Release date: April 30, 2024


Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.21.0 release includes new features, enhancements and bug fixes.

Environment requirements

The Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.21.0 uses:

  • Minimum API version 21
  • Compile API version 34
  • Target API version 34
  • Maps SDK ""
  • Structured Content Library “”
  • Date Picker Library “”
  • Appointment List Library ""

New features

  • SDK can now render the Welcome Message set on Window Configuration on Mobile Engagement. Reach out to your account representative to enable and adjust.
  • SDK now allows users to switch to picture-in-picture mode. This allows users to minimize the call view while the call is still active and see/interact with the chat view. Check this attribute for more information. Picture in Picture is supported on Android N (API 24) and above. Previous versions will default to full screen call view.


  • Removed configuration thumbnail_longer_dimension_resize. The default value = 100 will be used.
  • Improved conversation initiation by sending messages improvements.
  • Updated nimbus-jose-jwt library's version to prevent vulnerabilities. Check this table for more information.

Bugs fixed

  • Fixed issue for authentication headers with unexpected chars. Original issue.
  • Fixed crash caused by ViewHolders representation.
  • Fixed crash caused by attempt to write a readonly database.
  • Fixed crash caused by certificate pinning keys setup. Update doc how to setup certificate pinning keys for Android can be found here.
  • Internal bug fixes.