- Default value: .LightContent
Photo and file sharing
True — Enables Photo Sharing feature, False — Disables Photo Sharing.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
This number represents how many files will be saved on the disk. Exceeding files are deleted when the app closes.
- Type: Int
- Default value: 20
Photo Sharing menu background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #0362AC
Photo Sharing menu buttons background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Photo Sharing menu buttons tint color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #0362AC
Photo Sharing menu buttons text color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Photo Sharing Camera button color in enabled mode in the conversation screen. Will be presented only if photo sharing feature is enabled.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #0362AC
Photo Sharing Camera button color in disabled mode in the conversation screen. Will be presented only if photo sharing feature is enabled.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #8B8A8F
Radial loader fill color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor(white: 0.0, alpha: 0.5)
Radial loader progress color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Radial loader progress background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.lightGray
The disabled/enabled color of the Camera button, which is in the input text view, changes according to the sendButtonDisabledTextColor
and sendButtonEnabledTextColor
Photo sharing open menu custom button.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Photo sharing close menu custom button.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Custom camera image in the photo sharing menu.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Custom Library image in the photo sharing menu.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Custom file image in the file Sharing Menu.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Image for custom the thumbnail of unsupported files in file sharing.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Image for custom the thumbnail of PDF files in file sharing.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Image for custom the thumbnail of PPTX files in file sharing
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Image for custom the thumbnail of DOCX files in file sharing
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Image for custom the thumbnail of XLSX files in file sharing
- Type: UIImage
- Default value:
Color code for the empty state label.
- Type: UIColor()
- Default value: black
Quick reply
Distance between the bottom and top edges of the button to the bottom and top edges of the text.
- Type: CGFloat
- Default value: 10.0
Distance between the right and left edges of the button to the right and left edges of the text.
- Type: CGFloat
- Default value: 15.0
Vertical padding between quick reply buttons.
- Type: CGFloat
- Default value: 10.0
Horizontal padding between quick reply buttons.
- Type: CGFloat
- Default value: 10.0
Border size of Quick Reply buttons.
- Type: CGFloat
- Default value: 1.0
Secure form
Back button color in secure form screen.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Should display status bar of the secure form screen in Light Content Mode (UIStatusBarStyle).
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Background color of navigation bar in secure form screen.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #229A49
Navigation title color in secure form screen.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Secure form bubble background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Secure form bubble border color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #d4d4d5
Secure form bubble border width in pixels.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 2.0
Secure form bubble form title color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Secure form bubble fill form text button color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5b5c5e
Secure form bubble fill form text button color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004dc9
Secure form bubble fill form button background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.clear
Secure form bubble form image tint color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004dc9
Secure form custom font name to be used while user is filling the secure form. If not set, the default font will be Helvetica.
- Type: String
- Default value: Helvetica
Secure form flag for hiding the secure form logo in the top of the form.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
Secure form loading indicator color while loading form before opening.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #46474a
Send button
Color code for Send and Camera (of Photo Sharing) buttons in disabled mode.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #AAAAAA
Color code for Send and Camera (of Photo Sharing) buttons in disabled mode.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #0362AC
Send button Image in the conversation screen. The custom image changes only if isSendMessageButtonInTextMode
= false.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value: SDK bundle sendMessageIcon Icon
You have two options for the send message button mode: text mode (taken from localized resources) and icon mode.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: text mode
Structured content
Enable or Disable toggle for Structured Content feature in conversations.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
Structured Content bubble border width in pixels.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 1.0
Structured Content bubble border color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004DC9
Structured Content bubble top left corner radius in pixels.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8.0
Structured Content bubble top right corner radius in pixels.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8.0
Structured Content bubble bottom left corner radius in pixels.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8.0
Structured Content bubble bottom right corner radius in pixels.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8.0
Structured Content Latitude Delta Span. Used to determine which area of the map to focus on. If you set this attribute, you must also set structuredContentMapLongitudeDeltaSpan
. This parameter is used to create an MKCoordinateSpan.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 0.01
Structured Content Longitude Delta Span. Used to determine which area of the map to focus on. If you set this attribute, you must also set structuredContentMapLatitudeDeltaDeltaSpan
. This parameter is used to create an MKCoordinateSpan.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 0.01
Survey buttons (CSAT and FCR)
Corner radius of the Submit button.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 30
Corner radius of the resolution Yes/No buttons.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 25
Background color code of the Submit button.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #229A49
Text color code of the Submit button.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Background Color code of the rating buttons.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #229A49
Color code for the FCR survey buttons (YES/NO) when selected.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #229A49
Title text color for all labels.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Hides the FCR survey (YES/NO) question.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
Hides the view of agent avatar and name.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Hides the Thank You screen after tapping Submit button.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
Background color of the navigation of the survey.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #229A49
Text color of the title in the survey navigation.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Skip survey button color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Allow the UI status bar to take the color of the survey navigation bar color.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Hides the whole survey view and disables it.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Expiration of CSAT in minutes from the moment the conversation was ended. If Survey exceeded the expiration, it does not get presented to the user.
