Release date: October 18, 2021
Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.8.0 release includes Schedule Slot List support, Dark Mode for Date Picker, Android 12 support and enhancements.
Environment requirements
The Android Mobile Messaging SDK version 5.8.0 uses:
- Minimum API version 21
- Compile API version 31
- Target API version 31
- Maps SDK ""
- Structured Content Library “”
- Date Picker Library “”
- Schedule Slot List Library ""
(compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion bump to 31)
New features
Schedule Slot List allows brand agents to send the Structured Content to consumers to share available appointment slots within in-app messaging. Here is the Schedule Slot List Template.

ScheduleSlotList JSON schema is only supported on accounts using UMS version 4.2, please contact your LivePerson representative (other contact options: chat with us on this page, or message Support) to validate your account qualifies for this feature.
Date Picker now supports Dark Mode.

Bugs fixed
- Crash on initialization/logout.
- Deep link fails to open.
- Secure form self closed after returning to the app.
- When the conversation comes from background to foreground, instead of always requesting authCode from IDP, SDK will check if it has the token (LP_JWT), then connect to UMS and let UMS do the expiration check. If the token is not available, then request authCode before connecting to UMS.
- Support markdown hyperlink in controller bot message.