- Type: UInt
- Default value: 1440
System messages
Color code for the text of the system messages.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Time to response and off hours
When set to true, the TTR notifications show with off hours. When the auto messages feature is enabled, TTR notifications do not display when the auto messages feature is enabled, regardless of the value set for this attribute.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Enable or disable shift toaster ('An agent will respond…’).
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Number of seconds before the first Time to Respond (TTR) notification appears.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 10
When set to true, the timestamp of the TTR notification displays. Otherwise, the "An agent will respond shortly" message displays.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
Controls the TTR frequency, for example, don’t show the TTR more than once in 8 seconds.
- Type: UInt
- Default value: 8
When set to true, the Urgent button shows in the TTR notification.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
Enable or disable the off-hours toaster.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Background color for banner.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #52A742
Text color of the banner.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #52A742
Opacity level of the banner background (values: 0.0 – 1.0).
- Type: Double
- Default value: 0.8
Off Hours time zone name string based on [NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames]. If sending empty string, the local timezone will be used (Server sends UTC time).
- Type: String
- Default value: "" (Empty String)
Unread messages
Scroll to bottom button background color of the whole button.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Scroll to bottom button text color of the last unread message preview.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Scroll to bottom button unread message badge background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #E7242D
Scroll to bottom button unread message badge text color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Scroll to bottom button arrow tint color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Unread Messages divider background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #F5F5F5
Unread Messages divider text color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004DC9
Toggle the mode of the Scroll to bottom button.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Toggle the mode of the Scroll to bottom unread message text preview.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Toggle the mode of the Unread Messages divider. If unreadMessagesDividerEnabled is disabled, the "scroll to bottom" button will scroll to bottom of the conversation but the count indicator and message preview will not be displayed".
Regardless of unreadMessagesDividerEnabled value, the conversation screen will always scrolls to the last position where the user left off.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: true
Define the corners radius of the unread messages bubble.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8 for all the corners
Define the corner radius for the left top and left bottom of the scroll down indicator.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 20 for left top and the left bottom corners
Define the corners radius of the unread messages counter inside the scroll down indicator.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 12 for all the corners
User avatar
Background color of the remote user’s avatar.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004DC9
Define the remote avatar Leading padding (left edge to avatar).
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8
Define the remote avatar Trailing padding (Avatar to bubble).
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8
Icon color of default remoteUser avatar.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #FFFFFF
Default Avatar image of the remote user. When assigned, image disables the remoteUserAvatarBackgroundColor
and remoteUserAvatarIconColor
configurations. If remote user has an avatar image in his profile, this attribute gets ignored.
- Type: UIImage?
- Default value: nil
Set avatar image for the brand, and is an optional UIImage that if set to nil a default avatar displays. Image ratio must be 1:1 (square) and at least 50x50 pixels.
- Type: UIImage?
- Default value: nil
Background color of agent's default avatar in CSAT.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004DC9
Icon color of agent's default avatar in CSAT.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #FFFFFF
User input view
User Input TextView container background color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #F5F5F5
User Input TextView corner radius.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 20.0
User's bubble
Color code for the background of the remote user's bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004DC9
Color code for the outline color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #004DC9
Color code for links in the text of the remote user's bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Color code for the text of the remote user's bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Double number for the outline width.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 2
Color code for the timestamp of the remote user's bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5B5C5E
Color of the remote user typing bubbles animation.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: UIColor.white
Color of the remote user's bubble overlay when user uses a long press gesture on the bubble. Overlay will appear as long as the menu controller appears on the bubble. When the menu dismissed, overlay will disappear too. In order to show overlay, enableBubblesOverlayOnLongPress should be true.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Alpha of the remote user's bubble overlay when user uses a long press gesture on the bubble. Value can be 0.0 – 1.0. Overlay will appear as long as the menu controller appears on the bubble. When the menu is dismissed, overlay will disappear too. In order to show overlay, enableBubblesOverlayOnLongPress should be true.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 0.3
Top left Radius corner on the Remote bubble. Setting the radius to a value greater than 0.0 causes the bubble's layer to begin drawing rounded corners on its background. This attribute affects the bubble's masking and it's recommended to use a corner radius which is at max equals to half of the bubble's height. Setting a corner radius larger than half of the bubble's height will cause text to cut visually.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8
Top right Radius corner on the Remote bubble. Setting the radius to a value greater than 0.0 causes the bubble's layer to begin drawing rounded corners on its background. This attribute affects the bubble's masking and it's recommended to use a corner radius which is at max equals to half of the bubble's height. Setting a corner radius larger than half of the bubble's height will cause text to cut visually.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8
Bottom left Radius corner on the Remote bubble. Setting the radius to a value greater than 0.0 causes the bubble's layer to begin drawing rounded corners on its background. This attribute affects the bubble's masking and it's recommended to use a corner radius which is at max equals to half of the bubble's height. Setting a corner radius larger than half of the bubble's height will cause text to cut visually.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 0
Bottom right Radius corner on the Remote bubble. Setting the radius to a value greater than 0.0 causes the bubble's layer to begin drawing rounded corners on its background. This attribute affects the bubble's masking and it's recommended to use a corner radius which is at max equals to half of the bubble's height. Setting a corner radius larger than half of the bubble's height will cause text to cut visually.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8
Color code for the background of the visitor bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #EDEDED
Color code for the outline color.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #EDEDED
Color code for links in the text of the visitor bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #0000ee
Color code for the text of the visitor bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Double number for the outline width.
- Type: Double
- Default value: 1
Color code for the timestamp of the visitor bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5B5C5E
Color code for the send status text of the visitor bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #5B5C5E
Color code for the error view text of the visitor bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #DE0A23
Color code for the error view border of the visitor bubble.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value: #DE0A23
Color of the user's bubble overlay when user uses a long press gesture on the bubble. Overlay will appear as long as the menu controller appears on the bubble. When the menu is dismissed, overlay will disappear too. In order to show overlay, enableBubblesOverlayOnLongPress should be true.
- Type: UIColor
- Default value:
Alpha of the user's bubble overlay when user use long press gesture on the bubble. Value can be 0.0 – 1.0. Overlay will appear as long as the menu controller appears on the bubble, when the menu dismissed, overlay will disappear too. In order to show overlay enableBubblesOverlayOnLongPress should be true.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 0.3
Top left Radius corner on the user's bubble. Setting the radius to a value greater than 0.0 causes the bubble's layer to begin drawing rounded corners on its background. This attribute affects the bubble's masking and it's recommended to use a corner radius which is at max equals to half of the bubble's height. Setting a corner radius larger than half of the bubble's height will cause text to cut visually.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8
Top right Radius corner on the user's bubble. Setting the radius to a value greater than 0.0 causes the bubble's layer to begin drawing rounded corners on its background. This attribute affects the bubble's masking and it's recommended to use a corner radius which is at max equals to half of the bubble's height. Setting a corner radius larger than half of the bubble's height will cause text to cut visually.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8
Bottom left Radius corner on the user's bubble. Setting the radius to a value greater than 0.0 causes the bubble's layer to begin drawing rounded corners on its background. This attribute affects the bubble's masking and it's recommended to use a corner radius which is at max equals to half of the bubble's height. Setting a corner radius larger than half of the bubble's height will cause text to cut visually.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 8
Bottom right Radius corner on the user's bubble. Setting the radius to a value greater than 0.0 causes the bubble's layer to begin drawing rounded corners on its background. This attribute affects the bubble's masking and it's recommended to use a corner radius which is at max equals to half of the bubble's height. Setting a corner radius larger than half of the bubble's height will cause text to cut visually.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 0
Regular expression for email hyperlinks in users messages (consumer and agent). This attribute is optional. If not assigned, the default link detection will be enabled.
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Regular expression for url hyperlinks in users messages (consumer and agent). This attribute is optional. If not assigned, the default link detection will be enabled.
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Regular expression for phone hyperlinks in users messages (consumer and agent). This attribute is optional. If not assigned, the default link detection will be enabled.
- Type: String?
- Default value: nil
Define the bubble Top Padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 10
Define the bubble bottom Padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 10
Define the bubble Leading Padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 10
Define the bubble Trailing Padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 10
Define the bubble Trailing Padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 5
Define the bubble Timestamp Top Padding.
- Type: Float
- Default value: 5
When true, user and remote user messages containing one or two emojis will be enlarged in chat. Messages with one emoji will be the largest, two emojis will be large, and 3 or more will be displayed as normal text.
- Type: Bool
- Default value: false
Window mode
(Window mode only) Custom button icon image that displays on the navigation bar. When pressed, the LPMessagingSDKCustomButtonTapped callback gets invoked.
- Type: UIImage
- Default value: nil